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Chapter 647: Pretending to be the police station

Compared with alleys and lanes in Nanjing and Shanghai, Lanyue Alley is not deep.

There are often dozens of households in the lanes of Nanjing and Shanghai, but there are only a dozen or so in Lanyue Alley.

Short and delicate.

It completely matches the overall temperament of Suzhou.

There were three or four suspicious people at the north exit of Baihua Lane. Although they were wearing various clothes, some were carrying baskets, and some were squatting on the ground playing chess, Lin Chuang knew at a glance that these people were definitely not ordinary people.

Because they will take a special look at everyone who comes out of the alley.

But the strange thing is that Zhang Shouzheng is still not seen. Moreover, there are no buildings nearby that are convenient for surveillance, which can rule out the possibility that Zhang Shouzheng is hiding elsewhere and commanding secretly.

Lin Chuang believed that Zhang Shouzheng must know Lu Ze.

Deputy Director of the Intelligence Division of the Military Command Bureau, what a big figure he is? If he is caught, what a big achievement it will be? Even if you want to take a long-term approach to fishing for big fish, wait for tomorrow and catch all Lu Ze and everyone who is in contact with him.

, shouldn’t Zhang Shouzheng host it on the spot?

Where did he go?

If he was one of his subordinates who neglected his duties like this, he would definitely be severely punished!

However, his absence is a good thing for me.

Obviously, Lu Ze is taking shelter in Baihua Lane. Whether it is a rented house or the aboriginals in this lane have long been staffed by military intelligence personnel is unknown, but he cannot escape now. He is waiting for his own rescue. This is certain.


Then, the most urgent task is to find out in which courtyard he is hiding.

Of course, it's a little difficult now because it's bright and sunny and it's hard to hide.

If it were night, with the cover of darkness, Liu Ermeng could walk freely through these bungalow courtyards.

What to do?

It was impossible to knock on doors one by one. Letting Liu Ermeng enter through Lanyue Lane could hide the secrets from the spies, but if the residents mistakenly thought there was a thief and called him, the spies would also be attracted.

Lin Chuang scratched his scalp a few times, and suddenly an idea came to his mind: "The police station has records of the house rental and the information of each household, including whose relatives have come to stay temporarily. Why don't I go to the police station to check? Forget it.

If Lu Ze or perhaps the existing military agents deliberately conceal the rental information, they will definitely find useful clues. Moreover, the police station is a subordinate of the puppet government and they are all Chinese. If they pretend to be Japanese, it will definitely open the door to convenience.

Yes, let’s do it.”

Having an idea, Lin Chuang did not hesitate, stopped a passerby who was passing by, and asked: "Excuse me, how can I get to the police station in charge of this area?"

The man looked at Lin Chuang and Liu Ermeng and replied: "Go east for more than a mile. On the north side is the Wuzhong Police Station. There is a sign at the door, so it is easy to find."

"Oh, thank you."

Lin Chuang thanked him and walked eastward with Liu Ermeng.

Following the man's instructions, we quickly found the police station.

There is a vertical sign with black characters on a white background hanging at the door, which reads: "Wuzhong Police Station, Wuxian Police Station."

There were two policemen standing guard at the door.

The two policemen were wearing cyan uniforms and carrying long guns on their backs. The most unaccustomed thing was that they both wore round white hats.

It's not accurate to say that the hat is white. To be precise, it should be wheat or bamboo color. Anyway, I don't know what kind of material it is made of. It is just like the kind of hats often worn by people who came back from Southeast Asia.

Unlike steel helmets, which can block bullets, and different from straw hats, which are lightweight and provide protection from the sun, they appear thick and clumsy. In Lin Chuang's view, the only advantage of wearing such a hat is that it is very easy to identify - it makes people look like a police officer.

"Stop, what are you doing?" A policeman blocked the way of Lin Chuang and Liu Ermeng.

"What's wrong?" Lin Chuang said coldly and arrogantly in Japanese.

When he saw the arrogant look on the policeman's face and his complete disregard for the "service public", he cursed in Japanese: "Are you eating shit? Why are you so crazy?"

Anyway, he doesn't understand.

It doesn't matter even if you understand.

The Japanese are now the masters of Suzhou. These hateful policemen are all pro-Japanese elements. They are all good at bullying their compatriots. When they see the Japanese, they feel like they are meeting their ancestors.

Sure enough, when the policeman heard that it was in Japanese, he was confused at first, and then his face seemed to have a "face-changing" function, and he instantly changed into a smile: "It turns out to be Taijun. Taijun, what did you say?"

"I asked you if you have eaten?" Lin Chuang said coldly.

The policeman was stunned, feeling that the painting style had changed too quickly, and thought to himself: "You can speak Chinese? Then why are you pretending to be so stupid? Little Japan is so disgusting!"

"Oh, I ate it, I ate it, thank you Taijun. Is there anything you need help with, Taijun?"

After thinking about it, he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction, but nodded and bowed, looking quite flattered.

"What the hell, I asked you if you had eaten shit, and you said you had, and you still want to thank me. How mean!" Lin Chuang thought to himself.

"I want to rent a house, come and see where there are vacancies." Lin Chuang replied.

"Okay, okay, rent a house. Taijun, I will take you there myself." The policeman was very enthusiastic and diligently led Lin Chuang to an office.

There is a sign across the door of the office: "Household Registration Unit".

There are three people in the office, drinking tea and having fun.

"Chief Su, this prince wants to rent a house. Come and check where there are available houses." The policeman said to one of them.

"Oh oh oh... Taijun, please take a seat quickly." When the Chief of Staff Su heard that he was Japanese, he stood up hurriedly.

Because I got up in a hurry, my pocket got hung up on the armrest of my chair. There was a "stab" sound, and a hole was left in my pocket.

"Are you so scared when you see the Japanese? It's not elegant at all." Lin Chuang secretly complained, and without being polite, Shi Shiran sat down in the official position.

He performed the image of the Japanese as superior to others very well.

Chief Su personally made a cup of tea and placed it in front of Lin Chuang.

The other two clerks did not dare to take their seats and stood respectfully behind their desks.

"Taijun, may I ask where you want to rent a house?" Chief Su asked.

"My name is Shibuya Chuan, I am from Shanghai, and I am in the shipping business. I would like to see if there are any vacant houses for rent near Lanyue Lane or Baihua Lane," said Lin Chuang.

"Lanyue Lane? Taijun, don't blame me for being too talkative. Why didn't you choose Cailianjing? The people in Lanyue Lane and Baihua Lane are rotten people. Taijun has a noble status, so how can he live there?" Su Gu When he said these words, he sounded completely considerate of Shibuya Tai-kun, which made people feel comfortable listening to him.

"Made, if you treat the people who work like this, how can the people scold you?" Lin Chuang secretly said.

"No, no, no, it's not for me to live there, it's for him to live there. He is my Chinese friend, and he will be in charge of Suzhou's business in the future." Lin Chuang pointed at Liu Ermeng and replied.

Liu Ermeng nodded haughtily towards Chief Su.

"As for me," Lin Chuang curled his lips: "Let alone Lanyue Lane, I won't live in Suzhou permanently. The main reason for coming here this time is because I have just started my business and there are too many chores. As long as I make the arrangements, I won't do it again. The meeting is coming. Although Suzhou is good, it is still incomparable with Shanghai. If I don’t talk about anything else, let’s talk about women. I haven’t seen a decent beauty in the whole of Suzhou. Phew!”

Very disdainful.

This chapter has been completed!
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