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Chapter 723: Replacing Defense with Offense

"Nakano, don't be impatient. It doesn't hurt to listen to Lin Sang's conditions." Inu Yangjian came out to play red face at this time.

"Lin Sang, as long as you are willing to come out and the conditions are not particularly harsh, we can negotiate."

"Your Excellency, Advisor, I have no other reason for making conditions. I put them first as villains and then as gentlemen, so as not to cause some people to make trouble for no reason!" Lin Chuang glanced at Yunzi Nakano and said.

Nakano Yunzi pretended not to see him, snorted and ignored him.

"This is best. I like to put everything out in the open. Lin Sang, please tell me your conditions." Quan Yangjian said.

"Article 1: I am not a puppet. I must have the final say in the police department. No matter it is the city government, your agency, or the Secret Service, they are not allowed to interfere in my internal affairs, including personnel rights and financial rights."

This one is about asking for power, which Quan Yangjian expected.

"Lin Sang, of course we won't interfere in your internal affairs, but do you know the responsibilities of the police station? You have to obey the orders of the city government and the agency, right? You have to cooperate with the work of the Secret Service, right?" Ken Inukai asked.

"Of course you must listen and cooperate with matters within the scope of your responsibilities. I am not trying to establish an independent kingdom. I want to lead the police force well and truly become a force that protects the country and the people."

Lin Chuang said righteously.

He is not afraid that Quan Yangjian will not agree.

Because according to his understanding, the Shanghai Police Department has no combat effectiveness at all, and is completely rotten from top to bottom. The police are almost like bandits, let alone peaceful people, they are simply a group of hooligans who oppress the people!

Another very important point is that as long as the police station has some combat effectiveness, Inu Yangjian will not come to find him today.

"Lin Sang, you don't need the police to protect the border. With our powerful imperial army, we can pacify the people." Quan Yangjian corrected Lin Chuang.

"There is no need for the police in peaceful times, but these are troubled times. In addition to the imperial army, there are so many hostile forces, not to mention the Kuomintang and the underground party. The United States, Britain and the French Concession all have military forces, not to mention Shanghai Bund.

There is a mixture of good and bad, and various gangs compete fiercely. The most powerful one is the Green Gang. Their gang members all have guns. If the police station does not have a certain amount of force, I am afraid that it will become a soft persimmon in the future that can be pinched by others.

Sir, I am not an official who accepts anger." Lin Chuang said.

Inukai Ken glanced at Nakano Yunko and saw that the latter was thoughtful and did not express his position. He was not sure about this one, so he did not express his position either.

"Okay, this is the first one, what about the second one?" Inu Yangjian asked.

"Second, I want to eliminate redundant personnel and establish a police school to cultivate educated police officers and add fresh blood to the police force," said Lin Chuangdao.

Inukai Ken and Nakano Yunzi were shocked when they heard this.

"Article 3?" Quan Yangjian still did not express his position.

"Third, the finances must keep up. I need to add people, guns, and equipment. Nothing can be done without money." Lin Chuang stretched out his third finger.

After that, Lin Chuang looked at Quan Yangjian and said, "As long as you promise me these three things, I will give you a safe and stable Shanghai in one year."

After hearing this, Quan Yangjian pondered for a while and said, "Lin Sang, I can't fully agree to any of the three things you mentioned. How about we discuss it when we go back?"

"Okay, Mr. Advisor, we are friends, and friends should be honest and not deceive each other. You also know that in my opinion, the position of police chief is a fire pit, and I am not willing to jump into it. Please and Yingzuo

Let's discuss it with the head of the agency. If you don't agree to my conditions, please forgive me for not being able to accept this appointment and please choose another talented person." Lin Chuang said and handed the appointment certificate back to Quan Yangjian.

"Okay, farewell."

After Inukai Ken finished speaking, he stuffed the appointment letter into his briefcase and left with Nakano Yunko.

After seeing the two of them off, Lin Chuang sat on the sofa and lowered his head in silence.

"Sir, why don't you agree? If you become the police chief, it will be of great benefit to us personally." Ai Wanyi asked.

"Hmph! You think it's a good thing, but it's not. It's really a big fire pit."

"Sir, I really don't understand. Can you explain it to me?" Ai Wanyi sat opposite Lin Chuang.

"Okay, I'll tell you the secret behind it." Lin Chuang said in a tone that meant he could teach others.

"Miss Ai, today's general trend is that Japan is strong and the middle is weak. The Japanese army is attacking very fiercely and has now reached Wuhan. But in my opinion, the Japanese army will not be able to invade Chongqing for a long time to come.

Why do you say this? It’s because the Battle of Wuhan gathered all the elites of China and Japan. No one can afford to lose in this battle, especially the Japanese. If the Chinese army is defeated, it can still retreat to Sichuan to wait for opportunities, but if the Japanese are defeated

If the situation is over, the national strength will be greatly damaged, and it is likely that there will be no strength to fight again, and China and Japan will enter a stage of strategic stalemate."

"No way? It didn't take much for the Japanese to attack Nanjing and Shanghai," Ai Wanyi said.

"Nanjing and Shanghai are both difficult to defend and easy to attack, and they do not occupy any geographical advantage. But Wuhan is different. There are crisscrossed waterways and rugged mountain roads. The Chinese army takes advantage of the geographical location to carry out layer-by-layer blocking. Every time the Japanese army takes a step forward, it will pay a huge price. Do you think

Think about it, how many people does Japan have? They can’t afford this kind of attrition. At the same time, war is a money-burning machine. No matter how strong Japan’s national power is, they can’t stand it if it turns into a war of attrition.”

"What does this have to do with the police chief?"

"It has a lot to do with it. We rely on the Japanese. If the Japanese defeat the Wuhan Conference, then I will be the police chief for a long time. But if we lose or win miserably, then I will sit on the stove as the police chief.

Have you fallen in love? Being a traitor is very dangerous. So, instead of sitting in that position and having nightmares every night, I might as well go into business and make money and be comfortable. At least I won’t have the reputation of being a traitor. Even if the Japanese leave in the future, I can go abroad.

Settle down and live happily for the rest of your life. On the contrary, even if you escape to the ends of the world, as long as there are Chinese people around, you will be scolded, and you may even worry that your life will be taken away.

Therefore, this is a thankless job and it is best to let others do it. We will not do this."

"I understand. What you mean is that this issue cannot be looked at alone, but must be analyzed comprehensively?"

"Yes, that's what I mean. The police station is now managed by Sun Tianxin. The personnel relations there are complicated and involve many interests. If I go, many people will not be happy.

Should I fight with them? Play with water mill Kung Fu? How can I have time? Therefore, if I am allowed to take charge, I must use thunderous means to rectify the situation and achieve results in a short period of time.

Without human rights, financial rights, heavy party control, and constraints from all sides of the city government, how can I convince the public? What's more, Nakano Yunko has a big prejudice against me. If something slips up in the future, she won't eat me."

"So, you are trying your best to push it out?"

"Yes, it's best if they don't agree to any of the three conditions I put forward, so I have an excuse. Then they won't say I don't know how to commend myself."

"Use attack instead of defense, use advance instead of retreat, sir, that's brilliant!"


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