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Eight hundred and fiftieth chapters for perfection

The appearance of the character Sun Shou made Lin Chuang's judgment on this case clearer.

Judging from the scene, the possibility of outsiders killing someone has been ruled out. In other words, the murderer must be someone from the Fu family.

As for the people in the mansion, except for his women who exist under various names, they are servants who have followed him for many years.

In the eyes of the Chinese, human life is supreme. Unless there is hatred for killing the father or taking away the wife, it is difficult for people to embark on the path of murder due to general conflicts.

Of course, in addition to personal hatred, national justice is also a reason for killing.

Therefore, if there is no deep hatred between these people in the mansion and Fu Xiao'an, it would be somewhat unjustifiable to say that they kill people for selfish reasons.

Because of this, Lin Chuang always believed that although the murderer was not an outsider, he must have something to do with it.

And this "outsider" is most likely someone from the military command.

Sun Shou came early and late, but he showed up three days before Fu Xiao'an's accident. Is it a coincidence?

Agents never believe in coincidences.

After coming out of Xiaolan's room, Lin Chuang asked Xiaomei to take him to check other rooms.

This time, Nakano Yunzi somehow had the foresight to accompany him personally.

In the aunt's room, Lin Chuang did not search around, but sat down very politely and talked with the aunt.

"Madam, may I ask where you are from?"

Lin Chuang's questioning started with the parents' shortcomings.

"Changde, Hunan."

"Oh, who is there at home?"

"Mom and dad, we also have a younger brother."

"How old are your parents this year?"

"My father is fifty-three and my mother is fifty-six."

"Where's your brother?"

"My brother is twenty-three."

"Oh, your mother is three years older than your father. As the saying goes, a third-year girl holds a gold brick. Your family must be very wealthy, right?"

"Director Lin, if your family wants to be rich, why should I make a fool of myself?"

"But I heard that you can read. If your family was not rich, your parents would let you learn to read?"

"My mother was literate, so she taught me and my brother how to read when we were young."

"You never went to school?"

"Of course not. Girls going to school only became popular in our hometown in the past few years. At that time, how could any girls go to school?"

"What about your brother? Has he gone to school?"

"No, he is also my mother's student."

"Oh, then I was wrong. It seems that the common saying is not accurate. Auntie, please forgive me, why is your skin so white? Don't get me wrong, I have no other intention. I am asking you to have fair skin.

The secret is so that my wife’s skin can become so white.”

When Nakano Yunzi heard this, she almost laughed.

She really didn't understand why Lin Chuang asked such a question.

By the way, his wife Tian Biyu is not black, and she is also very fair.

The only explanation may be that he has committed the old habit of teasing women again.

Sure enough, an imperceptible smile appeared on the aunt's face, she brushed her hair, revealing her whiter neck, and replied: "What's the secret? Just drink milk regularly. Over time, your skin will become whiter."

"Oh..." Lin Chuang let out a long voice, nodded and said: "No wonder, then I will let my wife drink milk every day. Auntie, I just don't know where you ordered the milk? I am ignorant,

I didn’t even know there were dairy farms in Shanghai.”

"It's normal that Director Lin doesn't know about this. We Chinese can't even eat, so how can we think of drinking milk? It's opened by the Japanese, and it's located near Xinmin Road."

"Is there someone specially delivering it?"

"Well, someone will deliver it."

"Are you the only one in the house who drinks milk? I think other people's skin is not as white as yours."

"Both my wife and my second aunt drink. Speaking of which, it's not just milk. I have a good foundation."

"Yes, yes, my aunt has a good foundation. Oh, my wife looks too dark, like a cast iron egg. I just don't know if she can drink it white."

"Hehehe..." Nakano Yunzi couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"Director Lin, don't be modest. You are so handsome. Your wife must be beautiful too. Otherwise, how could she be worthy of you?"

"You are right. Mrs. Lin is indeed very dark. I have seen her. Once, he kissed his wife. I thought Director Lin was chewing the bark of a tree. Hahaha..." Yunzi Nakano seized the opportunity.

, you can work hard to practice Lin Chuang.

The auntie reacted and started laughing. But she felt something was wrong and she quickly became sullen again.

"Don't listen to her nonsense. How can I let her see me being intimate with my wife?" Lin Chuang rolled his eyes at Nakano Yunzi and said to his aunt.

"I met you at the airport," Nakano Yunzi said.

Lin Chuang was too lazy to talk to her, so he smiled at the aunt and said, "Ignore her, let's continue chatting. Well, Miss Xiaomei, I'm thirsty, can you give me some water?"

"Okay." Xiaomei agreed, took a water glass from the living room, picked up the thermos bottle under the aunt's dressing table, and poured a glass for Lin Chuang.

Lin Chuang took it in his hand and felt it was not hot, so he took a sip immediately.

"Director Lin, I must pay a visit to your wife when I have the opportunity. We women talk about dressing up. To be honest, I really have some secrets in this industry." The aunt seemed to enjoy the conversation with Lin Chuang and wanted to talk at the moment.

Open up your chat box and get ready for a long chat.

"Auntie, your water tastes very good. Okay, no more chatting. Miss Xiaomei, let's go to the room of the second aunt and Dr. Fu."

After Lin Chuang said this, he stood up and left.

"Director Lin, you..." The aunt almost flashed her waist.

We agreed to "continue chatting", but why did we just leave?

After leaving the room, Nakano Yunzi glanced at Lin Chuang, wondering what he was thinking.

When they arrived at the second aunt's wife's room, Lin Chuang had already seen it, so he just left after a brief conversation.

He focused on seeing Fu Shengbai's room.

Entering Fu Shengbai's room, he immediately saw a bottle of Coca-Cola on the table.

There were originally five bottles, but now there is only one left.

Lin Chuang couldn't help but frowned: "The killer is so unprofessional, leaving so many loopholes. Does he think that secret killing method can be hidden from everyone in the world?"

At this point, Lin Chuang had a complete reasoning about Fu Xiaoan's murder, and all the links were aligned.

However, Lin Chuang was not excited at all because he didn't know how to perfectly protect the real murderer.

In Lin Chuang's view, this perfection means that firstly, the case must be solved beautifully without ruining his brand as a detective; secondly, in order to exonerate the murderer, there must be no trace.

However, judging from the clues found so far, it is really difficult to do two things.

The difficulty is that the murderer has left too many loopholes, and it is impossible for him to make up for them one by one.

When he was in trouble, Xiaolan suddenly came in a hurry.

"Director Lin, your wife's phone number."

"Oh?" Lin Chuang's heart moved: "You are calling at this time. Is there any emergency?"

This chapter has been completed!
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