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Extra: Ning Yuan's Letter (Happy Qixi Festival~)

My girlfriend Jiang Manyue, who is witty, beautiful and intelligent:

A letter is like a meeting.

The weather in Jinling is very good today, but there are so many small rain clouds floating in the sky, which makes people always wonder whether it will rain in a while. The geographical distance between Yanjing and Jinling is about one thousand kilometers, even though this is

While the heavy rain has turned the whole city upside down, it shouldn't have any impact on you - at most, you might be a little worried about me. I'm thinking about you now, and I may think more about you later. It's hard to hear people say that the weather is the same as the human heart.

It's predicted, so I have no way of knowing how the weather will change, but no matter whether it rains or not, I miss you more than I do now.

Miss Jiang, I remember we met when gardenias were blooming, but now it’s December and there are no flowers to bloom, and the snow in the south doesn’t come often, so I’ve already seen two snows in Yanjing since I met you.

, but I have never seen it anywhere else.

I know this is something that cannot be changed by humans, but I still hope to watch a snowstorm with you in the south. We will go out for a walk together, order two cups of milk tea on the street, and slowly walk towards the street with the support of the warmth of our hands.

Walk forward, through the orange lights all over the street, and through the end of the four seasons of the year. I want to measure the world with you with my life, but I also want to stay at home with you and ferment for time. People always say that love should be like this and that.

Yes, they have many truths about love, and I have you.

I accidentally talked some nonsense, let's get down to business. I'm fine, I eat well, but I don't sleep that well. I don't know if it's because I shamelessly invited you to play pajama phone together every night.

Because of the rejection, I can't sleep in bed these days - of course, don't blame yourself for this. I'm actually fine. It's not a big deal to carry it alone. Don't let my one or two complaints affect you.

You...you know that I have always been very well-behaved and sensible. If I have any grievances, I will just swallow them silently in my stomach alone...

Maybe sensible boys will always make people feel more distressed.

After talking about these important daily matters, there seems to be nothing else to talk about... In terms of work, the Gu family's development in the south has gradually become normal, and may continue to move towards Shenzhen in the future, at most three years... Oh no, two years I

I should be able to end the mission and go to Yanjing to find you.

I have been working hard for many days recently, and my health is not as good as before. When I went to the hospital, the doctor said it was a heart disease... I didn't believe what the doctor said. After all, how can there be such a disease in this world that can be cured by just looking at my girlfriend? You

Say yes, full moon?

It's late at night and the moon is bright, so I'll stop here, hoping for an early reply.

Ning Yuan's handwriting

night of twelfth day

Jiang Manyue replied:


Drink more hot water.

Another note: If you want to see snow, you can come to Yanjing. You can see it here every day.

Oh, I almost forgot that she is in Jinling, right? Have fun (smile)

Jiang Manyue's handwriting

the night of the 17th

The kind, gentle and touching girlfriend Jiang Manyue personally declares:

A letter is like a meeting.

First of all, I don’t know where you heard this rumor. I can guarantee that Gu Guanxue is not in Jinling at the moment. When she posted about Confucius Temple and Xuanwu Lake in her circle of friends a few days ago, I was clearly still working hard with others.

I work on the ground, and I never skipped work to play with her. You know me about the full moon. If I were to play with her, she would definitely not be able to post it on Moments.

Secondly, I personally feel that admiring the snow is not as comfortable as admiring the moon. The moonlight is naturally more beautiful than the snow. There is no doubt about this.

Finally, drinking more hot water seems to have no effect... How about we try the folk remedy the doctor said? Although I know it is not reliable, but what if it works?


20th day and night

Jiang Manyue replied:

Drink more boiled water.

If you really want to try some folk remedies, then at least give me a suitable reason?

If not, then believe in science.

Jiang Manyue's handwriting


The ruthless and hard-hearted girlfriend Jiang Manyue kisses:

A letter is like a meeting.

I was filled with joy when I received your letter. I even opened a bottle of ice-cold Feizhai Happy Water and mixed it with red wine for decoration. But who would have thought that after reading the letter, the soda was no longer iced, but my heart was ice cold.

That’s it…

Of course, it's not that Bingbing. I know you know her, so we still have to agree on some things in advance. (Serious)

I emphasize again that drinking hot water or boiled water is of no use, because the doctor said that I have a heart disease, and heart disease requires heart medicine. You should understand this, right?

