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Chapter nine hundred and thirteen men disguised as women

Zhang Qiang's mutton soup stall can be said to be dirty and messy, but many people don't care about the environment but the smell.

Among these diners were many brightly dressed dignitaries.

Yan Dongsheng is one of them.

"Don't mention it yet. What you said has aroused my greed. Let's go, reward him with a medal to show his face, and drink him a bowl of mutton soup."

After Yan Dongsheng finished speaking, he stood up and left, followed closely by Yang Luobo.

Li Shiqun personally went to the surveillance point to take charge. To be on the safe side, he called Zhu Yuewen's secretary and driver and asked them to take turns on duty, monitoring the mutton soup stall 24 hours a day.

Li Shiqun remembered Bai Lingxia and returned to the Secret Service after making arrangements.

Not long after, Wu Sibao came back and reported to Li Shiqun about asking Lin Ming for help.

"Brother, Xiao Ming said that this matter cannot be rushed. It may not be easy for him to come forward now. Let us wait. Xiaoxia's matter will be taken care of by him. He also said that Nakano Yunzi will not be too difficult.

Xiaoxia, let us rest assured."

Li Shiqun closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened his eyes and said, "What Lin Ming said is right. Now that Section Chief Nakano is angry, no one can get into trouble. Section Chief Nakano will definitely not embarrass Xiaoxia. I still believe that."

She is confident. However, I feel that her attitude towards us is a little inappropriate, and she seems to have some doubts about us. Therefore, catching the killer as soon as possible is fundamental. Not only will our suspicions be eliminated, Xiaoxia can also go home as soon as possible. "

"Brother, Master is still thinking about this matter. How about I go and tell him?" Wu Sibao said.

"Well, you go ahead and tell him not to worry. Xiaoxia will not be wronged." Li Shiqun said.


Wu Sibao got up and left.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Li Shiqun arrived at the surveillance point early.

Tang Huiming had been watching. Seeing that Li Shiqun had arrived so early, he knew that he was really interested in this case. He quickly reported: "Sir, there was nothing yesterday afternoon and nothing last night. Zhang Qiang and Liu Deshan behaved normally and did not attract anyone."

Attention guests."

"That's good." Li Shiqun nodded and looked at Jian Jian: "Director Jian, you have been staying here these days. There are many people drinking mutton soup in the morning. Are there many repeat customers?"

"Sir, not much."

"What's the reason? Isn't his business very good?"

"Sir, there are many repeat customers, but the interval between return visits is generally about seven to ten days, and few people come to drink every day. I only monitored the place for three days, so there are few repeat customers."

"Well, that makes sense."

Li Shiqun nodded and said thoughtfully: "If the killer comes to contact, he must be within the range of new faces. Although there are informants, the possibility of modification by the opponent cannot be ruled out. Therefore, all new faces and young men must pay special attention, especially those who follow him.

Did Zhang Qiang and Liu Deshan communicate too much, or pass things other than money, such as notes? Anyone with such a guest must be arrested secretly, and no one can be let go."


Tang Huiming, Song Wenlin, and Li Shuihe almost agreed in unison.

The south window of the surveillance point was covered by curtains, and there were two people standing on each side. One of them was a spy, and the other was Zhu Yuewen's driver. The two of them were staring at the mutton soup stall with their eyes closed.

Zhu Yuewen's driver also held a telescope in his hand to facilitate careful observation and identification of the suspect's face.

A little after seven o'clock, the mutton soup stall started to get busy.

Suddenly, a rickshaw came from a distance, carrying a noble lady.

This noble lady has long hair shawl, a pair of glasses on the bridge of her nose, wearing a cheongsam, a fur coat, and a small bag in her hand.

The rickshaw did not stop when it passed the mutton soup stall. After passing by, the lady asked the driver to turn back and got off the car in front of the mutton soup stall. She walked over and sat down at a small table.

"Sir, look, it's a woman."

When the agent standing in front of the window saw this scene, he quickly reported it to Li Shiqun.

Li Shiqun came over, glanced at the lady, and asked: "Director Jian, are there any women here to drink mutton soup?"

"Sir, there are, and there are quite a few of them, most of them are wives or young ladies of the government. I even find it strange, even if I am a junior official, what is so special about this mutton soup stall? The tables are dirty, and the environment is so bad, but people with high status are preferred to come.

Drink." Jian Jian replied.

"It's not difficult to understand." Tang Huiming explained at the side: "First, those who can afford mutton soup are not tight on money; first, many people are not what they look like on the outside. Looking at the well-dressed people, they are not sure what they are like on the inside.

Well. Many people have polished leather shoes, but their socks have holes; their trousers are very stiff, and their underpants may not be washed for half a month."

Li Shiqun felt that what Tang Huiming said was reasonable, and when he looked at the lady sitting next to the dirty table, he no longer felt that it was out of the ordinary.

However, he was still worried and stood in front of the window to carefully observe the lady's every move.

After the lady sat down, Zhang Qiang went over and asked. The lady said a few words. Zhang Qiang nodded, turned around and brought him a bowl of mutton soup and a freshly baked sesame seed cake.

The noble lady wiped her chopsticks and spoon, maybe because she was afraid of being exhausted from the heat, she took off her glasses, put them on the table, and then slowly drank the soup in small sips with the spoon.

About seven or eight minutes later, the lady finished a bowl of soup and a sesame seed cake, threw a dollar on the table, put on her glasses, got up and got into the rickshaw, and drove away.

During the entire process, except for a few words with Zhang Qiang, the two of them had no communication and nothing was passed on, including paying money.

Li Shiqun thought to himself: "There is no problem. This woman was calm and elegant throughout the whole process, which shows that she has no evil intentions."

Thinking of this, Li Shiqun couldn't help but smile when he thought of what Tang Huiming said, "People with a polished appearance may not have washed their underwear."

Li Shiqun didn't know that this lady was Sun Shou, the killer he was eager to catch.

Sun Shou was reluctant to ask Lin Chuang to pretend to be a lady, but Lin Ming told him that the mutton soup stall had been surrounded by spies, and any man who appeared in front of the stall might be questioned after leaving the mutton soup stall. In order to avoid

No unnecessary trouble, it's better to pretend to be a woman.

Sun Shou thought it was reasonable and had no choice but to agree to the man's disguise as a woman.

Lin Chuang pays great attention to details.

After letting Li Honglin carefully redress Sun Shou, he saw that his true appearance could no longer be seen at all. He asked him to walk around for a few more times. He saw that his gait, movements, and waist all showed obvious traces of a man. He said to Sun Shou:

"No, your personality changes as soon as you walk. How can you look like a woman at all? Let Ji Jun pull you and watch women walking on the street."

Sun Shou agreed, and Shao Jijun drove him to the street.

The two hid in the car and watched the woman walking all afternoon.

He came back in the evening and practiced in the underground garage for half a night. Lin Chuang was satisfied until Sun Shou's hip bone and elbow were almost broken, his feet wearing high heels were worn out, and he no longer felt like a man.

This chapter has been completed!
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