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Chapter 828: Qing Gao is all pretentious

"Why?" Lin Chuangqi asked.

"I opened this teahouse not to make money, nor to make friends with wanderers."


Lin Chuang gave him another question-marked look.

"You just said something happened? What happened?"

Unexpectedly, this time Jing Xin didn't go his way and changed the topic with a slight wave.

This swing caused Lin Chuang's heart to float into the air, and then fell to the ground.

We are about to enter the stage of falling in love, and then they may be entangled together. The master and his wife have followed the old monk's situation. What worldly matters should be mentioned at this time?

It’s simply a disgrace to the scenery!

Although Lin Chuang wanted to touch Jing Xin's bald head, and wanted to offend this cool beauty, he was offended by Jing Xin's pretense.

I thought to myself: "You are so good at pretending, and you are pretending to be so aloof at this time. Okay, let's hang it and see who can hang it."

Thinking of this, Lin Chuang smiled slightly and said: "To be precise, I want to find your father."

Jing Xin gave him a questioning look.

"I want to find Lord Buddha." Lin Chuang said.

"Lord Buddha?" Jing Xin frowned.

"Have you ever heard of him?"

"I heard that he is the leader of thieves in the old city. Do you want to arrest him?"

"No arrest, I'm just asking one of his thieves to find out more about a case."

Jing Xin seemed a little surprised by Lin Chuang's "not arresting": "Aren't you the police chief? This is your job."

Lin Chuang smiled slightly and said seductively: "Aren't you a monk? Why don't you keep the precepts?"

Lin Chuang wanted to use the words "spring heart rippling" or "spring heart is budding", but he felt it was too explicit, so he changed his words.

Jing Xin was so angry at Lin Chuang's words that she turned pale and looked at Lin Chuang angrily.

Not only her, but the little nun behind her was also blushing.

Lin Chuang didn't take it seriously, took a sip of tea, and looked at Jing Xin with a smile.

Jing Xin was finally defeated by Lin Chuang and lowered his head in panic.

"If you don't arrest him, I can find him." Jing Xin said.

"You?" Lin Chuang was stunned and asked, "I heard that Buddha often stayed in prostitutes' houses. Do you have anything to do with them?"

Jing Xin frowned, feeling that Lin Chuang's words were too harsh, so she quickly explained: "What's the matter of not being related? There are leaders in all walks of life in Shanghai. Xie Yanchun is the head of the prostitute family, so naturally he has to pay homage to my father's dock.

So I recognize her."

Lin Chuang's heart was moved and he thought to himself: "The house of prostitutes is also a well-informed place. Many private information may leak out from these places. Xie Yanchun is a useful person. Do you want to recruit her?"

Another thought, this kind of heresy can only be used as a supplement to the right path, and must not be mixed with them. Otherwise, will the reputation be good in the future?

Thinking of this, Lin Chuang said to Jing Xin: "Okay, you can send a message to Buddha and tell him that I am looking for Li Baineng."

"Is it because of the Qipan Street case?" Jing Xin asked.

"How do you know?" Lin Chuang asked in surprise.

"Of course I know." Jing Xin smiled slightly: "I have already asked Master Fo and Li Baineng to wait for you to come."

"She has such good information? Is this the same fairy who doesn't eat fireworks from the world?" Lin Chuang looked at Jing Xin in astonishment.

Jing Xin nodded to the little nun, and the little nun went downstairs with small steps.

"Don't look at me like that." Jing Xin was embarrassed by Lin Chuang.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Chuang asked.

"I understand. You woke me up with Huang Su's story that day. In fact, I was not at ease. The so-called monk became a nun, but I was just deceiving myself. My father has no sons, only me is a daughter. I can't let my father suffer in Shanghai.

Bullied, I want to help him." Jing Xin said.

"Ah, that's it." Lin Chuang nodded - only in this way can some of her past events have a more reasonable explanation. She even opened the Qingxin Shishu Teahouse and her ambiguity with herself for this purpose.

The Pan family has no one to rely on officially. It is impossible to grow big in Shanghai. Just one Li Yunqing is enough to suppress him.

That's why she used rumors to tie the Pan family to herself.

That day she beat Ding Haocun severely, and today they met in private. In the eyes of outsiders, Jing Xin was undoubtedly her guest - how unjust he was.

I used her at first, but ended up being used by her instead - this fairy-like figure is really not simple.

"Master Tai, various forces in Shanghai are vying for power. Which one is not the best? It is not easy to gain a foothold." Lin Chuang said.

"So, I hope you can help me."

"Me? I'm just the police chief, and the area I'm in charge of is only a small area like the old city, so I won't be of much help to you. If I'm right, you probably want to get ahead of Li Yunqing, right? Don't you know

Li Shiqun is his apprentice?"

"I will never forget the hatred I have with the Li family! Ye Yaoxian's death had nothing to do with me. Even I was a victim, but Li Shiqun actually wanted to pour dirty water on me and my father, thereby weakening my Pan family.

The purpose is obvious. If I hadn't jumped off the building to prove myself, would there still be a Pan family in Shanghai now?

After learning from the experience, my father felt that no one in the officialdom would always be bullied by the Li family, so he made Sun Tianxin a police officer. Unfortunately, Sun Tianxin was short-sighted and only cared about petty gains in front of him, so he could not achieve anything great."

"He died in my hands and ruined the good things of your Pan family. Don't you hate me?"

"He brought it upon himself, why should he hate you? Let alone you, if we were the mayor of our government, we would not allow our deputy to be so arrogant. On the contrary, in that matter, my father and I both saw your clever and clever layout.

He is a person who achieves great things by being decisive in killing."

"Come on, Master, you are trusting me. I don't want to become big in Shanghai, and I don't want to get involved in the dispute between you and the Li family. I just want to do business and make money. In troubled times, having money around you can protect yourself and your family."

The safety of your family is the most important thing, everything else is just a cloud."

Lin Chuang finally understands Jing Xin's ambition, how can he move forward?

"My father has 3,000 disciples, 350 guns, cigarettes, drugs, docks, casinos, pickpockets, pooping, human traffickers, fish markets, vegetable markets, smuggling, rickshaws, etc. Among the ten areas, my father has occupied the human traffickers

, pickpocketing, excrement, and fish market. In addition, I have sixty nuns under my command."

Jing Xin looked at Lin Chuang quietly and began to expose his family background.

"The other six halls are all Li Yunqing's?" Lin Chuang asked.

"Yes. In the past, he only had three halls, but later he annexed three halls." Jing Xin replied.

Hearing this, Lin Chuang thought in his mind: "So it turns out that you have found the true root of Buddha by looking for her here? The four halls of the Pan family are far behind the six halls of the Li family. The main reason is that their ability to make money is too poor and their use is very poor.

Not big. However, her more than sixty nuns are a force that cannot be underestimated."


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