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Chapter eight hundred and eighty fourth quick wit

After seeing off Yunzi Nakano, Lin Chuang returned to the ward.

Zhang Jinlu stopped reading poetry now and started singing instead.

Clapping hands, like a little girl, "In wind or rain, on rivers and lakes, I put my boat and set up my net. Beautiful water colors, bright mountain scenery, full of beautiful scenery for you to enjoy. Unrestrained, walking alone, the world is home everywhere."

This is a children's song "Fishing Song" popular in Jiangnan.

Lin Chuang stood in front of her, listened quietly to her singing, and said with a smile, "Ah Lu sang really well."

Zhang Jinlu raised his head and looked at it, and said happily, "My son, does your mother sing well?"

When Lin Chuang heard this, his face turned green. If he hadn't seen that she was sick, he would have whipped her.

Ning Xiaobo didn't expect Zhang Jinlu to say such words, so he laughed out loud.

"Ah Lu, don't talk nonsense, I am your man." Lin Chuang said.

"Oh." Zhang Jinlu nodded obediently.

The next sentence almost made Lin Chuang angry, "Mom, I'm hungry!"

"There is no distinction between men and women! As I said, I am your man! Call me sir, do you hear me?"

"Mother, I'm hungry!" Zhang Jinlu pouted and still called mother.

"Mom, just be your mother. Although you don't recognize your father and mother, you are still better than before. OK, OK, go buy food right away." Lin Chuang had no choice but to follow her.

Lin Chuang came outside and ordered the guards to buy Shaomai, which was Zhang Jinlu's favorite food.

When I returned to the ward, I saw Ning Xiaobo's head huddled in the quilt. The quilt kept shaking. It can be imagined that she was trying her best to endure it.

"Don't laugh!" Lin Chuang scolded.

As a result, the quilt moved more happily.

Lin Chuang stopped paying attention to her, sat next to Zhang Jinlu, put his arm around her shoulders, and said softly, "Ah Lu, although you are unfaithful to me, I don't blame you. Humans are not grass and trees. How can we be ruthless? Can you remember the past?"

Love means that you are a person who values ​​love. I only have respect for such a person, but not hatred. You may not have heard Nakano Yunko just now...

Chapter 884: Quick Wisdom (Page 1/4), click the next page to continue reading.

What did she say? She said that Zhu Yuewen's death was not suspected to be my fault, because if I wanted to kill him, I could kill him openly. The director of the Inuyang Health Agency would not blame me for this. Of course, she said it in a harsh way.

, but I can’t do such a thing as killing someone, I’m soft-hearted.”

After hearing this, Ning Xiaobo's quilt didn't move, and Zhang Jinlu's body in his arms also trembled twice, as if Lin Chuang's words were not a spring breeze blowing on his face, but a cold wind that penetrated his bones!

"When you arrive in Hong Kong tomorrow, you must be obedient and take good care of your illness. When you recover, I will take you back. If you still love me, I will marry you as my concubine and we will have children. If you don't love me anymore, then if you like

You can marry whoever you want. Not only will I not stop you, but I will also give you a generous dowry. Do you agree?"

Lin Chuang spoke eloquently, Zhang Jinlu put his fingers in his mouth, giggled, and sucked his fingers. She did not answer Lin Chuang's questions.

The guards bought Shaomai, and Lin Chuang fed it to Zhang Jinlu. Zhang Jinlu called for his mother and son, until his mouth was full of oil.

Lin Chuang waited until she was full, wiped her face and hands, and the doctor came in with injections and medicine.

"Sir, Captain Zhang needs an injection of sedatives," the doctor said.

"Okay, let's fight." Lin Chuang stepped aside.

Zhang Jinlu was very obedient and asked Lin Chuang to take off his pants, exposing his snow-white butt.

The doctor gave the injection, and Zhang Jinlu struggled for a while, waiting for the medicine to take effect before he fell asleep.

At this point, Lin Chuang could basically conclude that Zhang Jinlu was pretending to be crazy.

