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Chapter 276: This wave, I see punishment!

After the meeting between the two parties, after a period of erratic dialogue with the Riddler, each finally understood the general meaning of the other:

"You mean Ning Yuan didn't watch the premiere with Lu Jiujiu?" Xiao Ling'er said very suspiciously: "Then is it possible that the Ning Yuan I just saw is a ghost?"

"Absolutely not. Our Jiujiu has been sitting beside us all the time. We have never seen Ning Yuan appear..."

"That's weird? It's obviously not me, nor Lu Jiujiu... Then who will be watching the premiere with Ning Yuan?" Xuebao started to argue with interest: "Let me tell you.

, I guess there is only one candidate left.”

"Who?" Lu Hanhan's roommate asked.

Xuebao did not answer, but looked at Ning Yiling, who had a cold face, with a smile. She obviously already knew the answer, but she could not find the culprit for a while.

"Um...you just said...Is Ning Yuan in here?" Lu Jiujiu, who had been silent all the time, suddenly asked, a trace of determination seemed to flash in his blank eyes:

"Then I'll wait for him with you."

Xiao Ling'er originally wanted to say that this is a personal grudge between me and Ning Yuan, and no one else is allowed to interfere... But after thinking about it, I felt that if Jiang Manyue showed up later, she might not be able to suppress her, so I had to acquiesce.

Lu Hanhan's stay, and Xuebao happily eating melon beside him.

Master Ning:???

"There's nothing we can do...let's run."

"I didn't do anything wrong, why did I run away?" Jiang Manyue glanced at the trio in the distance and thought to herself, isn't this a good time? At least it saves me the effort of looking for them one by one.

"I know you didn't do anything wrong...but I did." Master Ning's smile was very bitter: "Although I didn't miss her before...but I was never caught on the spot in the previous situation..."

"Man Yue, why don't you feel sorry for the person who watched the premiere with you... It hurts your heart when you hit me!"


Jiang Manyue looked at Ning Yuan speechlessly, then sighed quietly and replied:

"Then I'll go out alone."

"Wait a minute, you're not going out to kill someone..."

"If I go out and prove that you are not with me, they will most likely stop blocking you at the door." Jiang Manyue explained: "Otherwise, do you have a better way?"

"Then what if they still don't believe in evil and continue to block it?"

"Then just think of a way to watch another movie by yourself. I wish you good luck~"

Jiang Xihua said, waving her little hand and turning around to leave. Master Ning pondered for a moment and then felt that he might have made a small profit, but Jiang Manyue didn't lose at all...

"Hey, wait, I was wearing your hat just now and she saw it..."

The disarmed ginger flower slowly left the hidden spot and walked towards the checkpoint headed by the elite monster Xiao Ling'er with full aura. Xuebao's sharp eyes quickly spotted Jiang Manyue's figure, but he failed to look behind her.

Seeing Ning Yuan's figure, he was slightly stunned and quickly reacted, looking at Emperor Jiang Tian with deep eyes...

"Huh? Jiang Manyue! That's not...why did she come here alone?"

The attention of several people present was attracted by Ning Yiling's doubtful question. As expected, there was only the figure of a girl walking towards them, which made Xiao Ling'er very confused.

Lin Xiaoya also sensed that something was wrong, but based on the simple principle that invisible guardians should not steal too much limelight, she silently took back the words she was about to say and began to watch the progress of the incident like Gu Guanxue.

"What a coincidence." Jiang Manyue nodded slightly, then didn't stop, and was about to leave. Ning Yi00 suddenly came to her senses and hurriedly went over to keep her:

"Where's my brother? Why didn't he come out with you?"

"I don't know what you want to ask, but I'm watching a movie alone tonight."

When Jiang Xihua answered this question, she did not look at Ning Yiling. Instead, she stared at Gu Guanxue for a while, as if to warn her not to talk too much. Xuebao responded with a provocative smile.

, but had no intention of speaking out.

"Isn't it possible? The guy who ran away is definitely Ning Yuan! Otherwise, why would he run away suddenly? He obviously has a guilty conscience!"

"He did plan to watch the movie with me, but he came in in a hurry when it started and told me that he had something to do and had to leave early." Jiang Manyue said: "So the reason why he left early was because of you?"

"What? He ran away! Damn it, I knew that guy was him! I should have rushed in and knocked him down from the beginning!"

The heartbroken Xiao Ling'er began to regret that she had not been able to catch Ning Yuan in time. Jiang Manyue did not listen to her thoughts of review. She glanced at Gu Guanxue and replied calmly:

"If there's nothing else to do, I'll leave first."

"Ah, we are on our way during the full moon. Can I accompany you?" Gu Guanxue smiled and waved her little hand and said with emotion: "What a coincidence, I have the opportunity to go back to school with you after watching the movie... Xiaoya, I'm sorry.

, I can no longer play with you... I suddenly want to go back with Man Yue~"

Jiang Manyue: "..."

