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Chapter 894: Exploring Sun Songhe

"Other people's privacy and tidbits are what people love to talk and listen to. This is not vulgar. It is the work of people's psychology of exploring secrets. If Miss Bai says this is vulgar, then we are all vulgar." Lin

Create a path.

"Yes, as expected of the principal, he immediately saw the essence through the phenomenon." Bai Lingxia praised.

"My husband loves to show off, especially in front of pretty girls." Nakano Yunzi rolled her eyes at Lin Chuang.

"Giggle..." Bai Lingxia covered her mouth and laughed: "Mrs. Lin, please stop laughing at me."

"Everyone has a love for beauty," Lin Chuang said in a feigned embarrassment.

The two of them secretly and openly praised "sarcastic face" for her beauty, but White Rose was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth.

But Sun Songhe just smiled faintly and did not continue.

Nakano Yunzi had nothing to say: "Mr. Sun, are you and Miss Bai a couple? When will you get married?"

"Mrs. Lin, he is chasing me, but I have not agreed to marry him. Besides, I don't want to have a biological child so early and haven't had enough fun yet," Bai Lingxia said.

"We live together, but Axia refuses to marry and says she will never get married. Isn't this what we are trying to do?" Sun Songhe said sarcastically.

"Haha, you fell asleep in a week? How dare you marry such an open-minded woman? Do you want to open a cuckold factory? Yes, it's made of cotton." Lin Chuang thought to himself.

"Mr. Lin, Mrs. Lin, don't make fun of me. I have my own ideas on marriage. There are many good men, some are handsome, some are chic, some are tough, some know music, and some can write poetry.

I like all men like this. Why don't you hang me on a crooked tree? Why, I'm not ugly, and I don't rely on men for my life, right?" Bai Lingxia said.

After saying these words, Yunzi Nakano was dumbfounded: "Damn, this is too sexy, isn't it? Are there such weirdos among traditional Chinese women?"

Nakano Yunzi glanced at Lin Chuang, who was determined to be a "gentleman", and found that this man was very calm, and said lightly: "Don't want to abandon the entire forest because of a tree?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Lin is definitely the wisest person I have ever met. He summed up everything I said in one sentence. Mr. Lin, do you think so too?" Bai Lingxia did not expect to find a confidant and was immediately overjoyed.

"He not only thought about it, but also put it into action." Nakano Yunzi glanced at Lin Chuang and said with some resentment.

This wife’s costume looks really similar!

"Lin just wanted to do it, but he didn't dare to do it. He has a fierce wife at home, so he doesn't dare to make any mistakes." Lin Chuang patted Nakano Yunzi's hand and replied with a smile.

"Look, it's not good to get married, it's not free." Bai Lingxia said regretfully.

"Yes, otherwise, he might also look for Hua Peony to play with." Nakano Yunzi brought the topic to Hua Peony again.

"Hehehe..." Lin Chuang smiled faintly and did not deny it.

He noticed that Sun Songhe frowned.

"Hey, Miss Bai, Hua Peony is so messy, why doesn't the man's wife come to the door to make trouble? Look, I'm vulgar." Nakano Yunzi asked enthusiastically, and finally laughed at herself.

The two-hundred-pound sack is quite packed.

"No. We all met at dances. Some stayed overnight, and most left after sleeping. There was only a financial relationship, no long-term relationship, and their wives didn't know about it," Bai Lingxia said.

"Hua Mudan tells you everything?" Nakano Yunko asked.

"In the eyes of others, she is a piece of shit, but I don't look down on her. Who would do this if I could help it? Perhaps it is because of this that she talks to me about everything." Bai Lingxia said.

But she was not interested in Nakano Yunzi at all. After answering her words, she turned to Lin Chuang and said: "Mr. Lin, can you write down the lyrics of "The Most Beautiful" for me? In addition, I would like to ask you to teach me,

I can also impress them when I attend dances or other events from now on."

"Miss Bai, I just said it." Lin Chuang glanced at Yunzi Nakano.

"Okay, as long as you have the heart to do it, it's just a song. Just teach Miss Bai. Otherwise, wouldn't you be letting down Miss Bai's...rose tea?" Nakano Yunzi took a sip of the tea.

The tea is white tea, but there is a rose petal floating in it.

Those were roses that Beringxia had dried and put away long ago.

"Okay, then I will teach Miss Bai." Lin Chuang said.

"That's great, Mr. Lin, come here." Bai Lingxia reached out to hold Lin Chuang's hand, ignoring the presence of Sun Songhe and Nakano Yunzi.

Lin Chuang hurriedly hid, but Bai Lingxia was distracted, stood up and followed her to the piano.

"Yes, another tree has disappeared." Nakano Yunzi thought to himself.

When he saw Sun Songhe, he also had a dark look on his face.

He thought to himself: "Poor baby, do you still want to marry such a woman?"

It was a chance encounter, a chance encounter, and after singing a song and saying a few words, it was time to leave.

Finding a reason to stay is exactly what Nakano Yunko wants.

She was really not interested in a social butterfly like Bai Lingxia, nor did she care whether the social butterfly would seduce her "man". What she was really interested in was Mr. Sun in front of her.

Sun Songhe was willing to submit to Beringxia and looked like a playboy, but he always felt that his temperament was not the same and his words were repulsive, as if he was naturally defensive.

What's more, his body and appearance are similar to those of the killer.

Suspicious, very suspicious.

It was precisely because of this that Yunzi Nakano took a keen interest in him.

We have to find a way to find out what he was doing yesterday. It would be best to go into Beringxia's bedroom and see if there is any "Thunder in the Palm".

Unfortunately, this is too difficult.

But as long as you stay, it's possible.

Take your time and look for opportunities.

Nakano Yunzi already understood that he definitely had no chance, and this opportunity should be with Lin Chuang.

Because between Bai Lingxia and Sun Songhe, Bai Lingxia took the absolute initiative and Sun Songhe had no say at all.

If he had, he would have expelled the guest long ago. How could he still allow Lin Chuang to come into contact with Bai Lingxia?

"Don't mention it, thanks to the boy named Lin, if it weren't for this bad guy, he wouldn't have entered the rose garden so smoothly, he wouldn't have seen a young man hiding in her house, and he wouldn't have gotten so much useful information." Nakano.

Yunzi glanced at Lin Chuang's back and thought to himself.

"Yes, I have to create opportunities for Lin Baojun." Nakano Yunzi secretly thought about it.

"Mr. Sun, I am more interested in roses and would like to plant some at home. Can you show me around?" Nakano Yunzi smiled brightly at Sun Songhe.

She believes in her own charm.

Which man in general can fucking stand my mother’s smile?

If Sun Songhe were a playboy, he would definitely be in trouble.

But she didn't expect that Sun Songhe coldly refused: "Mrs. Lin, I'm sorry, I don't understand either. Besides, it's bare and there's nothing to see. After spring starts, it's best to wait until May or June to see anything."

Hey, isn't this embarrassing guy who doesn't understand the style?

This chapter has been completed!
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