There is a difference between being really crazy and pretending to be crazy. It doesn't mean you can just pretend to be crazy.

Real madmen generally have three characteristics:

First, lunatics have no awareness of their abnormal mental state, so they do not admit that they are sick, will not take the initiative to seek medical treatment, or even refuse to see a doctor.

Second, hallucinations (such as auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, etc.) or delusions occur;

Third, emotions and cognition are perverted and confused, knowledge, emotion, and meaning are not unified, and social functions are seriously damaged.

... ...

Chapter 884: Quick Wisdom (Page 2/4), click the next page to continue reading.

Judging from Zhang Jinlu's performance, her cooperation with treatment shows that she thinks she is sick; she has no hallucinations or delusions; when Lin Chuang came to see her, she showed instant fear, and when he relayed the words of Nakano Yunzi, Zhang Jinlu

The trembling of her body shows that her knowledge, emotion and intention are unified.

As for her nonsense like licking blood, not distinguishing between men and women, and other nonsense, they are all conscious nonsense.

As for why she pretended to be crazy, Lin Chuang didn't understand, but presumably she had no choice but to act quickly.

In fact, Lin Chuang's judgment was correct.

Zhang Jinlu is indeed pretending to be crazy.

Why do this? There are three reasons

First, fear.

When the gunshot rang out, Zhang Jinlu was in a state of excitement. Suddenly she saw her living lover with a hole in his forehead. It was certain that she was a little confused. But as an old agent, gun battles and life and death are commonplace. It can be said that she was severely mentally damaged because of this.

It's a bit ridiculous when it's so exciting.

The only explanation is that at that moment, the first thing she thought of was who killed Zhu Yuewen.

Needless to say, it must be Lin Chuang.

Otherwise, he could not explain why he was killed just as he was about to hold hands with Zhu Yuewen. If it was a military command agent, it would not be possible for him to be so coincidental and find out the whereabouts of Zhu Yuewen and himself clearly.

Only Lin Chuang has this possibility. After all, he has a strong police force, and the incident occurred in the old city, on Lin Chuang's territory.

When she thought of Lin Chuang, she felt scared.

She was afraid of death and also afraid of Lin Chuang's cruelty.

Second, suspicion.

How can Lin Chuang know his whereabouts accurately? He doesn't have the ability to install bugs. If you know that you are in the Secret Service, there is only one possibility, and that is that there is a spy.

It is not difficult to guess this traitor, it is most likely Ning Xiaobo.

Because she knew that Ning Xiaobo had been admiring Lin Chuang for a long time, and she had never concealed this admiration from her.

... ...

Chapter 884: Quick Wisdom (Page 3/4), click the next page to continue reading.

Third, it is a last resort.

What if you suspect Lin Chuang?


It's simply impossible.

Don’t talk about what happened today. Since Lin Chuang did it, it is impossible to leave any traces. Even if there are traces, Inukai Ken and Nakano Yunzi probably won’t go into details. After all, they and Lin Chuang wear the same pants - this

One thing, Lin Chuang never hid it from him, so she knew it well.

Besides, the two so-called "handles" about Lin Chuang that she has, upon closer inspection, are nothing. If she dares to reveal those two things, if Quan Yangjian can't cure Lin Chuang's crime, he must cure her crime first.


What can I do if I can’t report?

The only option is to leave the Secret Service.

However, she also understood that it was basically impossible to leave the Secret Service alive.

Because she holds too many secrets, it is impossible for Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun to let her leave safely.

Especially after losing Lin Chuang's blessing, it was even more impossible.

Based on the above three points, Zhang Jinlu had no choice but to think of pretending to be crazy.

Only this way can it be possible to escape Lin Chuang's murderous hands, escape the investigation of the Secret Service, and stay away from the whirlpool of life and death.

Moreover, she also concluded that as long as she went crazy, Lin Chuang would not only not kill her, but would also try his best to send her away safely.

Because he was afraid that he would tell those two "secrets"...


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