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Seven hundred and thirtieth chapters courageous

Du Liqiang is indeed a smart man and does not have the neck of Kalin Chuang.

Gao DaZheng successfully received the funding, Wu Zhiyuan also drafted the admissions brochure, and the police academy admissions process went smoothly.

The extremely high salary was very tempting, and the police profession was already very respectable, so the number of applicants quickly exceeded a thousand.

Sadly, people seem to have forgotten the politically significant slogan on the admissions brochure:

"Strengthen public security in Shanghai and pray for peace in East Asia"

Times were changing, and in order to live a life without talking about politics, Lin Chuang didn't take it to heart.

Thousands of people signed up, and after strict screening, only 300 students remained.

Lin Chuang divided the three hundred students into five teams, each with sixty people.

Five trainees were appointed as captains.

The captain of the first team is Zhang Jin, the captain of the second team is Wang Mu, the captain of the third team is Li Shui, the captain of the fourth team is Zhao Huo, and the captain of the fifth team is Sun Tu.

These five people are all underground party members.

Lin Chuang has his own ideas about Shanghai's police force.

Before he took office, he had talked with Comrade Jiang Shan that this team must be in the hands of our party. Not only for the convenience of underground work, but more importantly, to hide a powerful armed force for our party to regain Shanghai in the future.


Jiangshan reported Lin Chuang's idea to Yan'an, and Yan'an quickly called back, fully agreeing with the "Ziwei" plan and praising Comrade Ziwei for having a strong sense of forward thinking. At the same time, he ordered the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee to select five educated and knowledgeable people from the Jiangnan guerrillas.

Guerrillas with combat experience apply for the police academy.

These five team members are Zhang Jin, Wang Mu, Li Shui, Zhao Huo, and Sun Tu.

However, for the sake of confidentiality, Lin Chuang knew their identities, but they did not know Lin Chuang's true identity. Yan'an stipulated that Lin Chuang would not have any organizational contact with them unless there were special circumstances.

As for what situations are special, Yan'an also authorized Lin Chuang to make decisions on the fly without asking for instructions.

Lin Chuang was very satisfied with these five people.

Because the eyes of these five people were unusual, they looked like they had seen blood.

This is exactly what he needs.

The school is located at the spy training class station on Qipan Street.

Lin Chuang serves as the principal, Ding Manli serves as the dean, Wu Zhiyuan serves as the director of political training, and Gao Dazheng serves as the logistics director. The three of them are both officers and teachers. They have been keeping an eye on the police academy and never went to the police station.

In order to complete the training, Lin Chuang approached Saburo Miura and asked for 300 long guns, 300 short guns, five machine guns, five mortars, and enough bullets and shell tubes from the military police.

These were given for free, and Lin Chuang didn't get a penny from them at all.

At the same time, he also found a martial arts master to teach students martial arts.

In addition to basic police knowledge, what Lin Chuang values ​​most is physical training.

Every day before dawn, the team members are asked to get up and run 10,000 meters. After breakfast, they practice formations. In the afternoon, they mainly practice shooting and martial arts.

In order to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for training, Lin Chuang also stipulated that those who fail to complete the task within the specified time will have their salary deducted by 50 cents per person per day; and the top five who complete the task will be awarded 5 yuan, 4 yuan, 3 yuan, and 2 yuan in order.

,1 Yuan.

Most people can't stand the devilish training methods, but under the stimulation of high bonuses, the three hundred students competed with each other and quickly adapted to Lin Chuang's fast pace and large amount of exercise.

After a month, these students were all full of energy, able to run and jump, and were proficient in long guns, short guns, machine guns, and mortars. They also made great progress in close combat. One student could fight against three or five strong men.


At this point, Ding Manli, Gao Dazheng and Wu Zhiyuan realized that the boss was not a coward.

A strong soldier is a coward.

Lin Chuang was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth when he saw all the students he had personally trained lively and vigorously.

"Okay, it's time to pull out the nail in Sun Tianxin's head!"

That day, after dinner, Lin Chuang suddenly felt homesick.

For more than a month, Lin Chuang has been busy at school and has little time to go home.

He suddenly missed Zhuzhu.

"Seat bureau, Mr. Gao Quanling greets you."

At this moment, Ding Manli came in to report.

Lin Chuang slightly frowned, feeling very unhappy.

Gao Quanling was brought down by Sun Tianxin. If he had the heart to take revenge, he should have come to see him long ago.

How can anyone see that he has the ability to make a comeback and come back to see me?

Those who follow the wind cannot use it.

However, Lin Chuang thought about it and realized that now was the time to employ people and he could not turn them away. If Gao Quanling was indeed capable, he would not be held accountable for his moral flaws for the time being and there would be no harm in using him.

"Manli, you informed him, right?" Lin Chuang raised his eyebrows and stared at Ding Manli with his sharp eyes.

After a month of getting along, Lin Chuang and Ding Manli gradually became familiar with each other, and their names became less unfamiliar.

Ding Manli has a fierce temperament, and is also a master who is not afraid of anything.

However, she was still afraid when she saw Lin Chuang's look.

"Yes." Ding Manli admitted directly.

"Reason." Lin Chuang spat out two words coldly.

"Reporting to the bureau, the reason why I do this because of my humble position is both public and private." Ding Manli replied.

"Haha, you've made some progress, let's talk about it." Lin Chuang couldn't help but smile.

Ding Manli can be considered a talent if she can turn private revenge into a public one.

"Yao Xiuqin and Bei Zhi were classmates, and they both entered the police station on the same day. She was killed by Long Sihai, and Bei Zhi had long wanted to avenge her.

This is private.

Now the middle-level officials in the bureau are all Sun Tianxin's people. If the bureau chief wants to control the overall situation, he will have no one to help him. Gao Quanling has been in the police station for a long time and still has a certain prestige. I thought, if the director uses him at this time, he will be

First of all, if he is grateful, he will definitely return to his heart. Secondly, it will also help the leader to quickly control the situation.

This is for the public good.”

Lin Chuang thought about it for a while. Although what Ding Manli said was mostly selfish, it was not unreasonable.

If you want to control the police station, you can't live without good people in Hongdong County, right? With people like Ding Manli, Gao Dazheng and Wu Zhiyuan, they still don't have enough weight.

Gao Quanling can be given a chance, but it can't be that easy.

What is easy to get is often not cherished.

He decided to dry him out first.

"Manli, can you tell me about Yao Xiuqin now?" Lin Chuang asked.

"The bureau chief didn't ask. I was just waiting for Gao Quanling to leave before reporting the matter to the bureau chief. Since the bureau chief asked, I'm going to report it to the bureau chief."

Ding Manli took out a photo from her pocket and handed it to Lin Chuang: "Seater, this is Yao Xiuqin."

Lin Chuang took it and took a look. The photo showed a young and beautiful woman wearing a police uniform and looking very energetic.

"Bozuo, Bei Zhi and Xiu Qin are classmates. They both study at Jing'an Church Middle School. We have similar personalities and the same aspirations. We all have a common ideal, which is to pursue women's equality. For this ideal, we did not accept the marriage arranged by our family.

Instead, they both fell in love with soldiers. The person she loved and the person I loved were both in the same army, and both held the same positions as regimental commanders.

Before the Battle of Songhu, they arranged us into the police station, and we were all happy to accept this arrangement, because women being policemen is considered an anecdote in the eyes of the world, but for us, it is a path of female independence and freedom.

along the way to realize his dream.

I didn’t expect that something unexpected would happen..."

This chapter has been completed!
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