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Chapter 939 The scheming girl first fulfilled her wish

"With such tight defenses, there shouldn't be much of a problem. The only scary thing is the reporters." Lin Chuang said.

"Don't worry, Qi Qingyun hired all female reporters, and the newspapers he invited were all pro-Japanese, so there is no problem." Nakano Yunzi said.

"Female reporter? Well, you are quite attentive." Lin Chuang nodded, relieved.

This time there is no need to worry about Sun Shou and others sneaking in.

"Director Lin, it's rare for you to be so serious. Why do I think you are more nervous than Qi Qingyun?" Nakano Yunzi looked at Lin Chuang's serious face and asked with interest.

"Isn't it in my territory? If something happens, I can't afford to lose that person. Who said we are the police chief? If it were anywhere else, I would be so idle that I would be so busy with so many things to worry about." Lin Chuang turned over a page.

Rolling his eyes.

"My surname is Lin, you are a stickler for your profession, why are you going astray just by talking?"

"Hey hey hey, what path should I take? Which path can I take?" Lin Chuang smiled evilly again.

"Go away! I'm joking about Jiao Xingzhong's last name. Is there a director like you?"

"Hahaha..., do you understand?"

"I think you are so boring!"

"I'm pretending to be bored, it's really interesting."

"Go away, you bad guy."

Because the matter was so important, Lin Chuang did not dare to return to Lanyuan in the end, but stayed at the Cultural Exchange Center.

As soon as Ai Wanyi heard that Dean Wang was coming to inspect, she expected that Lin Chuang would not return to Lanyuan.

She was overjoyed that she finally had the opportunity she had been waiting for.

When Nakano Yunzi, Li Shiqun and others were there, she was so anxious that she kept walking around outside Lin Chuang's office.

But Nakano Yunzi was very uninterested. He didn't say goodbye even though there was no one around, and even talked to Lin Chuang for a long time.

Moreover, she talked to Lin Chuang in a non-vegetarian manner, and often hit Lin Chuang on the shoulder with her fists, and her eyes were so ambiguous.

All this made Ai Wanyi so angry that she was really afraid that her husband would not be able to control himself and would have some mischief with this familiar woman in the office.

If I extinguish my husband's anger, I'm afraid my efforts will be in vain.

Speaking of scheming, Ai Wanyi has put in a lot of effort.

Her father and his uncle's greenhouse vegetable business was now a success, and the first crop of leeks was already sick enough. She asked her father to cut a patch, make dumplings, and fry a plate of eggs.

Lin Chuang loved to eat leeks and had a delicious dinner. Ai Wanyi was very happy when she saw him: "Why don't you want me today?"

After finally getting everyone out, it was already past two o'clock in the evening.

Ai Wanyi walked into the office and said to Lin Chuang with burning eyes: "Sir, it's been a tiring day, so take a rest."

"Huh..." Lin Chuang did feel exhausted, but he was very reluctant to sleep with Ai Wanyi. In the dilemma, he couldn't help but close his eyes, frown and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Sir, come to my room and I'll give you a massage." Ai Wanyi came over and whispered softly in his ear.

Lin Chuang really had no reason to shirk anymore, so he made an excuse for himself: "The soldiers on the hidden front all have their own difficulties. In order to play the role of the police chief and the rich man, I have to accept her today."


Thinking of this, he stood up and said, "Okay, I'll sleep in your room today."

Ai Wanyi was overjoyed, and followed Lin Chuang to her room, helped him undress, and asked him to sit on the bed. Then she poured hot water and heated his feet. After burning his feet, she asked Lin Chuang to lie down on the bed, and she knelt on the bed.

Go, hold Lin Chuang's feet in your arms, and squeeze them slowly.

She pressed and pressed, not knowing which acupuncture point she pressed. Lin Chuang felt a surge of heat in her belly. Unable to hold it back any longer, he roughly pulled Ai Wanyi over and tore off her vagina in two or two strokes.

Clothes, pressed into bed: "Come, let me love you..."

I didn’t expect, I really didn’t expect—Ai Wanyi was actually a virgin! Didn’t it mean that the first lesson a female agent learned was how to use her body? What happened to her?

While enjoying himself, Lin Chuang added some questions.

A night of silence.

At 6:30 the next day, according to his usual work and rest habits, Lin Chuang should go for morning exercise at this time.

But after enjoying the special service for a night, I really couldn't get up, so I just fell asleep.

Ai Wanyi woke up early, and her legs were so painful that she really didn't want to move, but thinking that she would be busy today, she had to endure the pain and prepare breakfast for Lin Chuang.

When Lin Chuang was called up, Ai Wanyi helped her get dressed and asked shyly: "Sir, how are you doing?"

"What's it like?"

"How did you sleep?"

“Very good, sleep quality is very good.”

"It's not this, it's...how does it compare with Madam and Miss Yi?"

"You asked this, that..." Lin Chuang did not answer immediately.

Ai Wanyi became nervous and stared at Lin Chuang closely.

"Everyone has his own merits, and each is good at winning."


Ai Wanyi laughed.

Dean Wang came to inspect, and the honorary director of the Inuyang Health Organization became the protagonist, while the real owner Lin Chuang became a supporting role.

Lin Chuang was not unhappy at all about this arrangement, but was happy to see it come to fruition.

He really doesn't want to show up, especially in front of big shots, and he doesn't even want to laugh and flatter, it's too tiring.

Of course Qi Qingyun was here. The moment he saw Lin Chuang, it was as if he hadn't seen him before. His eyes never stopped on Lin Chuang, not even for half a second.

Lin Chuang knew that he had a feud with him, and it would be difficult to resolve it for a while.

However, this guy is really dedicated to protecting his master.

Except for several important figures such as Quan Yangjian, Zhu Daoshan, Xin Jiaguang and Lan Xiangping, no one else can get close to Dean Wang. Even Ai Wanyi, who is responsible for introducing the situation, can only introduce him five steps away.

Scholars and staff in various libraries not only applauded from a distance, but also stood as far as eight feet away.

Dean Wang is a show-off person.

Everywhere they went, there were several female reporters holding cameras and constantly changing angles to take photos.

Lin Chuang didn't look at these reporters carefully and didn't ask too much. Anyway, he had already fulfilled his obligation to remind them. It would be annoying to dwell on this matter anymore.

I just felt that there was a slightly tall female reporter who seemed familiar, and I wanted to take a look at her appearance, but most of her face was covered by her long wavy hair and a pair of wide-rimmed glasses.

Lin Chuang didn't pay much attention, and Nakano Yunzi walked at the end with everyone, whispering as they walked.

"Qi Qingyun is okay, I think there is no need to worry about Dean Wang's safety." Nakano Yunzi whispered.

"These people don't have any problems at all. It's useless to be so defensive." Lin Chuang said disdainfully.

"I found out that you are really petty, so vindictive?" Yunzi Nakano said with a smile.

"I hold a grudge? He is the only one who holds a grudge. Look at him like that." Lin Chuang pointed at Qi Qingyun quietly.

"Ignore him. You have the director and me to support you, so don't be afraid of him. But don't go too far. After all, he is Dean Wang's personal guard. If he gets stiff, everyone's face will look bad." Nakano Yun

Zi advised.

"Well, I understand the importance." Lin Chuang nodded.

Then he asked: "Which newspaper do these female reporters belong to?"

This chapter has been completed!
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