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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty: Stunning Sword Immortal Gu Guanxue

Although the middle-aged CEO Wang had the majestic expression of an old gamer, Lu Jiujiu still felt that this guy was a bit unreliable. After thinking about this matter, it would probably be too late to find someone else to handle it, so...

Lu Hanhan suppressed his vigilance and asked in a low voice: "Well... let me ask you a few questions..."

"Does your company... make games?"

President Wang thought to himself that if a game company doesn't make games, why would it change its job to be a pimp? If another person came to his office and asked this kind of question, President Wang would definitely call the security to take her out.

However, if he dared to go through such thoughts in his mind and dared to drive Miss Lu out of the company, then he would probably be revoked from his position and kicked out the next day because of his heavy breathing.

"That's right, our company was formerly a studio called Tide Games. It used to have a good reputation in the industry. Mr. Bucaiwang used to be the second-in-command of the studio... Miss Jiujiu, you want to try us out?

Is it a new game? Recently there is a brand new Classic of Mountains and Seas developed by our company, which is very fun! If there is no casting interface at the beginning, you can..."

"Please wait a moment..." Lu Jiujiu raised her hand to interrupt President Wang's chanting, and explained: "I'm not here to play games."

"Second question...will your company...will participate in the game show?"

President Wang was stunned: "If it was the publicity stage, I would definitely go, but at the current level of our company, we usually go to major exhibitions in first-tier cities."

"Are you going to participate in our game expo?"

President Wang couldn't figure out the thoughts of the young lady in front of him. Seeing that she seemed nervous, he carefully replied: "Sometimes I will participate. This mainly depends on the strategic arrangements of the game publicity department..."

"Did your company participate in the game show in June this year?"

President Wang pondered for a moment, took out a few information folders, rummaged through them, and finally replied with a hint of joy: "There is a game from a new department that has reserved a booth. It belongs to our city!"

"What type of game!" Lu Jiujiu asked quickly.

"Xianxia type."

Lu Hanhan nodded thoughtfully: "Then will you invite porn to the game show?"

"This..." President Wang was stuck in embarrassment. He only knew that there were many competing products in the Xianxia game, which belonged to the Red Sea field. It was impossible to go to well-known domestic exhibitions to brush up on qualifications. As for other specific promotion strategies

, he really hasn’t paid attention to it.

As a president, if he even pays attention to this kind of game that is a training exercise for a new department, then either he is crazy, or the world is crazy.

"Miss Jiujiu, is there someone you like that you want to invite to participate in the event?" President Wang's mind moved, and he seemed to have figured out something: "If this is the case, then I can contact the following departments immediately and ask them to invite them.

Even if I am poaching a corner, I will definitely poach him back for you."

Lu Hanhan waved his hand and said melancholy: "It's not like I have a favorite porn star... I don't like them playing OS, but it's not like I don't like him playing OS. In fact, her playing OS has nothing to do with me... You

Do you understand what I mean?"

President Wang:???

Middle-aged people really don’t understand the world of you young people very well... Girls nowadays are all riddlers, right?

"Forget it, I don't understand even if I tell you." Lu Hanhan sighed: "Can you show me the list of OS pre-selected..."

"Hold on."

There was another internal call. President Wang spoke with dignity and asked Assistant Xiao Li to call in the person in charge of the project promotion of Xianxia Game, and brought a tablet by the way.

"Mr. Wang, here are the information you need, it's all inside."

Lu Jiujiu took the tablet and started to slide it. The pictures above were all pre-selected for this game show, including men and women, and their respective OS pictures. The handsome men and beauties were all in the world of intensive cultivation.

Life is so colorful that people can’t help but call it the Three-Character Classic of Fat House:

I'm good, I can do it!

The girl was flipping through one page after another, not as if she was selecting, but as if she was looking for something. Suddenly, she stopped sliding and stared blankly at the girl on the tablet.

In the photo, Gu Guanxue is dressed in fluttering white clothes, holding a sword in his right hand, with black hair hanging down naturally like a waterfall, looking back with cold eyes, as if there is some kind of temperament hidden in his eyes that can repel people thousands of miles away. If the world of fairy tales is really

If she existed, then the girl in front of her would undoubtedly be the stunning swordsman of the Fourteen States with a single sword in the eyes of many people.

She was good-looking to begin with, and she was even more beautiful when she lived in refinement. Looking at Gu Guanxue with such a color, Lu Jiujiu couldn't help but froze in place with extremely complicated eyes.

Gu Guanxue's normal eyes are obviously not like this... Is this her acting skills?

Why is she so good at playing os? She can do everything she wants to do... and it's all so perfect.

The girl touched the screen lightly, her little face obviously a little frustrated... This girl is really amazing, so excellent and perfect in all aspects, no wonder Ning Yuan likes to play with her...

Ning Yuan is also very good. Is this the mutual attraction between good people and good people?

Lu Hanhan: I like food...(;′д`)ゞ

For the first time, Lu Hanhan felt a certain feeling of envy and admiration in her heart. She had never been like this before, because her grandma taught her to be content and happy, and getting what you can get is enough. Being educated like this

Even though she is older, she never envies others who are better than her.

She suddenly realized that she had not envied others before, not because she was good enough, but because she had not found anyone worthy of her envy.

Now she's found it.

President Wang on the side looked at Miss Lu’s depressed and melancholy expression, and his mind naturally started to work. This girl obviously came here for these pornographic information, which meant that she knew some of these pornographic people.


Why do you need to find someone who sneaks over here without telling dad, and you're not allowed to snitch on me?

Could it be that... Miss Lu is in love!

The romantic partner is a pervert!

This news is too shocking!

President Wang remained calm and cautiously probed: "Miss Jiujiu...are you planning to choose O to participate in our game?"

Lu Jiujiu came to her senses, was silent for a while, and asked in a low voice.

"May I?"


"Then I want to choose her." Lu Hanhan handed the tablet to President Wang. He took the tablet and almost made his eyes pop out when he looked at it.

It’s actually a girl!?

Oh, no... In the OS world, it's normal for gender to be indifferent... Maybe this is actually a boy...

Take a closer look at the information...

Well, she is actually a girl. Our Miss Lu is in love...but the partner is a beautiful girl!?

If Director Lu knew about it, would he kill me directly?

President Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and felt that this May day was getting hotter and hotter.

This chapter has been completed!
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