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Chapter 262: Our fit is just a beautiful firework

When Gu Guanxue said these words, her eyes seemed to be looking at Ning Yuan, but she seemed not to be looking at Ning Yuan. There was a hint of loneliness and loneliness in her eyes. This was the knot between her and Ning Yuan.

If you keep avoiding it, more and more contradictions and misunderstandings will accumulate.

It was not that she had never thought about speaking to Ning Yuan, but she could never find a suitable time and atmosphere to say these words before. Even just before Ning Yuan spoke, she felt that this was not the best time, but now she said these

It seems to be of no use anymore.

Some truths must be experienced before they can be understood. It has been read in books and told to others thousands of times, so it is better to experience it yourself.

It turns out that no matter what you are planning to do, the best time to start is now.

After Ning Yuan listened to the girl's slightly tired and lonely words, he remained silent for a long time without speaking. The two of them remained speechless, and in the background there was only the pretendingly lazy voice of the folk singer on stage singing a cover.

“It’s not just the wine last night that made me shed tears~”

"It's not just your tenderness that makes me reluctant to leave you~"

"Do you really think that what has been shown to me for so long is just a false you?" Ning Yuan suddenly asked softly: "But I don't think so."

"Whether it's illusory or real, why do you think I won't fall in love with the real you?"

"I liked you back then just because you were Gu Guanxue."

Gu Guanxue looked at the boy's serious eyes, suddenly laughed softly, nodded and said equally seriously: "Thank you."

"I'm not saying this just to let you say thank you." Ning Yuan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "To be honest, in fact, when you never said these words to me before, I am quite happy in my heart."

"It's not just you who's scared, I'm also scared." Ning Yuan said calmly, "Especially after I developed a crush on Man Yue."

"Are you afraid that you still like me?" Xuebao lowered his eyes, his emotions well hidden in his heart, making it difficult for others to see clearly.


"Aren't you afraid now?"

"Now I know it." Ning Yuan said: "It's because I know that you actually liked me when you rejected me before. It's not just my wishful thinking. So I feel relieved."

"Yes." Gu Guanxue was relieved now, and her behavior seemed much more natural: "If I didn't like you at that time, why did I kiss you?"

"Why do you want to reject me if you like me?"

"I don't know..." Xuebao shook his head: "Just think that I was stupid at that time."

She smiled self-deprecatingly, and then whispered to herself: "The fear of the shackles, the uncertainty about the future, and the distrust of you and me were all the reasons why I rejected you at that time."

"Is freedom really so important? Even if you like something, you have to be afraid that it will cause you harm?"

"It was important to me...but none of that matters now."


Ning Yuan was silent for a while without speaking. After a while, he gently picked up the wine glass:

"It's really not important anymore...but I still want to say thank you."

Gu Guanxue: "Why do you want to say thank you?"

"I don't know either." Master Ning picked up the cup and said with a bitter smile, "How about thanking you for not letting me perform a one-man show by myself?"

"Unrequited love is the hardest thing to endure. It sounds better to miss out on mutual love than to be let down by wishful thinking. After all, it's not like I haven't experienced this kind of thing before."

"Oh?" Gu Guanxue reached out and poured herself a glass of wine, and responded softly: "Was it before me?"

"Otherwise, do you think there are so many girls in the world who are just as bored as you and run away after kissing me?" Master Ning took a sip of wine angrily: "To be fair, you kept me from sleeping well for several days."

"Both each other." Gu Guanxue raised her glass, chuckled and said, "Then what?"

Ning Yuan tried to adjust the atmosphere back to the past, and Xuebao clearly received this hint. There was no silence, no regrets or regretful tone, hiding all the unwillingness and loss in his heart to cooperate with Ning Yuan in this heart-wrenching reunion. All the drama.

"No then." Ning Yuan shook his head: "The relationship between her and me is not the same as yours..."

"I didn't even confess to her. I didn't have the courage to express my feelings to her face to face. When I was young, my childish self-esteem felt that wishful unrequited love was the most shameful thing, so this is also a regret in my heart."

Gu Guanxue understood the implication of Ning Yuan's words and asked softly: "So am I a way for you to make up for your regrets?"

"Absolutely." Ning Yuan nodded: "So, don't think too highly of me... In fact, I am quite hypocritical. I knew that confessing to you at that time would probably not have any results, but I still wanted to I tried to make up for my regrets."

"If I had known you better and prepared more at that time, maybe the outcome would have been different."

"Like now?"

Ning Yuan nodded.

"Just like it is now."

"So we are all quite hypocritical." Xuebao suddenly laughed and said, "Can I understand that what you are doing to Jiang Manyue now is to make up for your regrets towards me?"

"Don't." Master Ning smiled bitterly and complained: "Can't you just say that I have grown up? That sounds better."


