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Nine hundred and thirtieth chapters assassination good time

In the evening, before Lin Chuang did his homework, he talked to Tian Biyu about Qi Qingyun's situation.

"Xiao Yu, with such a master here, Sun Shou is afraid that he will run into trouble. Although his skills are also good, according to Nakano Yunzi's description, Sun Shou is still a little behind him. And he is fighting against everyone.

In this widowed situation, I am very worried about Sun Shou.

Having said that, Sun Shou is too arrogant and has not contacted me yet, and there is no way to tell him the situation. Let's report this situation to the boss tomorrow and let the boss pass it on."

"His lack of contact is probably the boss's intention. He is trying not to bring you any danger. You are now a key protection target."

"I'm flattered. But Sun Shou is not someone who can be sacrificed casually. This man is a real warrior. I don't want him to die before he leaves the army."

"Okay, stop worrying about others, it's time to worry about yourself." Tian Biyu said and got up.

"What do I have to worry about?"

“Your Japanese celebrity….”

"What Japanese celebrity? Oh, got it, holy shit..."

At 8:30 the next day, Lin Chuang had just arrived at the police station when Ding Manli came in with a panic and reported: "Bureau chief, Director Wang's secretary just called and said that Director Wang is going to inspect the Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange Center tomorrow.

, please be prepared."

"Ah?" Lin Chuang was surprised: "Inspection? What preparations are made? Is there security?"

"I didn't say anything, I just told you to be prepared." Ding Manli said.

When Lin Chuang heard that the matter was serious, he quickly picked up the phone and called Nakano Yunzi: "Miss, do you know about Dean Wang's inspection at the China-Japan Cultural Center?"

"How could I not know about such a big thing?"

"I received a call from Dean Wang's secretary, asking me to make preparations. What should I prepare? I don't need to worry about security matters, right?"

"You don't have to worry about security. I will take charge of it. Of course, the police station must also guard all roads from the city hall to the center. You can just leave this matter to the person in charge. I will ask the fairy to contact them. What you mainly need to do

Good reception work, such as the display content of each museum, should be rich and colorful, so that he can see the results of Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges."

"Oh, I understand. Fortunately, I have enough time to prepare for one day." Lin Chuang said.

"I can hear the tension in your voice. Haha, a high-ranking official who has always been calm and calm sometimes gets nervous?"

"The content must be rich and colorful, and the security must be foolproof. Aren't you nervous if it's you?"

"Okay, go get busy. I'll be there soon to see how to arrange security."

After saying that, Yunzi Nakano put down the phone.

Lin Chuang said to Ding Manli: "Call Lao Gao over."


Ding Manli couldn't help but become nervous when she saw the serious look on the bureau chief's face, and quickly called Gao Quanling to invite him.

"Lao Gao, Dean Wang is going to inspect my exchange center tomorrow, and I'm going to make arrangements right away. Section Chief Nakano will be responsible for the security, and let the police station assist. It's up to you. You contact Major Shi Gongxianzi. All I ask is

One thing, don’t worry about how Nakano arranges it, tell the people below that this is my territory, if there is even the slightest mistake, I will let him eat." Lin Chuang said urgently.

"Yes, don't worry, Bureau Chief. I'll send out all the people who can be used to make sure nothing goes wrong." Gao Quanling responded.


After Lin Chuang finished speaking, he stood up and left in a hurry.

Ding Manli's round butt was dangling in front of his eyes, and he was not in the mood to touch it.

When you are a subordinate, you are most afraid and annoyed by your superiors inspecting your work.

Even if you are extremely busy and exhausted, you may not be able to do well. It can even be said that you will not be able to do well at all. There will always be mistakes in your work. When your boss comes to check, it is only with a magnifying glass. It is just a matter of hair.

I will also let them find it.

This is Lin Chuang's mood.

When receiving a person like Dean Wang, there is no room for error.

When they arrived at the center, Lin Chuang called Ai Wanyi over and asked her to do two things quickly. One was to clean up the house, and the other was to have each library prepare their special programs for review in the afternoon.

"Sir, there is nothing else to say. In terms of Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges, only Chinese culture can't do it. In addition to Mr. Otake, there are also Sato Soichi, Tanaka Kyouyoshi and others, but they are all in the fields of architecture, composition, film, Go, and calligraphy.

, the opera has no Japanese cultural elements." Ai Wanyi said.

"In the war years, it would be good to have these. We can find some Chinese talents to communicate in Japanese fields, such as playing a few games of Go, competing in martial arts, etc. As for calligraphy and opera, we will show Chinese ones, and Japan will not

There will be no one."

"Okay, I'll get ready right away." Ai Wanyi stood up to leave.

"Wait a minute, Dean Wang loves beauty. Everyone who sings Peking Opera tomorrow will be dressed up. Even if they sing a short section, they must sing beautifully, and they must be good-looking. The ugly ones should not show their faces no matter how good they sing." Lin Chuang added.


"Yes, sir, it's a pity that there are no famous actors." Ai Wanyi said.

"If you don't have it, then you won't have it. Just serve whatever vegetables are available now. It's too late to plant them now. Just cook what you have."


Ai Wanyi is gone.

Lin Chuang walked around the office like an ant on a hot pot, completely losing his usual composure.

It was true that he was annoyed by Dean Wang's inspection, and it was true that he was worried about making mistakes, but this did not make him lose his grace so much.

He was worried that Sun Shou would take the opportunity to cause trouble here.

Lin Chuang believes that this possibility is very high.

First, the scene is large and there are many people, so it is easy to sneak in;

Secondly, the timing is just right. Giving someone named Wang such a chance before the establishment of the puppet government would be a heavy blow to their arrogance.

Third, it may seem that it is disadvantageous to oneself in one's own territory, but in fact, from another perspective, this is exactly what is advantageous to oneself, and it can once again prove that oneself and the military commander are incompatible.

With these three factors, it was impossible for Sun Shou not to cause trouble.

Although Lin Chuang wanted to help Sun Shou succeed, after thinking about it, he still couldn't.

For no other reason, assassinating someone Wang is similar to assassinating the king. The security force is too strong, and there are masters like Qi Qingyun on the side. Even if it succeeds in the end, it will end in death.

Lin Chuang didn't want Sun Shou to die.

If you want to kill someone, you must find a safe way.

In Lin Chuang's view, if he wanted to kill him, he must understand his hobbies, travel patterns, and even Qi Qingyun's weaknesses, and then formulate a sound plan.

If you act in such a hurry, the chance of success is very small.

Of course, Sun Shou wanted to assassinate Dean Wang in the cultural center. This was just Lin Chuang's own speculation and could not be accurate.

Because Sun Shou may not have accurate information about Wang’s travel.

"Two fierce!"

Lin Chuang turned around a few times and felt that he still needed to touch Sun Shou's bottom, so he shouted outside.

Liu Ermeng heard the sound and came in: "Mr."

"Go to the French Concession immediately and see what Sun Shou and the others are doing. Don't say anything and don't meet them." Lin Chuang ordered in a low voice.

"Yeah." Liu Ermeng's eyes lit up, he responded, turned around and left.

This chapter has been completed!
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