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Eight hundred and thirtieth chapters life is better than death

It turned out that when Yang Yutang was interrogating Li Baineng, he learned about the affair between Hang Jiu and Han Chunhua, so he first went to Junde Middle School to find Hang Jiu and extorted 300 yuan. At that time, Yang Yutang promised to expose it and never mention it again.

That night, when Hang Jiu had another tryst with Han Chunhua, Yang Yutang suddenly came to the door. Hang Jiu hid in the main room and asked Han Chunhua to take Yang Yutang to the south room.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yutang raped Han Chunhua while standing.

Han Chunhua did not dare to resist because the adulterer was in the main room; Hang Jiu was very angry, but he did not dare to take action immediately because he was afraid of disturbing the neighbors.

After Yang Yutang left with satisfaction, Hang Jiu immediately followed him. When there was no one on the road, he suddenly sprang out from behind, killed Yang Yutang and took away all his belongings, creating the illusion of murder for money. At the same time,

The purpose of dragging his body to the entrance of the alley in Chungengli was to get close to Liu Ying's barber shop and confuse the police investigating the case.

After killing Yang Yutang in anger, Hang Jiu returned to his residence and quickly came to his senses: "Today's matter was done too hastily. If nothing else, the key evidence of the gold thread purse was not destroyed, and the thief was not silenced.

, this can easily become a breakthrough for the police in handling the case."

Thinking of this, Hang Jiu immediately became restless.

In fact, killing someone is not terrible, if his identity can be exposed to the sun.

The key is not to be exposed, not to mention that Lin Ming is now the police chief. If he is discovered, will he still have a way to survive? If Lin Ming doesn't kill himself, Dingmo Village will not let him live.

He thought about escaping, but at the same time he had a sense of luck: "Yang Yutang said that the thief had been released, and he also said that he was the only one in the police station who knew about it. If what he said was true, he might still be able to get away with it."

So, early the next morning, he asked Jiang Hongyun for leave - he wanted to make a decision based on the situation.

Hang Jiu disguised himself and hid near Junde Middle School.

When he saw several police officers going to the school, he was not afraid because he knew that going to Junde Middle School to investigate was what the question was about.

Later he saw Ai Wanyi and hurried out to meet Ai Wanyi.

Ai Wanyi asked him to tell Director Ding that she had decided to obey the order and continue to lurk in Lanyuan, and also warned him not to be exposed.

Out of luck, Hang Jiu did not tell Ai Wanyi about killing Yang Yutang, let alone Han Chunhua.

Later, he saw Lin Chuang who was investigating at the Large Chang Noodle House. Shortly after Lin Chuang left in a hurry, he found several strangers near Junde Middle School. Some of these strangers even took cameras and secretly filmed people entering and leaving the school.

Faculty and staff.

At this time, he was really scared.

In order to carry out the luck to the end, Hang Jiu had no choice but to bear the pain, kill Han Chunhua, and take away the photo that could reveal his appearance.

In addition to his public residence, Hang Jiu also has a safe house - Cunning Rabbit Three Cave, which is also a common method used by spies.

Although he is not a spy, he is no different from a spy now.

After killing Han Chunhua, he did not dare to return to his original residence and returned to the safe house.

The next day, he disguised himself again and went to observe secretly near his original residence, but did not find any police officers coming to inquire, which made him slightly relieved.

Unexpectedly, Ai Wanyi found him in the evening and informed him that Lin Chuang already knew that Jiang Jiufeng had killed Yang Yutang and Han Chunhua, and said that he was now deploying manpower to arrest him.

Ai Wanyi told him that he should stop taking chances and report to Director Ding immediately to leave Shanghai and hide away for a while or go directly to work in other places. Leave Shanghai completely and never come back again.

After Ai Wanyi left, Hang Jiu did not report to Ding Mo Village.

He understood that reporting truthfully was the way to die. Dingmo Village would not let him leave Shanghai alive and would definitely make him disappear from this world.

By this time, he had already regretted that he should not have killed Han Chunhua.

If you don't kill her, you can take her away. From now on, the two of you will stay together and fly together. Wouldn't it be great?

Helpless, people have been killed by him, so he had to run for his life.

Unfortunately, just as he was about to escape, a group of plainclothes policemen suddenly rushed out of the darkness, and he was arrested without even having a chance to draw a gun to resist.

Hang Jiu confessed to the murder of Yang Yutang and Han Chunhua, but he did not say a word about Ai Wanyi.

Although Lin Chuang had clearly told him that he had discovered Ai Wanyi's true identity.

Originally, Lin Chuang didn't care about the deaths of Yang Yutang and Han Chunhua. He only cared about Ai Wanyi, so it was okay if you didn't say anything?

"Hang Jiu, you may not know that I have a special hobby, that is, I like to watch my enemies being tortured. The worse the enemies scream, the more excited I am. If you don't say it's just right, I will make you a hero, and you will make me a hero.

It's so secluded." Lin Chuang said with a smile.

After that, Lin Chuang sat behind the interrogation table and said to Wang Mu and Li Shui: "You two, let him use all the torture instruments one by one without stopping. Just give him a breath, and don't worry about anything else."

"Yes!" Wang Mu and Li Shui agreed loudly. While preparing for the execution, they murmured in their hearts: "Why is the principal so eccentric? I wonder if the principal would like a woman screaming in bed?"

In order to make the principal listen happily, the two boys were very cruel. They swung the whips soaked in water and beat them to pieces. The iron heated up red and burned into Hang Jiu's chest. Not only did his "

"Danhu" was burned out, the skin and flesh were scorched, and the smell of paste suddenly filled the air; then he lifted the half-dead Hang Jiu to the tiger bench and put three bricks directly on it...

Hang Jiu couldn't bear such a cruel punishment, not to mention that he didn't want to be a hero at all. After being whipped three times, this guy cried for his father and mother, and shouted for help.

As Hang Jiu screamed pitifully, Lin Chuang's eyes became colder and colder, and he did not show any bloodthirsty behavior.

In fact, apart from the Japanese, Lin Chuang didn't have much interest in torturing the Chinese. But when he thought of Jiang Hua, Zhang Jun, Qu Rubing and all the sacrificed agents of the Shanghai Station Intelligence Section, his heart became extremely cold.


Therefore, he didn't stop until he had used all the torture instruments and saw that half of Hang Jiu's life had been lost.

"You two, you must be exhausted. Let's go to my office for a rest, take a breath and drink some water."

Zhang Shouzheng knew that Lin Chuang was going to ask some secrets about Ai Wanyi, so he quickly called Wang Mu and Li Shui out.

There was no one in the torture room anymore. Lin Chuangcai walked up to Hang Jiu and said with a gloomy face: "Hang Jiu, to be honest, I have no intention of letting you live. As for Ai Wanyi and Ding Mocun secretly doing something about me, I have already

I noticed it. If you like to talk, you can say it. If you don’t like to say it, don’t say it. It doesn’t matter. But if what you say satisfies me, I can give you a good time."

"I, I said, I have nothing else to ask for, I just ask you to fulfill your promise and let me die happily..." Hang Jiu endured the huge pain and said feebly.

Death is sometimes happier than living!

This chapter has been completed!
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