Ning Yuan: "..."

"Why do you say thank you?"

"Because..." Gu Guanxue said softly, "I finally don't owe you anymore."

Such a light word seemed to have made all the efforts the two people had made to create the pretentious and free atmosphere in front of them, and they fell silent in an instant. He knew what Gu Guanxue meant. , he also knew why Gu Guanxue felt that he owed him, but today, it seemed that he could no longer hug Gu Guanxue gently and say:

"It's okay, let's make up."

Because there is a full moon, the trace of distress and strange emotions in his heart must not spread, at least it cannot affect his decision.

"We don't owe anyone anything. We just missed it."

"Yes, I just missed it." Gu Guanxue smiled and raised a glass: "I miss you."

The glasses of the two collided in the air, and then they drank the whole drink. The ice cubes in the glasses had not completely melted yet, and they made a crisp sound when they collided with the walls of the glasses. Ning Yuan drank the wine, put down the glasses, and stood up gently:

"I'm leaving."


He didn't say goodbye or ask where Ning Yuan was going. Gu Guanxue just tasted the wine by himself, his eyes still lowered, as calm as an ordinary farewell.

"I know that telling you to go home early is nonsense now, so I called Chen Ling and Jingjing over. They have already arrived at the parking lot." Ning Yuan stood there and warned softly: "Try to drink as little as possible. Otherwise, I will have a headache when I wake up tomorrow."

"I know." Xuebao raised his eyes and showed a grin: "Be careful, Jiang Manyue is not an easy master to deal with."

"I'll lend you your kind words." Ning Yuan smiled back, then turned and left. The moment he turned around, Gu Guanxue behind him suddenly stopped him:

"Wait a moment."


Can I ask you a few final questions.


"Will you confess your love to Jiang Manyue?"


"Okay." Gu Guanxue nodded and asked softly: "What will you do if you are rejected by her again?"

Ning Yuan thought for a while and asked instead without answering: "Do you think she will reject me?"


Gu Guanxue was speechless for a moment when she heard this. If it were her previous self, she would have answered without hesitation, "I think so," but now she actually can't understand Jiang Manyue. Maybe what she believed before may not be true.

, she doesn’t know what kind of experiences Jiang Manyue and Ning Yuan have had, what kind of moonlight they have seen, how can she conclude that she will definitely take revenge on Ning Yuan based on her own feelings?

Maybe... Jiang Manyue is really trapped?

"Last question." Gu Guanxue took a deep breath and looked straight at Ning Yuan:

"If Jiang Manyue hadn't appeared, would you still like me now?"

Ning Yuan: "..."

Their eyes met for a moment, and Ning Yuan suddenly felt that the girl's eyes were stubborn and a little frightening. He lowered his eyes, and after a moment he gently raised his eyes and said:


It wasn't that it was possible, or that he didn't know. Ning Yuan simply told Gu Guanxue an accurate answer. Xuebao was stunned for a moment when he heard this answer, and then showed a heart-wrenching smile:


Ning Yuan turned around and left. The smile on Gu Guanxue's face remained unchanged behind her, and she was pouring wine and sipping it. It wasn't until Ning Yuan walked to the door of the folk bar that she looked up slightly.

If this was the farewell to the story, it would be a bit too plain.

But...it's better to be more plain, at least it won't make me cry.

I am Gu Guanxue, the Gu Guanxue he once liked. How could I cry over such a trivial matter?

Chen Ling and the others will come over soon, right? At least they have to show off in front of their bestie, right?

With Xuebao thinking like this, she unconsciously changed the remaining wine in her glass. Just when she was about to reach out and order a few more bottles of wine, the folk singer on the stage put down her guitar at some point and picked it up again.

The guy playing the guitar has a familiar voice.

It was Ning Yuan. He seemed to have stopped for a moment and looked back at Gu Guanxue before leaving. I don't know what kind of mental process made him, who was supposed to disappear behind the door, turn around and go backstage to communicate with the folk singer.

Sing a song by yourself.

A farewell song.

The lights went on and off, soft accompaniment sounded along with the beat, Ning Yuan gently plucked the strings and opened his voice:

"The postman and the letter, the seabirds and the fish."

"Falling leaves and wind, and me and you."

"It's like the encounter between camera and light and shadow."

"It's like the change of seasons, and it's also like love."

"It makes sense to complement each other."

"After embracing each other, we must go our separate ways."

Gu Guanxue: "..."

She was stunned for a moment, as if she heard the story of two people written in the lyrics, and couldn't help but remain silent for a long time. All the past things appeared in front of her eyes, drifted away like smoke, and disappeared into the song.