As for the reasons why I asked you to try the folk remedies, I will start making them up right now (cross them out)... I will start to ask in detail deep in my heart, who is it that caused me to suffer from such a tormenting disease?

I started writing about this issue after I received the letter during the day, and then thought about it for about a day and night, and finally came to a conclusion - you should still be blamed for this.

To tell you the truth, when I was young, I often imagined what kind of cute creature the girl I liked in the future would be. This fantasy lasted until I met you.

Full Moon, do you know that your appearance in my life makes me at a loss and makes me feel that life is so absurd, as if I have always wanted to dress up in anger and fight with swords to the end of the world, but when I put on my clothes and buy a horse, I turned around and saw

I'm done with you - now it's all right, how can I have any hope in my heart? Some people say: "How can we have peace in this world? No one can live up to the Tathagata and no one can live up to you." Since ancient times, people have been searching for the answer to this question, but

The full moon, how can there be any way in this world to subjugate the seven emotions and six desires? The direction of the human heart is a very powerful force. I originally thought that love should be like a bird, flying freely, but in the end I found that I only have you who is peaceful in my heart.

There is no such thing as half an inch of freedom.

You once said that people are emotional animals, and they will fall in love when they touch the scene. But the full moon, the stars in the eyes, and the bright moon in front of the window are not the reasons why I like you; the sleep talk on the pillow and the candles on the lamp are not the reasons for me to like you.

It's not the way I like you. I like you three-thirds, not "three-thirds flowing water and seven-minutes dust", but three-points: "there is only three-thirds moonlight in the world".

There are hundreds of flowers in spring, a moon in autumn, a cool breeze in summer, and snow in winter. The full moon, I love you, all four seasons.

Love is long and short, so I have probably thought of so many reasons tonight. I hope you will be satisfied.

Also: It would be better if you could pull me out of the dark room by the way. I swear I will never ask you to have a pajama video conference again, I promise.

Another question: A letter-writing variety show invited me to read letters from home. Do you think that after we become famous, will people read our letters from home?

If this is really the case, then I have to consider changing to a less disgusting rhetoric, such as a full moon baby, so that people who admire my talent can see my cute side.

Another question: Can we celebrate New Year together this year?

Ning Yuan’s family letter ends here


Jiang Manyue replied:

Before you start reading, I would like to introduce the difference between letters from home and ordinary letters: letters from home refer to letters written by two people who are married or related to each other. Mr. Ning Yuan and I are not currently married, and at the same time

They are not considered relatives either. I hope you will pay more attention to your wording in future letters.

As you said, is there a way to have both in this world? If you weren't obsessed with wanting to have both, I think it would be easy for you to get out of the dark room.

There are also titles such as full-moon baby, please consider carefully before deciding whether to use them. Such titles may affect my motivation to receive letters from Mr. Ning. They may even lead to serious consequences of losing contact.

If you don’t understand the above euphemistic words, then I can put it another way:

If you want to die, just use it.

As for the worry you mentioned in your letter about having your family letters read, I think there is no need to worry about it - this kind of thing usually doesn't happen until you die decades ago, and it's a little too early to worry about it now.

Okay. Secondly, it’s even more unnecessary for people to see your cute side. To be honest, I can’t afford to embarrass this person.

In addition, regarding the issue of heart disease... I have seen Gu Guanxue's circle of friends, and there is a corner of your hand exposed in it. Judging from her behavior, I don't find that you have any disease. Although I did agree with you to help her, but

I still suggest that Mr. Ning restrain himself a little and don't let me suddenly regret and tear up the agreement.

Note: The reason is barely acceptable, I can video it tonight, but I won’t wait until it expires.

The handwritten letter of the ruthless and stone-hearted Jiang Manyue

The night of the twenty-seventh

Dear girlfriend:

A letter is like a meeting. (By the way, why didn’t you say this sentence at the beginning of Man Yue’s letter?)

I was wrong. The epithet "cruel and ruthless" in front of me was written down by me when I suddenly suffered from a severe illness and became dizzy. It is not counted. I hope you, sir, can forgive me for such an unintentional mistake.

I regret it now, very much.

