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Chapter 927 This bitch is very snobby

At this moment, two "puff" sounds were heard, and the driver and the strong man were shot in the back of the head. Without even a grunt, they fell headlong into the hole they had dug.

Three people came out from behind the tree.

The leader was none other than Lin Chuang, followed by Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng.

Lin Chuang wore large sunglasses, covering most of his face. He casually threw the pistol with a silencer to Li Honglin and said: "The silencers of the Japanese are really good. They make very little noise."

By the way, why are the three of them here?

Actually the thing is very simple.

After Lin Chuang successfully passed on the matter of "rescuing" Zhang Ying to Wu Sibao by taking advantage of the conflict between Li Shiqun and Ding Mocun and the loophole in framing Liu Zezhan, Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng have been watching the developments outside the secret service.

Last night, the two men even sneaked into the Secret Service. They watched the whole process of Liu Zezhan and Chen Afu rescuing Zhang Ying, and at the same time, they also secretly kept vigil to ensure that the rescue operation went smoothly.

Liu Zezhan left in the car. Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng immediately reported Lin Chuang. Lin Chuang was very interested in Zhang Ying and wanted to see why this weak woman was so strong inside. He made up his mind to save people in person, so the three of them took the car.

Follow the truck all the way to the French Concession.

While the two were talking, Liu Ermeng quickly went down to the pit, opened the wooden box, and helped Zhang Ying up.

"Where is the benefactor? Where is the benefactor who saved me? Just kill me, but you can't kill him."

Zhang Ying was already injured, and after a bumpy journey, the pain all over his body was unbearable, and his consciousness was also a little blurry. It was only his perseverance that kept him from fainting.

In her heart, Liu Zezhan was the benefactor who saved her and a good person.

Just now, she heard in the box that the two people were going to kill Liu Zezhan, and she was very anxious. Therefore, the first thing she said after coming out of the box was to ask not to kill her "benefactor".

With just this sentence, Lin Chuang felt that his trip was not in vain.

This man is so worth saving.

"Zhang Ying, we are entrusted by your brothers Zhang Qiang and Liu Deshan to come to rescue you. Please come with us. We will see your brothers and them soon. Liu Zezhan is not your benefactor. The whole story is that when we meet your brother,

He will tell you." Lin Chuang said.

"This...impossible, it was him who rescued me. Who are you?" Zhang Ying finally realized what he was doing and saw a young man squatting in front of him. He shrunk warily and asked.

"What the eyes see is not necessarily the truth." Lin Chuang shook his head and said: "Struggle is cruel. Only those who know how to protect themselves are real warriors."

After saying that, he stood up and ordered: "Don't stay here for a long time, hurry up."

"Yes." Li Honglin and Liu Ermeng agreed. Liu Ermeng carried Zhang Ying out of the pit, and then together with Li Honglin, they quickly filled the hole.

Poor Liu Zezhan, he didn't get the gold bar and was buried alive instead.

Lin Chuang's prediction was correct. Nakano Yunzi and Shi Gongxianzi were not that stupid. They had no intention of suspecting Liu Zezhan based on Yan Dongsheng's confession that was full of loopholes.

But Zhang Ying was rescued and all the clues pointed to Liu Zezhan. Moreover, since he left the Secret Service in a grand manner, he never showed up again, which Nakano Yunzi had to believe.

The most important thing is that she also needs to close the case now. She needs a reason to close the case so that she can communicate with Quan Yangjian and give an explanation to the anxious Zhu Daoshan and Lan Xiangping.

Therefore, Liu Zezhan is firmly blamed.

Despite this, Nakano Yunzi still has a lot of doubts in her heart. She believes that there must be a black hand behind all this, either Li Shiqun who is fighting openly and secretly with Dingmo Village, or the "Cobra" who has always been invisible.

Therefore, with this judgment in mind, Yunzi Nakano did not continue to pursue the case, but was cautious in her heart.

Li Shiqun originally planned to use this case to eliminate Nakano Yunzi's suspicion of him and further weaken the power of Ding Mo Village. Unexpectedly, in the end, neither of these two goals was achieved.

On February 9, the 21st day of the twelfth lunar month, Lin Chuang's paper products factory opened.

In addition to the merchants who had business relationships with Lin Chuang, all Shanghai's dignitaries and dignitaries came to congratulate him, including Xin Jiaguang, Ding Mocun and others who were at odds with Lin Chuang.

Lin Chuang arranged a full one hundred and twenty banquet tables at the Hamilton Building before he could barely get all the guests to sit down.

After Lin Chuang gave a brief speech to express his gratitude, he and Tian Biyu toasted together, which was regarded as a toast to all the guests.

The banquet began, and he and Tian Biyu returned to the chief table.

The chief guests include Inukai Ken, Sato Hyoukimoto, Zhu Daoshan and his wife, Lan Xiangping and his wife, and Xin Jiaguang and his wife. Including them, there are exactly ten people.

Nakano Yunzi, Ding Mocun, Li Shiqun, Du Liqiang, Director of the Municipal Finance Department, Wang Qingquan, Director of Education, Yang Bin, President of the Chamber of Commerce, and others sat in the second seat.

Li Yunqing, Ye Jiqing, Bai Lingxia, Pan Shou, Jing Xin, Wu Sibao, She Aizhen, Gao Quanling and others took the third seat.

After more than two hours of busy drinking and chatting, fake smiles and insincere nonsense, Lin Chuang and Tian Biyu finally saw off the last guest.

Lin Chuang was exhausted and left the aftermath to Zhang Shouzheng, Pang Yiping, Ai Wanyi, and Hetian Biyu back to Lanyuan. They entered the bedroom and fell asleep without even washing their faces.

Tian Biyu was better than him, but she was also very tired. Not to mention anything else, the pain that those high heels brought to her made her forget about being particular. She threw away the high heels, jumped on the bed, and hugged Lin.

Chuang also fell into a deep sleep.

They slept until it was dark, and Zhang Camellia knocked on the door and called for dinner, and the two of them woke up.

After a brief wash, the two went downstairs and saw that the usually bustling dining table was deserted. Pang Yiping and Ai Wanyi were not there, and they knew that they were also very tired.

The two were about to eat when the phone rang.

Lin Chuang picked up the call and found out it was Zhu Daoshan calling.

"Xiao Lin, are you exhausted?"

"No, I just woke up."

"Have you eaten?"

"It's just been served, we haven't started eating yet."

"Then don't eat. Come to my house to eat. Have a drink with me. I have something important to tell you."


Lin Chuang agreed.

Putting down the phone, Lin Chuang said to Tian Biyu: "Okay, you can eat it by yourself. Mr. Zhu asked me to go to his house and drink two cups with him."

"I'm really helpless. I've been tired all day. Even if I'm made of iron, I still can't hold on." Tian Biyu pouted dissatisfiedly.

"There must be something going on, otherwise, how could Mr. Zhu be so inconsiderate? Besides, I've already rested after sleeping all afternoon." Lin Chuang said.

"Okay, come back soon."

Tian Biyu stood up and helped him get dressed.

Lin Chuang went out and called Li Honglin, and the two drove to Zhu's house.

When he arrived at Zhu's house, Zhu Daoshan was waiting for him, and the dining table was already filled with various dishes.

"Xiao Lin, sit down quickly. When I know you are coming, I will cook myself and cook two special dishes for you to try." Yang Xianfen took Lin Chuang's hand and said enthusiastically.

She is passionate, and Lin Chuang is her God of Wealth.

This bitch is so snobbish...

This chapter has been completed!
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