Ning Yuan's voice cannot be said to be the kind of voice that has a special story to tell, but at this moment, it made everyone feel the story hidden in the song. He played the strings lightly and continued to sing the chorus:

"You love freedom more than you love me, but I prefer lingering to freedom."

"Our compatibility is just a beautiful firework that amazes time but cannot illuminate a picky life."

Gradually, the people in the folk bar calmed down, the chatters stopped chatting, and the drunks no longer drank alone to relieve their sorrows. Everyone was quietly enjoying the performance of the new singer whose origins were unknown on the stage.

Including Chen Ling and Jingjing who appeared at the door, they looked at Ning Yuan who was singing on the stage, and then looked at each other.

Chen Ling:?


Olaf, my Olaf...

Most of the people who came to the folk bar to relax at night had stories to tell. Some were listening to Ning Yuan's stories on the stage, while others seemed to be listening to their own stories.

"It's not my fault you say...I think I understand now."

The last note slowly echoed on the stage, and the drinkers sitting below were silent for a while and then all applauded in unison. Some big men even had tears in their eyes after listening to the song, with twinkling eyes.

With crystal tears, I silently took out my mobile phone and sent a message to my ex-girlfriend:

"Are you there? I miss you."

Send in groups with one click! Done!

Naturally, Master Ning didn’t know that the song he sang had also resonated with Brother Neptune and Sister Neptune. He had no idea about the reactions in the audience. Encore shouts came one after another from the audience, and Ning Yuanquan pretended not to hear them. After singing, he also

He didn't stay on the stage and didn't even bow because he wasn't singing for everyone in the audience.

From a distance, he saw a girl's face with closed eyes suddenly smile as the song ended. Ning Yuan felt that his goal had been achieved, so he gently put down his guitar, turned around and left the stage.

The folk singer in the audience came up to him very enthusiastically and asked: "Brother, do you want to play another song? This time I will give you a 50% discount."

Not only do you not have to go to work to sing, but you also get paid! Why can’t this kind of good thing happen every day?

Speaking of which, this guy's singing is pretty good... I've never heard it before. Did he write it himself?

Why don't I go back and ask him if he authorizes me to cover this song here?

"No, you can continue your work." Master Ning said calmly: "I'm leaving first."

"Hey...brother, what if someone gives you a reward later?" the little folk singer suddenly asked.

"Then help me treat everyone here to drink."

He said without looking back, then turned and left. This time he didn't look back at the girl's seat. He walked straight out of the other back door and plunged into the deep night outside.

Folk singer:!!!

Although I can't understand his operation, maybe he is a big boss...

She looked at Master Ning's leaving figure and felt very emotional in her heart. When she returned to the stage, she did not choose to pick up the guitar, but turned to the microphone to warm up:

"You have a story and I have wine. The song just now was brought by a friend of ours who has a story. He sang this song to his ex-girlfriend... If you like it, you can give it a tip... The friend just said

Okay, all the money from the reward will be used to treat everyone to drinks."

Master Ning who hasn’t gone far yet:???

Damn it, I want to hit someone. But going back now seems to be damaging to my character...

That’s all, just pretend you didn’t hear it…

Chen Ling and Jingjing walked in slowly at this time, ran to Gu Guanxue's seat and sat down. Looking at Xuebao who was pouring wine gently with a smile on his face, neither of them seemed to dare to do it.

The guy who spoke up to break the silence.

Everyone knows that the song just now was sung by Ning Yuan! Judging from the lyrics, it was probably Xiaoxue who sang it! What is going on? Are they both completely out of luck?

Xuebao, my Xuebao (crying bitterly)

"Why are you just sitting here? Why don't you have some?" Gu Guanxue smiled and said, "This is the wine Ning Yuan invited us to drink, just this once."

Chen Ling was stunned for a moment, then cautiously probed: "Xiaoxue..."


"Are you okay now?"

"Me? I'm okay."

To Chen Ling's surprise, Gu Guanxue didn't force a smile at this moment. She seemed to have really let go of some kind of burden and drag, and said naturally and freely: "You should have heard it just now, right? Ning Yuan

The song that was sung to me for the first time.”

"Although it's not "Just Once", it doesn't matter." The girl said casually: "After all, it was the song he sang to me."

"Are you two...completely over?" Jingjing asked equally cautiously from the side.

"Is it over... It should be considered over." Gu Guanxue nodded slightly, then changed the topic and said:

"But... the end, maybe it's a new beginning?"

Chen Ling:?


Why don't you wait until the second week to finish the game?

Xuebao smiled and didn't care about the strange expressions of his two best friends. She held the wine glass and looked at the direction where Ning Yuan left for the second time, and didn't speak for a long time.

Who said that fireworks can only be short and beautiful?

If it has to be fireworks, then I want to make the relationship between you and me become like fireworks all day long!

This chapter has been completed!
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