However, thanks to the previous home remedies, my heart disease has finally improved a lot recently. Needless to say, I eat well and sleep soundly. The effect can be said to be immediate. It is not like before: I miss you when I walk,

I miss you when I'm eating, and I miss you when I'm in a meeting - I want to clarify the matter about Gu Guanxue's circle of friends. I did go with her to play, but I definitely didn't miss you.

At most a little bit...

December is about to pass, and this year is coming to an end. Can we still celebrate the New Year together?

I owe you a grand romantic fireworks and I haven’t given them back to you yet.

Jiang Manyue’s reply (unsent version):

Seeing a letter is like meeting

It was already the 31st when I received the letter. Even if I sent it in time and waited for you to receive it, it would already be after the New Year. So I guess you will not ask for my permission and will come to Yanjing to find me directly.


If that's the case, I'll be very happy.

Of course, because I said the above, this letter will not be sent out. What is given to you is another version, in which I agree to your coming - although whether I agree or not is not very important.

Our relationship has become very strange since the last New Year's Eve. Later, when Gu Guanxue showed up, I gave her a chance. This opportunity was two-way. I admit that I had the idea of ​​compromise and the idea of ​​giving up.

But fortunately, you appeared in front of me in the end.

Before I met you, I never thought about being with someone else. For me, relationships are not a necessity. Being alone for the rest of my life is a cool thing. But now I am happy to enjoy the warmth of your arms, and I also like to see you being careful.

Make me happy.

Loneliness turns out to be contagious, because I never felt lonely before I met you. I have always wanted revenge, and I hope you have prepared to entangle with me for the rest of your life and torture each other until we grow old.

December is coming to an end, and so is this year... Mr. Ning, come and celebrate the New Year with me.

You still owe me a grand and romantic fireworks.

Jiang Manyue's handwriting

December 31st

Jiang Manyue's reply (sent for publication)

Read and approved.

Jiang Manyue's handwriting

December 31st

Dear girlfriend:

Comrade Jiang Manyue, the organization is very dissatisfied with your perfunctory tone towards your boyfriend. Can't you be a little bit surprised and welcome in return? Why do you have the illusion that the political commissar issued an order? I am talking to my daughter.

Is it from a letter from a friend? Could this letter actually be answered by our dad?

Yes, it shouldn't be possible, right? Dad? If it were you, could you just make a little noise? You could also give me a hint?

(The thousand-word father-in-law version of Rainbow Fart is omitted here)

Anyway, my trip to Yanjing should be pretty good overall, right? It’s just Man Yue’s performance that makes me a little unhappy...did you guess that I would sneak over there? We met in person.

I didn’t feel scared at all...

Of course, I still praise the hug after we meet each other and look at each other! Next time, I suggest I hug you for a while longer so that you can feel my thin body and face these days.

In addition... I am ashamed to say that the fireworks control in Yanjing is too strict. Although I have the intention to give you a grand fireworks, but considering the subsequent impact... we should take it slow... we are good citizens who abide by the law.

What should be done with all our strength should not affect everyone's efforts.

If that doesn't work, I can take you to Neon to watch the fireworks. They are set off there every year, and I don't have to worry about the air quality at all.

Full moon, can we celebrate the New Year together next year?

Ning Yuan's handwriting

Jiang Manyue replied:

It depends on your performance.

Besides, my dad doesn’t have the habit of opening and reading personal letters.

Ning Yuan replied:

That's good. I was really afraid that after chatting for a long time, I would end up talking about my father-in-law... Phew, I feel much more at ease... Wait, could this sentence actually be said by my father-in-law to deceive me? Man Yue, you

Can you prove your identity? Tell me something that only the two of us know...like when is my birthday? Where did we kiss for the first time?

Jiang Manyue replied:


In the early morning of December 31st, the New Year's Eve bell slowly started the countdown. The colorful fireworks on the electronic screen burst into bloom. Someone looked at the upturned face of the girl next to him, and his heartbeat suddenly slowed down by half a beat.

"Do you know about the full moon?"


Her breath condensed into white mist in the air and dissipated, and her profile was exquisite. The noisy crowd became the background at this moment, and the two people looked at each other in the huge New Year's Square.

"If someone had asked me before I met you, what is romantic love, the most I could answer is: it's an idiom."

"What happens after that?"


"It's you."

This chapter has been completed!
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