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Chapter eight hundred and ninety seventh officialdom

There is a police station in Gendli. The director's surname is Jian, and his name is also special, called Jianzhi.

He is a graduate of the first batch of Qipan Street Police School and is a soldier of Captain Li Shui.

After graduation, he was assigned to Gendri Police Station.

After Sun Tianxin's death, the police station carried out a purge. The former director of Gendli Police Station was Sun Tianxin, and he happened to be among those purged.

As a result, Lin Chuang, who was nepotistic, naturally promoted all his direct students to the director's level.

The police station is not a big one, but it has more than thirty people, and its members are a mixed bag. There are police officers from all eras, and there are lazy and cunning people everywhere. It is really difficult to lead.

After becoming the director, he simply followed Lin Chuang's approach, treating the police as military leaders and implementing semi-military management, completely cutting off the retreat for the lazy and cunning.

Yin Zhi is simply the beloved disciple of the Director. No one among these people dares to bare their teeth. In order to survive, these people have to work hard and do their jobs obediently.

As a result, Gendry Police Station took on a completely new look, which Lin Chuang admired very much.

At this time, there were three people sitting in Jian Jian's office, and Jian Jian became the "waiter" carrying a pot and pouring water.

Because his office was taken over by Tang Huiming, the head of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service.

Also present were Deputy Section Chief Song Wenlin, and Chief of the Intelligence Section of the Police Inspectorate Division Li Shui.

None of these three could be offended, so they had no choice but to act as orderlies.

"Everyone, there is a smell in the Ford car. This clue is very important. Section Chief Nakano and Deputy Director Li analyzed that the smell was probably left by the car thief. From now on, our investigation will focus on the investigation and the slaughter of mutton.

Relevant personnel.

For these professions, all I can think of is slaughtering, killing, and selling. Of course, those who eat mutton are not excluded, but this is unlikely. Because even if the car thief ate mutton for lunch, there will be traces of it on his body.

The smell is almost gone after an afternoon of wind blowing and natural evaporation. Even if it can't be dissipated, it can't leave such a heavy smell in the car.

Only those who work with sheep all year round will find it difficult to remove the smell from their bodies.

Therefore, next, we will focus on these three types of people.

Everyone, do you have any questions?"

After Tang Huiming finished his analysis, he asked for the opinions of Song Wenlin, Li Shui and Jane.

"So, we were wrong to check for the killer in the early stage?" Song Wenlin asked.

"Yes. No one realized this. It was Director Lin who pointed out that our investigation work was fundamentally wrong," Tang Huiming said.

Song Wenlin thought about it carefully, patted his head with his hand, and suddenly realized: "Look, the killer in the car left, but he may not be near the car, but the driver is most likely. Why didn't I think of this? Director Lin is really awesome.


Li Shui took one look at him and both of them felt proud.

"What a talent." Tang Huiming praised him but did not continue.

Just a few words of praise in front of Lin Chuang's subordinates would be enough. If he said any more, he would be suspected of being flattery. As the head of the intelligence section of the Secret Service Department, he really couldn't let go of his airs.

"The chief's arrangement is extremely good. I have no objection to the humble position." Song Wenlin said.

"Where are Section Chief Li and Director Jian?"

"Sir, that's not interesting. Please give the order."

"Okay. Then we are divided into four groups. I will lead one group to conduct another screening of those caught last night, focusing on sheep of course. If any of these people are engaged in mutton vendors, killing, and selling professions, that is

Key suspects.

In the second group, Wen Lin, you focus on investigating those who sell live sheep in the area; in the third group, Section Chief Li, you focus on investigating the slaughterers in the area; in the fourth group, Director Jian, you focus on investigating those who sell raw mutton in the area. There is a nearby

Wet markets, this is a must; also check restaurants and mutton soup restaurants.

I will work in the office and make arrangements, and report any situation at any time. If nothing happens, we will meet again at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, still in this office."


Song Wenlin and Li Shuihe simply followed the order and left.

As the investigation deepened, Tang Huiming became more and more admired by Lin Chuang.

His judgment was correct. After re-screening the people arrested yesterday, there was really nothing wrong with them - none of them were in the slaughtering or selling industry. There were three people who ate mutton for lunch, but they only included stir-fried lamb with garlic and stir-fried coriander.


It is impossible for a dish like this that has been treated to remove the fishy smell to leave much of a smell on your body or clothes, let alone contaminate the car.

Therefore, Tang Huiming did not make it too difficult for these people. After one day of interrogation, they were all released.

There has been no news from the other three groups. Tang Huiming understood that if they wanted to investigate this large area, one day would definitely not be enough.

Therefore, he left one confidant behind and went home.

The next day, Tang Huiming arrived at the police station early. At eight o'clock sharp, Song Wenlin and Li Shuihe came to meet him.

Tang Huiming took a look and saw that the three of them all looked tired. It was obvious that they had not slept well all night.

"Thank you for your hard work. Wenlin, please tell us about the situation first." Tang Huiming said thank you for your hard work first, and then asked Song Wenlin.

"Section Chief, don't be too busy. Do you want to get some food first? Since last night, Shuimei has not been beaten, and my stomach keeps growling." Song Wenlin said with a bitter face.

"Hey, didn't you tell me earlier? The emperor still has hungry soldiers. I'll ask someone to get some food right away." Tang Huiming said.

"Sir, it just so happens that neither of us has eaten. I have asked someone to buy steamed buns and made a large bowl of egg soup. Do you want to serve it and report while eating?" Jane asked for instructions.

"That's great, Director Jian, you are just in time. Bring it up quickly and let's talk while we eat." Tang Huiming said with a smile.


As soon as I went out, two policemen came in carrying two shelves of food boxes.

Opening the food boxes, one box contained steamed steamed buns, and the other box contained a large bowl of egg soup and a bowl of pickles.

He also asked people to fetch four bowls and filled them with four bowls of soup.

"I've already eaten, you go ahead and eat." Tang Huiming pushed the soup and steamed buns in front of Jian Jian: "You and Section Chief Li are young, you eat more."

"Nevermind." When Song Wenlin saw the buns, he stopped being civilized. He stretched out his hand and grabbed two of them, one in a mouthful, and he finished the two first.

“It’s so delicious.”

"Oh, look at how hungry our deputy section chief Song is. When the case is concluded, I will definitely ask Deputy Director Li to give you some money. It's too hard work." Tang Huiming said.

"Sir, could you please mention it to our bureau and get us some funds? The office has been running out of money these days." Jian Jian said.

"I don't believe it. If there is a case, can you be impoverished?"

"Sir, you don't understand our bureau chief. He will never allow us to reach out randomly. Especially when the case has not been solved and the murderer has not been identified, we must not make a fortune by taking advantage of the case." Jian Jian said.

"Really? Director Lin is such a good officer." Song Wenlin said curiously.

"Director Lin is a breath of fresh air in the officialdom and a strange person." Tang Huiming said.

This chapter has been completed!
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