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Chapter 743 Why did she jump off the building?

Lin Chuang also wrote two lines of Huang Tingjian's poem: "Eight winds can't blow it, but a fart can cross the river."

This is also an allusion.

It is said that when Su Dongpo was working in Guazhou, he had a close relationship with Zen Master Foyin (Huang Tingjian), the abbot of Jinshan Temple across the river. They often talked about Zen and Taoism together.

One day, Su Dongpo wrote a poem and sent it across the river to Zen Master Foyin for comment.

The poem goes like this: "The head of Jishou is in the middle of the sky, shining brightly across the universe. The eight winds cannot blow it, sitting upright on a purple golden lotus."

The Zen master took the poem from the boy's hand, smiled and commented on the word "fart".

Su Shi couldn't help being furious and crossed the river all night to ask for an explanation. When he arrived at Jinshan Temple, he saw that Foyin had closed the door and left Su Shi only a note, which read: "Eight winds can't blow it, and a fart crosses the river."


Su Shi suddenly realized this and retreated in shock.

"Eight Winds" refers to eight things: profit, decline, destruction, praise, praise, ridicule, pain, joy, four prosperous and four adverse. Success is profit, failure is decline, slander behind the back is destruction, and praise behind the back is praise.

, Praising in person is praise, scolding and attacking in person is ridicule, pain is suffering, happiness is joy.

Buddhism teaches that one should cultivate to the point where one's emotions will not be affected by any of the eight winds. This is called immobility by the eight winds.

Huang Tingjian used this poem to satirize Su Dongpo for his lack of self-cultivation, and Lin Chuang used this poem to satirize Jing Xinfan for his unrepentant heart.

Jing Xin was angry at first, but then he thought about it, he was dressed in colorful clothes, and he was still running for Sun Tian's bride and children, seeking fame and fortune in the world. He had no form or spirit. He just shaved his head. Isn't this "beating him across the river"?


She said that Lin Chuang was "bad" not only because of this poem, but because he only allowed herself a benefit after being alone with her for more than 20 minutes. She also said that Sun Tianxin's original business was run by me. This was not an obvious concession.

Did people misunderstand?

People outside will definitely say that I have achieved these things at the expense of my appearance.

"Destroy my reputation and give him a chance to step down. The key is that I can't defend myself! This kid is really bad to the core!"

Jing Xin wanted to understand Lin Chuang's evil intentions, and her teeth itched with hatred.

Suddenly, Jingdi felt ashamed in his heart: "I am angry and angry. Isn't this a violation of the precepts? The eight winds are immovable? What a joke. Alas, it seems that I still haven't been able to do anything."

Lin Chuang entered Wu Sibao's home carrying a golden Buddha.

She Aizhen came up to him, saw the golden Buddha, and asked: "Xiao Ming, is it real or fake? Why is it so big?"

"Can your brother give you a fake one? Really." Lin Chuang rolled his eyes at her and handed it to her.


She Aizhen almost missed the catch.

"So heavy?"

"It's five hundred taels, do you think it's worth it?"

Wu Sibao jumped out of the house like a dog that smelled meat: "Five hundred taels of gold? Let me see."

Taking the golden Buddha from She Aizhen, Wu Sibao smiled happily and rubbed it with his hands: "Hey hey hey..., not bad, not bad, this is it for tonight!"

Lin Chuang knew that Wu Sibao loved gold, so he asked someone to make a golden Buddha and send it over.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lin Chuang snatched the golden Buddha from Wu Sibao and handed it to She Aizhen: "It's for my sister, what do you want?"

"Hehehe..., what's your sister's is mine, are you stupid?" Wu Sibao didn't care and took it from She Aizhen's hand.

This time I put it in my arms and never let go, for fear that Lin Chuang would take it away again.

"Hahaha...!" Lin Chuang and She Aizhen looked at each other and laughed.

"You two sisters are chatting, and I'm going to play with my golden Buddha." After Wu Sibao finished speaking, he hurried into the bedroom and closed the door with a bang.

"Where did you get all this gold?"

Lin Chuang sat on the sofa, and She Aizhen sat down next to him and asked.

"Confiscated." Lin Chuang picked up a fig from the fruit plate and put it in his mouth.

"It's still you who loves my sister. The director-general only accepts gifts, so it's better for you to give gifts!" The love in She Aizhen's eyes almost overflowed, and she looked straight at Lin Chuang.

"Calling you a gift? This is too hurtful. Sister, if I like something from your house, will you not give it to me?" Lin Chuang asked.

"As I say, as long as you want it, I can give you anything." After saying that, he pressed Lin Chuang's hand and whispered: "I can give you my life."

"Don't say such things, sister, let's all live well. I just hope you live a happy life and be happy all your life." Lin Chuang was also moved by She Aizhen's words.

"Yeah!" She Aizhen nodded heavily: "I'll wait..."

What are you waiting for? Isn’t this a good day?

"Sister, Liu Minghua's matter has been taken care of. Originally, this boy was disobedient, and I wanted to beat him completely. After you called me, I had to demote him to give him a chance."

"Xiao Ming, don't blame me for being troublesome for you. Liu Minghua's wife found my godfather. My godfather is old-hearted and the woman is so pretty. She persuaded my godfather to give me a beating.

Phone number. However, that woman is sensible and sent two thousand pounds over early in the morning." She Aizhen said.

"I don't blame you. Sister, just tell me if you have something to say. An official like Liu Minghua is in your brother's pocket. Who is not to give it to? As long as I can do it, I will definitely not let you lose face. If

If it can’t be done, I’ll just say it can’t be done. Is there anything else we can’t talk about?”

When She Aizhen heard Lin Chuang's words, she was so sincere that she couldn't even press them more: "Yes, yes, that's it. Don't worry, under normal circumstances, I won't say anything."

"Sister, let me ask you something, what happened to Pan Huixian? Why did she become a monk?" Lin Chuang changed the topic.

"Have you seen her?" She Aizhen asked.

"Yes, not only did I meet her, but I also called her back." After saying that, Lin Chuang told her what happened this morning.

"Hey, I know about this. After Ye Yaoxian died, didn't Xiaoxian jump off the building? The fall was not light. If Uncle Pan hadn't invited a famous doctor from Hong Kong, he might not have been able to stand up.

After her body recovered, Xiaoxian insisted on becoming a monk. Uncle Pan and Aunt Pan had to talk hard, so she did not become a monk. However, she built a small nunnery at home and she practiced at home." She Aizhen said.

"How can a person who looks so cold be so infatuated?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Infatuation? You said she is infatuated with Ye Yaoxian? Hahaha..., it's a joke."

"Why, isn't it right?"

"No. She doesn't like Ye Yaoxian at all. She doesn't care about Ye Yaoxian's life or death.

It's just that she is very traditional in her bones and values ​​​​being consistent, so she doesn't want to get married again. Think about it, how can you keep it at such a young age? So, she came up with the idea of ​​becoming a monk. I think she wanted to use Qing to become a monk.

These external forces, such as Denggu Buddha, can forcefully suppress your heart that is ready to move."

"No. Sister, why did she jump off the building in the first place? This can't be explained." Lin Chuang asked again.

This chapter has been completed!
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