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Chapter 705? All in acting

Chapter 705: It’s all about acting

"First, ensure the safety of my family, including that my factories and construction projects will not be affected." Lin Chuangdao.

"There is no problem with this. In fact, except for the fact that your family and friends are temporarily unable to see you, everything is as usual. They are not detained or under surveillance. The reason we gave is that we are afraid that the military will attack you again and protect you.

Get up." Nakano Yunzi said.

"Okay. Second, I don't want to be interfered by outside forces during the investigation."

"No problem. Just check, I will be with you, and your orders will be fully implemented."

"Companionship? Surveillance, right?" Lin Chuang glanced at her and asked.

"How can it be surveillance? You are injured, don't you need a nurse?" Nakano Yunzi asked with a smile.

"Forget it, I don't dare to instruct you anymore, you should send a man to serve me." Lin Chuang pointed to the injured area, shrunk and said with lingering fear.

Nakano Yunzi knew that he still remembered the time she hit him on the injured area, so she quickly smiled and said: "Don't worry, if you don't do anything bad, I won't poke your wound again."

Lin Chuang originally thought of a way to get Lu Chaosheng to come over and serve him, but unexpectedly, Nakano Yunzi didn't believe anyone.

"Third..." Lin Chuang stretched out another finger.

"We agreed on two conditions, why did it become three?"

"I just remembered."

"It's not good to cheat."

"Only three, do you want to hear it?"

"Okay, let's talk."

"I want to see Mr. Inukai."

"Lin Chuang, I know what you mean by wanting to see Mr. Inukai. I can tell you that I have already reported your matter to him and asked you to investigate this case with his consent. So, you can absolutely

rest assured."

"Why am I worried? I think the Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange Center will be completed soon. He is the one who is taking the lead on this matter. I am busy with this now, so he has to worry about it, right?"

"You don't have to worry about this. To be honest, even if you die, the communication center will not stop and will still be completed on schedule."

"Isn't this... too heartless?" Lin Chuang almost choked to death.

"How about it, let's start working?"

"Wait, let me think about this case carefully first."

Lin Chuang opened the window and took a look downstairs. He found that the ward was on the third floor, and there were two men in black standing upright downstairs.

These were all expected things, and Lin Chuang didn't pay attention.

He habitually pressed his hands on the window sill, thinking about his situation.

Lin Chuang felt that his current situation was the most dangerous one he had ever encountered in his life.

Because the assassination by military commanders could prove that he was no longer a military spy. Nakano Yunzi must have other purposes for putting him under house arrest.

Lin Chuang thought about it and found that she had at least two purposes for doing this:

First, continue to test whether you are an enemy or a friend;

Second, it is possible to use oneself as bait to bait the army.

I stood in front of the window and thought for a while, and suddenly felt the urge to urinate again.

It was also the fault of Yunko Nakano, who drank too much water, plus the three bottles of liquid that were put into the body, so it was abnormal to not urinate frequently.

Lin Chuang turned around and went to the toilet to relieve himself.

This time he didn't ask for help from Yunko Nakano.

My left hand moves normally, and there is no problem at all when I take off my pants with one hand to urinate.

Thinking of Yunzi Nakano and the close contact between her little hand and her dick, Lin Chuang raised his hand to take a look and couldn't help but feel proud: "Hey, I finally made her suffer a few times."

Suddenly, Lin Chuang noticed that his hands were dotted with stars. He quickly raised them to his head and took a closer look. It was not dust, but... incense ash!

Where did the incense ash come from?

On the windowsill!

There is incense ash sprinkled on the windowsill!

Lin Chuang suddenly thought of Yu Zecheng's sprinkling of incense ash on the mat at the door of his house. His mind flashed, and he immediately understood Nakano Yunzi's thoughts!

"Ah, I understand. It's true that Nakano Yunzi trapped me here because he wanted to fish. I'm afraid he's not fishing for military commanders, but Yi Lianhua, Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng!"

Thinking of this, Lin Chuang was shocked: "No wonder Nakano Yunzi kept silent all afternoon. It turned out that she was stalling for time! Because as long as it passed eight o'clock in the evening, the Zhapu Qiaotou checkpoint was closed, and the people in Lanyuan did not leave the Japanese concession.

There is a possibility that they will act at night.”

Madhu, you are causing trouble by being a hooligan!

He didn't open the window accidentally just now.

He knew that Yi Lianhua must be worried about her own safety, and after midnight, she would definitely come to the hospital to spy - there was no doubt about this.

Yi Lianhua loves herself so much and relies on her excellent Qinggong skills. Will she come to visit in person?

So, he opened the window to make it easier for her to come in.

However, I didn't expect that Yunzi Nakano was so cunning and actually sprinkled incense ash on the windowsill.

Or I can be sure that she must have arranged a large number of spies around my ward.

As soon as Yi Lianhua shows up, he will definitely not be able to escape.

"Yes, why are I so careless? The cases I have done all have traces of Jianghu. Yunzi Nakano has not shown up these days. She must be studying the files. She must also be able to find this trace. Since she can find this trace, why

Will there be any arrangements?"

Lin Chuang then thought: "In the attack on Lanyuan, are there suspicions that Yi Lianhua, Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng were also involved? There must be! But Yunzi Nakano didn't expect that I had already told the three of them not to take action rashly.

In addition, the Baitiao Chicken incident happened suddenly and the three of them were not with me. Otherwise, Zhang Jun would not have had the chance to shoot if any of them were by my side."

This plan is so vicious!

Today is the 13th day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar. The weather is very good. There is not a cloud blocking the sky. The moon is clear tonight. As long as Yi Lianhua shows up, she will be exposed.

Damn moonlight!

Why didn't I expect that there would be a moon today? If I could have predicted the situation today, I would never have decided to move today.

No wonder Li Honglin said today was not a good day. Could this guy really be so talented?

Lin Chuang understood that he had encountered the greatest danger in his life.

His nerves became tense, and he was quickly thinking of countermeasures.

what to do?

"Yes, why don't I have a long talk with Nakano Yunzi all night long? Talk about life, talk about romance, talk about how she escaped, and if that doesn't work, then use a beauty trick and have sex with her? As long as the lights in the room are not bright.

Mie, even if Yi Lianhua comes, she will not come in." Lin Chuang thought of an idea.

"Yes, this is a good idea, let's do it like this." Lin Chuang did it as soon as he thought of it, and quickly pulled up his pants and washed his hands.

When his hand reached the door lock, he suddenly stopped again.

"No, this method is inappropriate. Yunzi Nakano is not a fool. She will chat with him all night? Now that she is prepared, she must have many reasons to shirk. Besides, what if her strategy succeeds? Can she prevent the import?

You didn't guard the exit. Nakano Yunzi must have planted people near Orchid Garden. As long as Yi Lianhua sneaks out, she will definitely fall into the eyes of these people. Not to mention that there is Ai Wanyi hiding in Orchid Garden?"


This chapter has been completed!
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