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Chapter 761 Search

"Fuck, ruthless!"

Lin Chuang couldn't help but curse in his heart when he heard Yunzi Nakano give such a compassionate and high-sounding reason.


Although he cursed in his heart, Lin Chuang had to express his gratitude.

"No need. I know that you won't be happy if I don't let you kill the enemy with your own hands. It's human nature." Nakano Yunzi put on a considerate look.

"Let me kill one of my own with my own hands, so that the root of the disease will be revealed. I will spend the rest of my life in pain." Lin Chuang thought to himself.

He frowned and thought hard about whether there was a way to solve it. At the same time, there was still a trace of luck in his heart, hoping that Yi Lianhua would bring back good news.

After nine o'clock, Yi Lianhua didn't reply, but the call came.

"Sir, many dealers have learned of my wife's sad news and want to express their condolences. Can I set up a memorial hall in the factory?"

When Lin Chuang heard this, he almost lost his grip on the phone. He asked again: "Are there only dealers?"

"Only dealers." Yi Lianhua replied firmly.

"Damn, these unscrupulous suppliers!" Lin Chuang suddenly cursed, and then said: "It is inconvenient for dealers to come and go in the concession, so we can set up a memorial hall in the factory, write down the names of the mourners, and tell them to the factory

If you don’t go there if you have a business relationship, I will cut off his goods!”

After saying that, Lin Chuang hung up the phone angrily.

His anger was not pretended, it was his real emotion, so there was no flaw at all.

Lin Chuang put down the phone and couldn't sit still anymore. He untied his clothes, put his hands on his hips, and walked back and forth in the room.

He was really anxious: "Do I really want to shoot my own comrades with my own hands? Will the cruel plot described in later TV series really happen to me? Nakano Yunzi is so vicious, knowing that it is a trap,

I really had to jump!

Rescue people? The time is so short, and there are enemies all around. Moreover, the 'Water Ghosts' and the others are definitely under the close surveillance of Japanese spies. Even if they have three heads and six arms, they can't do it. What should I do?"

Lin Chuang was anxious when the phone rang again.

This time I'm looking for Inkazu Tanaka.

"Lin Sang, we found the murderer in Duofuli!" Tanaka Yinhe said excitedly.

Lin Chuang's heart suddenly sank.

Liu Fen, whose pseudonym is Sato Mahara; Luo Keyin, whose pseudonym is Ando Nishi; Wu Zhonghua, whose pseudonym is Aoki Ichiro; Xiong Jinguo, whose pseudonym is Asai Koshu.

The four of them are a group of intelligence officers from the Shanghai Station Intelligence Section, with Liu Fen as the team leader.

Liu Fen's public occupation is an employee of Katsumura Bookstore, and the owner of this bookstore is Japanese Katsumura Yota.

Due to work reasons, Liu Fen had more contact with Katsumura Yota, and because he was very smart, he quickly learned Japanese.

After Liu Fen mastered Japanese, he began to think about renting a house in the Japanese Concession.

So, he got in touch with Noya Matsui through a youth gang disciple, spent a lot of money and obtained four Japanese resident certificates.

The household registrations of four people, Sato Mayahara, Ando Nishi, Asai Furuki, and Aoki Ichiro, really existed, but they were dead and their household registrations were not cancelled. They happened to be sold by Noya Matsui for money.

After setting up a false identity, Liu Fen rented a yard in Duofuli as a safe house.

After Liu Fen received the false order from the "water ghost", he immediately called in the other three team members and carried out the "anti-rape" operation.

After the operation, the four people originally planned to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but they did not expect the Japanese to act very quickly and soon mobilized a large number of military police to implement martial law.

Liu Fen couldn't see out, so he had to hide in the safe house.

The first wave of searches came soon. A team leader led a small team of military police to search houses in Duofuli.

Liu Fen asked the other three people to hide in the house and not come out. He took out the resident ticket, opened the door, and handed the resident ticket to the team leader.

"It turns out to be Mr. Sato. Excuse me, are there any Chinese in your family?" When the team leader saw that he was Japanese, and his surname was Sato, who is very noble in Japan, he quickly stopped his men who were entering the hospital to search, and asked respectfully.

"No." Liu Fen shook his head arrogantly and replied in Japanese.

"That's good, Mr. Sato, don't go out in the near future, the streets are under martial law."

"What's going on? Why is martial law imposed?"

"A murder occurred at Yoshida Jewelry Store, so martial law is imposed."

"The dead ones are Japanese?"

"No, they are Chinese."

"Chinese? Chinese people's lives are as cheap as dogs. If they die, they will die. How can we use the military police to impose martial law?"

"Mr. Sato, the identity of the deceased is very powerful. She is the wife of Police Chief Lin. I heard that she has a good relationship with our commander. This time, the murderer has stirred up a hornet's nest."

"Oh, then let's investigate further. Be serious. It's only right to catch the murderer as soon as possible. We can't make our Japanese friends too sad."

Liu Fen finished speaking grandly, said goodbye to the squad leader, and closed the door.

"It seems that our operation was successful." Returning to the house, Liu Fen said to his three men.

"Thanks to the team leader's foresight and getting a Japanese identity, otherwise, I would have had to fight hard today." Luo Keyin said, inserting the Colt pistol in his waist.

"We should kill Lin Ming. Killing his wife always feels a bit unethical. Lin Ming is a traitor, but his wife is not," Xiong Jinguo said.

"Lin Ming is the police chief and is under very strict protection. With just a few of us, there is no way he can succeed. What happened to his wife? If you marry a traitor and become your wife, you should be killed!" Wu Zhonghua retorted.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't kill, I'm saying we can't be considered heroes if we kill women." Xiong Jinguo said.

"Okay, stop talking. If we are ordered to kill his wife, we will kill his wife. Also, if he kills his wife, will he not be afraid? Aren't other traitors afraid? This is what Shangfeng wants. This is

Politics is not about heroes and bears." Liu Fen said angrily.

"We are intelligence. Where should we do this kind of thing? Why should we do it? I think there is something wrong with this matter." Xiong Jinguo was still unconvinced.

"Jin Guo, don't question Shangfeng's order! When will you stop talking nonsense?" Liu Fen criticized.

"Yes, since Shangfeng issued such an order, there must be Shangfeng's consideration. We just carry out the order. What's the use of complaining?" Luo Keyin said.

"Am I complaining? I mean there is a problem here!" Xiong Jinguo was a little anxious when he saw that everyone had misunderstood what he meant.

"Okay, stop talking. What Jin Guo said is not unreasonable. Let's ask Shangfeng again when we get out." Liu Fen waved his hand and stopped Xiong Jinguo's words.

Then he said: "You three will take turns on duty tonight. I think the martial law can only last three days at most. For a Chinese woman, the Japanese will not be very careful. Three days is the limit."

The next day, the four of them had just finished breakfast when they heard the sound of the neighbor's door opening and the sound of military police entering the compound to search.

Liu Fen listened carefully, his expression changed, and he said nervously: "It's bad, the Japanese are going to enter the house to search this time!"

This chapter has been completed!
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