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Chapter 815 The murderer is not an ordinary person

If this is not the first scene, then where is the first scene? Why did the murderer move Yang Yutang's body here specifically?

When they arrived at the Qipan Street Police Station, Liu Chunxiao and Wang Mu saw the chief leaving and returning. For some reason, they hurriedly greeted them.

After entering the big office, Lin Chuangfu sat down and asked Wang Mu: "How is it? What's the progress of the case?"

"Report to the principal..." Wang Mugang was about to answer when he suddenly heard someone outside the door loudly report: "Report, student Wei Dong reports to the principal!"

"Come in!" Lin Chuang waved his hand, asking Wang Mu to wait, and shouted out the door.

Wei Dong came in, walked up to Lin Chuang and saluted: "Principal!"

Wei Dong is very handsome, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He looks energetic and full of life in his police uniform, just like a little tiger.

"Well, not bad, it looks like a policeman!" Lin Chuang looked up and down and nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you, principal, for the compliment." Weidong replied loudly.

"She looks very energetic, but I don't know if it's an embroidered pillow."

"Hehe, principal, if your students can embroider pillows, you can try it." Weidong replied with a playful smile.

"How to try?"

"Let students participate in Director Yang's case."

"Wang Mu, do you think this kid is okay?"

"Principal, this kid was very naughty and mischievous when he was in the police academy. Let him participate and let the students weigh in on him."

"Okay." Lin Chuang agreed.

"Thank you, principal." Weidong saluted excitedly, then saluted Zhang Jin, his old captain, and then went to rinse the cup and make tea.

When Liu Chunxiao saw this, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Go on." Lin Chuang motioned to Wang Mu to continue.

"Principal, according to your instructions, the investigation work in the morning has ended. The situation is as follows:

1. There are single women within the jurisdiction of Qipan Street, but they are all quite old. Except for unmarried daughters, there are no single women under the age of forty;

Second, Yang Yutang had a good relationship with Liu Yingxiang of Jinlongli Barber Shop. The students were preparing to go to her place to investigate, but nothing else was found;

Third, Li Sihua hosted a banquet for Yang Yutang at the Zhuangyuan Building at noon yesterday. It was just the two of them and no third person was present. According to Li Sihua, he just wanted to curry favor with Yang Yutang and only ate and drank, nothing else.

Guo Hongqiao was different. When he invited him to dinner, he also paid a protection fee and gave Yang Yutang 200 yen. Guo Hongqiao said that Yang Yutang was so happy that he drank more than a kilogram of white wine to enjoy himself. It was ten o'clock when they left.

A little more, he couldn't tell exactly what time it was at ten o'clock. Anyway, it was nine o'clock when they had dinner.

Fourth, I sent people to Junde Middle School to investigate, and everyone from the principal to the employees was asked, and no one had seen Yang Yutang.

Principal, this is what students know." Wang Mu said.

Lin Chuang asked: "Li Sihua didn't send any money? Where did the three hundred yen in Yang Yutang's tin box come from? Yang Yutang's tin box should be used to temporarily store the cash or valuables received. I don't believe he would be stupid.

He let the contents of this box stay in the institution overnight. Therefore, the origin of the 300 yen was suspicious. In addition, Guo Hongqiao gave him 200 yen. Not only was the amount wrong, but the key was that Yang Yutang had not returned to the institution yet.

, was killed.

Therefore, it is a big question as to the origin of these three hundred yen."

"Secretary, in this case, Yang Yutang must have had 200 yen on him when he was killed. However, not a penny was found among his belongings, and his watch was also missing. Could it be that the murderer just wanted to rob him?

Money?" Liu Chunxiao asked.

Lin Chuang clearly felt that Liu Chunxiao was very nervous, so he must be showing off by asking.

"Weidong, tell me, what do you think of the nature of this case?" Lin Chuang asked, intending to test Weidong's reasoning ability.

"The students thought that the murderer took Director Yang's money and watch to create a false impression. Because if I were a robber, I would not be stupid enough to rob the policeman. Director Yang was wearing a police uniform and a police cap when he was killed, and the murderer would not

He treated him as an ordinary person.

Therefore, the students thought that the murderer was definitely not trying to steal money. They took away money and belongings from Director Yang, maybe to make smoke bombs." Wei Dong replied.

"That's not entirely true. Don't forget, Guo Hongqiao gave two hundred yen. This is not a small amount. We cannot rule out that someone will take risks for the money. Besides, it is true that the police have guns, but this is not a peaceful time. The police's deterrence

The power has not reached the point where no one dares to move, so the possibility mentioned by Director Liu cannot be completely ruled out," Wang Mu said.

"If this is really the case, it would be easier to investigate. As long as it was not a sudden move and they knew he had money, other than Guo Hongqiao, the clerk in Zhuangyuan Building, or the clerk in Guo Hongqiao's store could all be possible. The scope is not large, so it is easy to investigate.

However, students still think this is unlikely," Wei Dong said.

"As long as there is a slight chance, we can't let it go. Wang Mu, who said that Yang Yutang went to Junde Middle School?" Lin Chuang asked.

"That's what Zhou Xing said. Zhou Xing said that Director Yang told him before leaving the house that he would go to Junde Middle School to meet someone. Zhou Xing asked him if he wanted to follow him, and he said no," Wang Mu replied.

"That's strange. Since he said he went to Junde Middle School to meet someone, rather than going to meet someone near Junde Middle School, then the person he met must be from Junde Middle School. But they all said they had never seen this person. Could it be that

Is someone lying in Junde Middle School? Or is it not the teacher he wants to see at all, but the students?" Lin Chuang said thoughtfully.

"The possibilities mentioned by the principal are all there," Wang Mu said.

"Okay, let's put this aside for now. Wang Mu, when you were investigating, was there anyone named 'Chunhua'?" Lin Chuang asked.

"I don't pay much attention to this. However, it is not difficult to check. It can be easily found in the household registration book in the office." Wang Mu said.

"Another point is that when I came here just now, I passed by the entrance of the alley in Chungengli and took a look there. Suddenly I realized that it was possible that it was not the first murder scene, but that the murderer put it there after deliberately killing Yang Yutang.

"Lin Chuang then explained his deduction.

After listening to this, Wang Mu, Liu Chunxiao, and Wei Dong all looked with reverence in their eyes.

"Principal, your judgment is very reasonable. Why didn't the students think of it?" Wang Mu said with shame.

"This is your first time investigating a murder case. You are still very inexperienced. Just handle a few more cases. This time, because our police are involved, I will personally take charge. You can learn from it," Lin Chuang said.

"Yes." Wang Mu said.

"How tall is Yang Yutang?"

"One meter seventy-one."

"Are his shoes and hats at the scene?"

"The shoes were on my feet and my hat fell three meters away in the southeast direction."

"So, the murderer is not an ordinary person, he is very thoughtful."

This chapter has been completed!
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