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Nine hundred and sixtieth chapters have eyes

Tian Biyu secretly praised: "Clever!" and then put down the phone.

Then he found a piece of paper from his bag with the phone number of "Shishu Qingxin Teahouse" written on it.

Of course, this phone number was not given by Lin Chuang, but she asked Ai Wanyi to check it.

Tian Biyu couldn't explain the purpose of checking this number. Anyway, it was not to talk about Buddhist scriptures or poems and books with her master. Deep down in her heart, she probably thought that one day, she would ask Jing Xin to accuse him.

As for when it would be appropriate, she couldn't tell. Anyway, it wasn't now. It had to be done after the Japanese were driven out of China.

Now Jing Xin is useful, and she knows it better than Lin Chuang.

I didn't expect that this use would be put to use so quickly, and not for a fancy little house, but for myself. It really makes people lament the impermanence of the world.

Tian Biyu understood that her little jealousy must be put away now. The right way is to share the same hatred with the enemy.

After the call was dialed, Tian Biyu took a long breath and thought about how to speak to Jing Xin.

Tone represents attitude, and attitude represents the future.

"Hello, who's there?" A thin, soft voice came from the phone.

Tian Biyu was not sure whether it was Jing Xin or Wu Xin.

She knew both of them, but had never met or spoken to them.

"I am Tian Biyu, are you Jingxin or Wuxin?" Tian Biyu said.

She felt that her tone seemed a bit harsh, but she didn't want to change it.

"Tian Biyu? Don't you know him?" said the thin voice.

Tian Biyu was so angry that she wanted to curse: "Although I am not a famous person, but you young ones, don't you know the name of the boss well?"

She forgot that Wu Xin was not trying to be petty, and in fact Jing Xin had no intention of being petty either.

Just when I didn't know what to say, another voice came from the receiver: "Don't be rude!"

The sound is very clear and crisp.

"Mrs. Lin, this is Jing Xin. Please don't be offended. Wu Xin doesn't know your name." A steady voice came from the receiver.

"Haha, are you so shameless now? Why don't you mean to panic at all? Just show it off and let me satisfy my vanity." Tian Biyu said angrily to herself.

"Director Lin was invited into the Chongguang Hall by Nakano Yunzi, and the guards were driven back, saying that they would not be allowed to go home for three days." Thinking of Lin Chuang, Tian Biyu no longer wanted to criticize Jing Xin, but the boss's airs could not be broken, so

He said firmly.

"Director Lin is auspicious and everything will be fine. Don't worry, Mrs. Lin." Jing Xin replied.

When Tian Biyu heard Jing Xin's words, she didn't mean to be anxious at all. She couldn't help but feel angry and said angrily: "Well, if something happens to him, everyone will be waiting to be widowed!"

Upon hearing this, Jing Xin was stunned and replied: "Sister, don't be anxious. It's not that I don't care about Director Lin's safety, but I have confidence in him. Since you are worried, I will immediately mobilize everyone to find out about him."


When she heard that her title had been changed and she even called herself "poor nun", Tian Biyu really didn't know whether to laugh or not. She immediately got angry and said, "I'll call you as soon as I hear anything."

"Yes, eldest sister."

Tian Biyu felt that her vanity was satisfied, so she said "hmm" and put down the phone.

Tian Biyu thought for a while, that's all the power she had on the surface. As for the power behind the scenes, she couldn't use it for the time being.

Now we can only wait, there is no rush, we must keep a clear head.

Tian Biyu sat on the sofa, and Zhang Camellia came over and poured a glass of water.

Tian Biyu held the cup and continued to think: "I heard from Xiao Zhai that the only person I've ever met is Zhang Ying. Liu Deshan and she are lovers. Could it be that Zhang Ying told Liu Deshan something? Yes, it's very possible."

Thinking of this, Tian Biyu hurriedly called the paper product factory and found Shao Jijun: "Ji Jun, is there any report from Jun Jiang?"

"Madam, I looked everywhere for the boss and couldn't find him. I was in a hurry. Jun Jiang reported that the Japanese went to Liu Deshan and Zhang Ying's residence early in the morning. Later, when they couldn't find anyone, they left." Shao Jijun said anxiously.


"Okay, I understand. Ji Jun, don't leave the factory. Always answer the phone."


Putting down the phone, Tian Biyu secretly said: "Sure enough, the Japanese knew Zhang Ying's residence so quickly. Needless to say, Liu Deshan has already rebelled."

"Camellia, go and guard outside the door and let me know if someone comes," Tian Biyu said.

"Yes, madam." Zhang Camellia immediately went out and stood guard in the courtyard.

After taking out Zhang Camellia, Tian Biyu said to Li Honglin: "Daya, the Japanese went to investigate Zhang Ying early this morning."

"Ah? Liu Deshan rebelled?" Li Honglin said in surprise.

"It's very possible, otherwise the Japanese wouldn't have been able to find her residence so quickly."

"So fast? Liu Deshan is too damn bloodless, isn't he?"

"Now is not the time to worry about his bloody nature. The most important thing is that Director Lin must be in trouble."

"Ah? What should we do?"

Li Honglin was shocked.

"Don't worry. Judging from the reaction of the Japanese, it's probably just suspicion. Because Lanyuan has not been surrounded, my freedom has not been restricted, and the factory has not been sealed. It is very likely that Director Lin will be tested again. In this way, you can call immediately

Call Er Meng and ask him to come back and take orders. Also, don't tell Zhang Ying that Liu Deshan has rebelled, let her stay peacefully in the factory and let people watch her."

"Okay, okay." Li Honglin agreed hurriedly, picked up the phone and called Ermeng: "Ermeng, tell Zhang Ying to let her stay peacefully in the factory, and let people watch her and don't let her run around.

, the Japanese are hunting her everywhere. After making arrangements, go back to Lanyuan immediately, there is something urgent."

Liu Ermeng on the other end of the phone was stunned and replied with one word: "Yeah."

Putting down the phone, Tian Biyu and Li Honglin waited anxiously for the call.

Twenty minutes later, the first call came, from Zhang Jin: "Madam, the husband and Section Chief Nakano came out of Chongguang Hall. The husband changed into a gray robe and a black hat, got into a car and headed south.


"Okay, you'll be back soon, don't follow me." Tian Biyu was heartbroken after hearing this.

At least with the news about Lin Chuang, it doesn't look very dangerous.

"Yes." Zhang Jin responded and put down the phone.

Five minutes later, the phone rang again, it was Ding Manli.

"Mrs. Lin, Director Lin appeared at the public pier in casual clothes. It seems that he is going to board a cargo ship called the 'Jianglong'."

"Okay, I understand. Director Ding, don't disturb him," Tian Biyu said.


Just as she hung up the phone on Ding Manli, the phone rang again. It was Master Jing Xin.

"Sister, your husband has arrived at the public pier and has been refitted. It looks like he is going to board a cargo ship. In addition, Xin Jiaguang, Lan Xiangping, Ding Mocun and others don't know where your husband wants to go."

"Ah?" Tian Biyu was shocked when she heard this.

This chapter has been completed!
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