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Chapter 975 Killing the scum who invites favor

"General Wu is right. Why should I hate the Japanese and traitors? You know, I still wear the hat of a traitor on my head." Lin Chuang replied.

"Mr. Lin, I know you are on guard against me. As I said just now, you have been kind to me, and I, Mr. Wu, will never forget it, let alone harm you.

I know you belong to the military commander. I didn't want to acknowledge that kindness back then. It wasn't that Mr. Wu was cold-blooded, but it was actually because I didn't want to have too many entanglements with the military commander. I ask for Mr. Lin's understanding.

Now that Japan has invaded China, all our people should respond to the chairman's call and pick up guns to fight the Japanese.

So, we are kindred spirits."

"General Wu is wrong. We are not the same people. In a sense, we are enemies."

"Hahaha... Mr. Lin was joking, how come we are not of the same mind? I fight fiercely on the battlefield with a sword and a gun to resist Japan, and you working undercover in the enemy's lair to gather intelligence are also resisting Japan."

When Lin Chuang heard this, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Hahaha...!"

The laughter didn't stop, but there was a hint of sadness in the laughter: "General Wu, you have high regard for me."

"Isn't it?" Wu Wen stared at Lin Chuang with his deep eyes and asked.

"Oh, it's hard to say it in words." Lin Chuang sighed: "To be honest, I also want to serve the country, but unfortunately there is no way to do so."

When Wu Wen heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he asked: "Now that all the anti-Japanese people have united, and the national and red parties have abandoned their past hatred with such great hatred, why does Mr. Lin say that there is no way to serve the country?"

"General Wu doesn't know something."

"Want to hear the details."

"Okay, then let me talk to General Wu about the resentment in my heart. I just hope that after I finish speaking, General Wu will let me go back to Shanghai if he remembers our past friendship. In addition, please ask those friends of mine to come too.


"We will talk about this later, Mr. Lin, please speak."

"General Wu only knows that I am a member of the military commander, and may not know how great my contribution was in Nanjing. Let's put it this way, I arrested dozens or even hundreds of Japanese spies alone, and seized five radio stations.

I have three code books. It can be said that in the Secret Service at that time, I solved the most cases and made the greatest contributions. If my merits were based on my merits, it would not be a problem to be promoted to colonel.

It's a pity that because I am from Shandong, I was never appreciated by Li Chunfeng and could not enter the inner circle of the Secret Service. My promotion was suppressed again and again.

Forget it, later on, a small case involved a friend of mine. I thought it was not a major case, and it was hard to shirk my friend’s request, so I tried to find a way to save him.

Unexpectedly, such a trivial matter would anger Li Chunfeng, and he would shoot me no matter what.

Later, it was Young Master Gong who came forward to save my life.

His life was saved, but he was expelled from the Secret Service and was strictly prohibited from entering Nanjing for the rest of his life.

In desperation, I went to Shanghai and started a business to save the country through industry."

Wu Wen heard this and said with deep sympathy: "So you were also squeezed out? Alas, if you are not from my hometown, your heart must be different. Director Li is too narrow-minded to do great things."

"I took root in Shanghai and inevitably interacted with the Japanese. Maybe it was because of the same political ideas, or maybe my ability to make money was recognized. In short, the director of the Inuyang Health Organization appreciated me very much.

When he was a consultant, we were friends. Later, when he became the agency director, he insisted that I become the police chief.

Do you blame me for this? I just followed the trend and did nothing to disgrace the military commander. Moreover, when I was the police chief, I never had anything to do with the military commander, nor did I kill anyone from the military commander.

But it was because of this that the military commander sent people to hunt me down again and again. I was injured many times, but I was lucky enough to survive. However, my wife was killed by the military commander’s agents!"

At this point, Lin Chuang's eyes widened with anger and tears in his eyes.

"General Wu, the military agents killed me and my family, and they have formed a deep hatred. I hate them to death, but I will still do things for them? Would you like to do it for you?"

"Uh..." Wu Wen touched his chin and said in deep thought: "Maybe there is a reason for this. Mr. Lin, if you have no objection, I can write to the Ministry of National Defense and I will no longer pursue your past, whether you are right or wrong. And

You need to use your current position to provide necessary military intelligence to the national army, what do you think?"

"Hahaha... General Wu, don't mention this matter. Don't mention this matter." Lin Chuang laughed and waved his hands.

"Why? Don't trust Wu?"

"Yes, I don't trust General Wu. Let's put it this way, you are a clay Buddha crossing the river, and you still protect me? Besides, if you don't protect me, my name may gradually be removed from Li Chunfeng's blacklist. You

If you protect me, I might die faster. Haha, I speak straightforwardly, don’t blame General Wu."

"This..." Wu Wen choked and almost fell over.

His face changed several times, and suddenly he said with great righteousness: "Mr. Lin, the Chairman of the Committee and I are the enemies of the Northwest Army. The relationship between you and Li Chunfeng is not a big deal. Even if he is sorry for you, but in the country

In the face of national justice, what do these things mean? What do these grudges mean? Aren’t you afraid of leaving a bad name in history?!"

"Haha, General Wu, Lin is not a child. Don't kidnap me with these big and empty truths. History? History is just a little girl who can be dressed up by others. It is written by the winner. The winner is king and the loser is

Thief, isn't that the truth?" Lin Chuang sneered.

"Pah!" Wu Wen suddenly changed color as he slapped the table.

"You surnamed Lin, don't be ignorant of praise! If you resist Japan, I respect you as a benefactor; if you become a traitor, I, Mr. Wu, will not only disown you as a benefactor, but also kill you to thank the people of the country. Do you believe it?!"

Lin Chuang's eyes turned cold when he heard this.

He did not respect Wu Wen because of his words, but became even more disgusted and disdainful of him as a person.

"Haha, I believe it, I believe it. Lin didn't repay his favor back then, and now General Wu may not be able to kill him and invite him to favor him." Lin Chuang sneered several times.

"You say I'm a villain?" Wu Wen said angrily.

"Villain?" Lin Chuang's anger rose, and his face darkened as he cursed back: "Calling you a villain is an insult to a villain! Not only are you unrighteous, courageous, and witless, you are simply an extremely stupid scumbag!


As soon as Lin Chuang started scolding, Wu Wen blushed as red as pig liver and trembled with anger.

The orderly quit, took out his pistol, pointed it at Lin Chuang and cursed: "Asshole, I'll kill you!"

Lin Chuang was not used to being pointed at.

What happened at Wu Wen's home court? That won't work either.


Lin Chuang scolded him lightly, but he didn't see any movement. He moved his left hand back and to the right, and the orderly's gun was in Lin Chuang's hand.

Just when he was about to show off and return the gun to the orderly, something suddenly moved in his heart, and he thought: "Grandma, you are such a bear, isn't this a God-given opportunity? It is God's will to take it, and you must suffer the consequences. If you don't control Wu Wen at this time, it will be even worse."


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