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Chapter seven hundred and eighty second murder incense

Lin Chuang did not answer immediately. He stood up, took out a piece of white paper from his briefcase, rolled it into a cylinder as thick as a finger, glued it in place, tilted it to 45 degrees, and then lit the top of the paper cylinder with a match.

A strange phenomenon occurred. The smoke produced by combustion did not flow upwards, but actually flowed out from the lower outlet.

When Quan Yangjian saw it clearly, Lin Chuang stood the paper tube upright again, but smoke came out from the top of the paper tube again.

Inukai Ken was not an idiot. Before the paper tube was finished burning, he was already stunned.

"Advisor, do you understand?" Lin Chuang threw away the paper tube and asked.

"Lin Sang, is this the principle of reverse flow incense?" Inu Yangjian asked.

Backflow incense, also known as downflow incense, is named after using a special backflow furnace to ignite agarwood so that the smoke generated during the burning process flows from high to low like water.

"Yes, this is the principle of reverse flow incense. Because the upper end is ignited and the temperature rises, the air inside the paper tube becomes thinner, and the outside air will exert downward pressure on the smoke produced by the combustion. If the paper tube is upright,

Then a chimney effect is formed, which produces an upward pulling force. This pulling force is greater than the pressure generated by the external air on the internal air, so the smoke moves upward; if the paper tube is tilted at a forty-five degree angle, the pulling force is less than the pressure.

, the smoke will flow backwards.”

"Hey... Lin Sang, the purpose of your doing this experiment is to tell me that someone used this method of refluxing incense to murder the general?" Inukai Ken asked in a trembling voice.

"Yes, although there is no evidence, I am sure that someone is implementing this method." Lin Chuang said quietly with a calm face.

"Please speak." Quan Yangjian looked at Lin Chuang eagerly.

"Your Excellency, Advisor, I am an outsider, and it is really not appropriate for me to participate in your internal fighting. No matter whether my judgment is correct or not, I will definitely get myself into big trouble. If it weren't for your family, life, and family honor, what I just said

I don't know how to say these words. So, please understand my difficulties. I don't want to talk about anything else." Lin Chuangdao.

"Lin Sang, the reason why you told me these things must be for my own good. I deeply understand your friendship for me and understand your difficulties. Please rest assured. I swear to the spirit of my late father in heaven that from now on,

I will treat you with the courtesy of a brother, and if there is even the slightest disadvantage to you, I will never tell you anything. If you violate this oath, my late father’s spirit in heaven will never have peace!"

Having said this, Quan Yangjian stood up and bowed deeply to Lin Chuang: "Lin Sang, please believe me, please."

This oath is a bit heavy.

Lin Chuang didn't want him to swear, but the key was that he was really afraid that he would become a victim of their internal fighting.

Since he decided to speak out, he had already thought about the outcome. Even if something went wrong, he wouldn't have any big problems.

Of course, he was not only thinking about Quan Yangjian's wealth and life, but also had his own selfish motives. He wanted to use this matter to uncover the truth about the Qu Rubing case and complete the task of stealing the secret code.

Even if he didn't swear, Lin Chuang would tell him the clues he discovered, and his real purpose was to cause chaos among the Japanese.

Lin Chuang quickly stood up, returned the salute, and said: "I'm so serious, I can't bear it. Please sit down, let's sit down and talk."

"Lin Sang, please tell me the whole story." Quan Yangjian sat down and begged in an almost pleading tone.

"Since the advisor has sworn a solemn oath, I will risk my life." Lin Chuang said with emotion.

"Thank you, thank you." Inu Yangjian thanked him repeatedly.

"Your Excellency, advisor, according to my judgment, there is no doubt that Koji Baba must be directly involved in this matter."

"Kouji Baba?"

"Yes, there are six suspicious points I found on him.

First, Lieutenant Colonel Nakano and I came out of your office that day and immediately held a meeting with Koji Baba and Major Seiko Shigong. We first determined the defense principle of tight internal tightness and loose outer cover. Then when we divided the work, it was supposed to be Lieutenant Colonel Nakano.

Tasks were assigned, but the strange thing was that Baba Koji took the initiative to take charge of the internal security of Hamilton Building, and also asked Major Shi Gong to take charge of the outside.

Although I felt a little strange at the time, I didn't think about it elsewhere. I thought he had a positive attitude towards work.

Second, on the issue of heating, Nakano Nakano and Baba Koji had a disagreement. Nakano Nakano said burning charcoal because it was in line with Japanese living habits, but Baba Koji firmly opposed it, saying that burning charcoal was unhygienic and advocated burning coal. Nakano said

The Lieutenant Colonel believed that burning coal would easily produce coal poisoning, so he disagreed.

Perhaps because Koji Baba's attitude was too firm, Lieutenant Colonel Nakano went to me and asked me if I had any good ideas. I gave her an idea: burn coal, but not in the general's bedroom. In this way, even if coal poison is produced,

, and will not pose a threat to the safety of Your Majesty the General.

This idea was eventually appreciated by Lieutenant Colonel Nakano, and at the same time, Baba Koji also agreed.

There is a question here, why does Baba Koji firmly oppose burning charcoal? Why does he still insist on his opinion even when his boss disagrees with burning coal?

Third, Koji Baba and I had another disagreement about which room to burn the stove. He strongly suggested placing the coal stove in the room directly below, which is 416. I disagreed. My suggestion was to place it in 616.

, directly above 516.

My reason is very good, because the water circulation is better when it is upward, but the water circulation effect when it is downward is too poor.

It was precisely because my reasons were very good that Nakano Nakasa decided to do as I said.

I noticed at that time that Koji Baba was very disappointed.

Fourth, after I decided to put the coal stove in 616, I left and went to the Military Police Headquarters to discuss the cooperation issue with Lieutenant General Miura Saburo. I wanted him to open up the gap in military logistics. This was not done in advance.

The key point is that I saw Baba Koji's car at the headquarters, and I also saw Tanaka Inwa taking him out.

Fifth, on the 2nd, you and the director of the agency asked me to come to the building. The reason was still the controversy caused by Baba Koji. You did not advocate sealing the entire east wall, but he wanted to seal it.

Sixth, when I was going upstairs, I saw several people carrying an iron tube, about six or seven meters long. I felt very strange at the time and thought it was used to install a chimney in another room. Now that I think about it, it is definitely not the case.

It’s pressed against the east wall of bedroom 516!”

"Do you mean that these strange actions of Baba Koji are just to install the iron tubes at the diagonally opposite upper and lower corners of the east wall, with the upper end connected to the coal stove, so that the coal poison produced by the coal stove can flow downward, in order to cover up

This iron cylinder, so he advocates sealing up the entire wall?"

"Other than that, there is no other explanation."

"Also, why is it suspicious that he went to see Tanaka Inwa?"

"It's very simple. He initially advocated burning coal. He must have wanted to use the effect of the chimney to draw out the wind and exhaust the poisonous smoke into the general's bedroom, so he advocated placing the coal stove in 416. After I rejected it, he felt that he had originally

The designed conspiracy could not succeed, so I rushed to ask Tanaka Inkazu for advice."

"Tanaka Inkazu? He understands the principle of reverse flow incense?"

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