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Chapter 654: Blame

When they came to the front, Lin Chuang was about to step forward to recognize each other, but saw Lu Ze wave his hand, Qu Qinghui and the guard stopped, and he took a handbag from the guard's hand and took out a book of "


Lin Chuang laughed dumbly: "It's all because I pretended to be so similar that my superiors didn't dare to recognize me."

Reluctantly, Lin Chuang used his native pronunciation to say the secret code: "Sir, can I borrow the book in your hand and take a look?"

Lu Ze handed over the Bible and asked at the same time: "Sir, do you like the New Testament or the Old Testament?"

"Thirty-nine in the Old Testament and twenty-seven in the New Testament, I like them both." Lin Chuang replied, and then asked: "Sir, do you also believe in Judaism?"

Lu Ze replied: "No, I am a Christian."

At this point, all the code words for joints are correct, not a single word is missing.

"Hahaha, when we meet across the street and we don't know each other, you are really good at pretending to be a god and a ghost!" Lu Ze came up and shook hands with Lin Chuang enthusiastically.

Although he was very enthusiastic, he did not call Lin Chuang by his first name, not even his surname, which shows how meticulous he is.

"The officer's demeanor remains the same, but I am so envious of my humble position." Lin Chuang stretched out his hands to shake his.

"We will discuss it in detail later." Lu Ze said in a low voice.

Lin Chuang knew very well that this was not a place for conversation. People and cars were passing by on the bridge, and there were many ships on the canal. It would be easy for a few people to stand under the bridge and talk, and they would be exposed.

Lu Ze waved his hand and saw Qu Qinghui whistle, and a small sailboat sailed over from the river.

When they got close, the boatman put up a plank. Qu Qing would get on the boat first and explain a few words to the boatman. Lu Ze, Lin Chuang and others boarded the boat one after another.

Qu Qing will introduce Lu Ze and Lin Chuang into the cabin.

Lin Chuang discovered that there was a small square table in the cabin. On the square table was a Kung Fu tea set, a tube of tea leaves, and an iron kettle sitting on a small stove next to it.

The water hasn't boiled yet.

"I didn't expect that such a small place could have such an elegant place. Come, please sit down and try my craftsmanship." Lu Ze smiled, stretched out his hand to ask Lin Chuang to sit at the guest seat, and he took the host seat.

After Lu Ze sat down, he did not talk about work immediately. Instead, he opened the tea tube and took a look at it. He said in surprise: "Oh, yes, Longjing, Qu Qinghui is very good at doing things. They even know what kind of tea I like to drink."



Lin Chuang felt the ship's body sway and knew that the ship had sailed, so he opened his mouth and said.

There are so many questions in my mind, and I am in the enemy's cave, surrounded by dangers. How can I be in the mood to enjoy tea?

As soon as he opened his mouth, Lu Ze waved his hand to stop him from talking, while he listened carefully to the sound of water in the iron pot.

Seeing how confident he was, Lin Chuang had no choice but to suppress the questions in his mind.

Hearing the sound of water boiling in the iron kettle, Lu Ze quickly lifted the kettle down and while scalding the tea set, he said: "Although Longjing tea is delicious, it is very delicate. Like the women in Jiangnan, this water is the most particular.

, you can only use boiling water. If you boil the water again, it will become stale. As long as the water becomes stale, the aroma of the tea will be masked. That’s weird.”

Lin Chuang listened patiently to his talk about the tea sutra and watched him follow various procedures meticulously, such as "Mountains and Flowing Waters", "Three Nods of the Phoenix", and "Autumn Order of Soldiers on the Battlefield".

After the tea was divided, Lin Chuang took a look, smelled it, tasted it, and praised: "Good tea, good technique!"

"The ancients said that you should be calm when faced with major events. We are in the enemy's camp and must be safe and sound in order to remain calm in the face of danger. Especially you, alone in Shanghai, are not only responsible for the implementation of the 'hibernation plan', but also divided

The work of Shen Shanghai Station involves one shoulder and two shoulders, and the responsibility is heavy, so you must be specific and cultivate your energy. You cannot be chaotic when others are chaotic. You must keep a calm mind at all times in order to make the most correct decision." Lu Ze said.


Lin Chuang didn't know what he was talking about by using the topic like this, but he just felt that his performance was like "showing off".

"Yes, yes, sir, that's right." Lin Chuang responded.

"Aren't you convinced?" Lu Ze glanced at him and asked.

"How can it be that the superior's teachings will serve him well in his humble position for the rest of his life?" Lin Chuang said.

"Forget it. Judging from the way you don't mean what you say, I know you're not telling the truth. Well, I'll just give you some pointers." Lu Ze said with a smile.

"I'm here to listen." Lin Chuang put down his tea cup and straightened his body.

"After you discovered the danger, you already informed me and you should immediately find a way to escape. Why do you want to come back?" Lu Ze asked.

Just as Lin Chuang was about to answer, Lu Ze waved his hand to stop him: "You don't have to defend yourself. You might say, Deputy Director Lu is my old commander and an important figure in the military command. How can I not save him? Is that what you think?"


Lu Ze revealed his identity, indicating that he believed that no one could hear the conversation between the two.

Lin Chuang felt the rocking of the ship's hull. Due to the position, he could see the hatch. Seeing Liu Ermeng sitting there, he felt even more confident.

"Yes, I think so." Lin Chuang admitted honestly.

"Wrong." Lu Ze said.

"Sir, I don't understand this low-level position. Excuse me, if you were in another position, wouldn't you save me if it were me?" Lin Chuang said unconvinced.

"If you don't want to save me, the first thing I have to do is to escape as soon as possible, and then I will find a way to save you after my own safety is guaranteed." Lu Ze said firmly.

"Sir, if that's the case, is there still comradeship? We agents can't be completely indifferent to humanity, right?" Lin Chuang said.

"There is a famous saying in the military command, which is to stand up and go out lying down. On the first day I joined the military command, I regarded myself as a dead person. In the face of the overall situation, personal life and death are insignificant. Without this spirit of sacrifice, it would still be possible.

What revolution are you talking about?" Lu Ze said.

"As for the human relationship you talked about, I think you have seen it closely. We who engage in intelligence work are not robots without emotions. They are also flesh and blood, and naturally we can also talk about human relationships. However, if we stick to personal feelings, the pattern will be small.

Yes. You should see greater favor." Lu Ze continued.

Seeing Lin Chuang's puzzled look, he continued to explain: "For example, you and I, you should understand that the burden on your shoulders is very heavy, and your burden is much heavier than just Lu Ze. If you escape first, look

It seems to be ruthless to me, but it is a great love for the entire country and nation. If you do this, even if I am arrested or even killed in the end, not only will I not blame you, but I will be grateful to you. On the contrary, if you save me for saving

I made you make a mistake, which dealt a fatal blow to the boss's plan. Even if I can escape the danger, will I be able to live comfortably for the rest of my life? I'm afraid I will have to live with guilt for the rest of my life."

After listening to what he said, Lin Chuang couldn't help but feel ashamed secretly. He cupped his hands and said: "Sir, I understand that I have humbled my position. Sir, I have great righteousness and the style of a national scholar. I admire my humble position and should encourage myself in the future."

This chapter has been completed!
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