Master Lin: "..."

Gu Guanxue! Are you going for Jiang Manyue? I'm embarrassed to point you out!

"No, it's okay... Just go back first, it's okay with me."

"See you tomorrow~Xiao Ling'er~"

Xuebao smiled and waved goodbye to the girl. Lu Hanhan, who originally had hope in his eyes, now understood that Ning Yuan would not appear again tonight, and his eyes turned gloomy for a moment before returning to his autistic state...

"Then... Xiao Ling'er, I'll go back first..."


Ning Yiling responded. She seemed to be very vigilant and planned to call Ning Yuan to confirm. Most of the people present dispersed and split into three groups: Lu Hanhan and his group went back to their school together;

Xuebao and Man Yue walked side by side seemingly affectionately, and finally there was Master Lin who was in a separate team, coming and going alone...

"Xiao Ling'er... aren't we leaving yet?"

"Shh... wait a minute, I'm going to kill my brother by surprise."

After all, he is a survivor of many years of battles of wits and courage. Master Ning's ability to survive today is naturally due to his understanding of his sister. After answering Ning 10's call, he lurked patiently and waited for a while. A staff member came to him halfway.

Coming to chase people away, Master Ning directly transferred money for the sake of his own safety, making his position temporarily become a blind spot for the staff.

Ning Yiling:Probe.jpg

Really not there?

The little girl was very confused and slowly left with her roommates. When she left, she didn't forget to look back every step of the way, just to see if Ning Yuan would appear around the corner...

"Let's go, Lingbao, are you confused? You've confirmed that he's not your brother... let's go buy a cup of milk tea?"

"It's still early, why don't we just go for a late-night snack! Anyway, it's still late to go back to school!"

The girls chatted with each other about the itinerary for a while. It was only then that Master Ning dared to emerge from his hiding place and carefully left the cinema to meet Jiang Manyue.

"Jiujiu...what are you thinking about?"

In the shopping and snack street downstairs of the cinema, several roommates were walking slowly, each holding a cup of milk tea. Lu Hanhan, who was still in a restless state, was naturally the focus of their observations. They carefully protected her all the way.

Lu Jiujiu, who was in a dazed state, bumped into someone else and said helplessly:

"I'm talking about Jiujiu... No matter how autistic you are, you still have to pay attention to the time and place... There are many people here, and you are not afraid of bumping into others."

"Yeah...what exactly happened? Tell us and we will help you come up with an idea?"

In fact, there is no need for this kind of thing to be said by a naive person who has everything written on her face. Naturally, these people said this because they hoped that she could open up her heart and say what was tangled in her heart. After that, she might feel better.

If you keep it in your heart like this, it will eventually break your heart, right?

How about... contact Ning Yuan another day? You need to explain clearly what the situation is? We can't let Jiujiu be autistic all the time!

If this continues, the child will really become stupid!

Lu Jiujiu fiddled with the straw in her hand for a while, took a sip of the milk tea and seemed to think it was a little too light. She couldn't help but put down the milk tea and shook her head gently:

"Nothing happened...it's just...Ning Yuan seems to be ignoring me."

"You don't think anything happened?" The roommates asked in shock: "What happened? What happened to you during the summer vacation?"

"I don't know either..." Lu Jiujiu's eyes were complicated and confused, and she said blankly: "He left my life little by little, but I couldn't keep him... Today is the same... I originally planned to invite him to watch the premiere of his movie...

But he said he had made an appointment with someone else in advance..."

"Jiang Manyue, right? Is she that girl just now?"

"I don't know... He seems to have a very good relationship with Jiang Manyue... He also had a very good relationship with Gu Guanxue before, but he has never been like this..."

"So I'm wondering if I did something wrong...do you know?"

Several people couldn't help but fell silent after hearing this. If you follow the normal logical guess, Ning Yuan is probably attracted to Jiang Manyue... So from a girl's perspective, after he has a girl he likes, he has an ambiguous and close relationship with her before.

Taking the initiative to keep a distance from friends of the opposite sex is undoubtedly a very positive behavior. Not only is it not wrong, but it is also an operation that every boy who is preparing to fall in love should learn...

But if we look at it from the perspective of Lu Jiujiu's friends, they feel that such a result is a bit too cruel for the simple fool in front of them...

Jiujiu is right, Ning Yuan is right, then who is wrong!?

The three women were caught off guard and fell into a period of soul torture, and their originally brisk steps became a little heavy... The scale of Jiujiu's autistic solo group suddenly expanded to four people...

Who was wrong?…

The faces of the girls who were deep in thought had different expressions for a while. They seemed to have their own preferences based on their personalities. Lu Jiujiu's face was still blank. Jiang Manyue's appearance tonight confirmed that she had an appointment with Ning Yuan.

She was the one who watched the premiere, but in the end she couldn't watch the movie with Ning Yuan...

Is this considered a blessing in misfortune?

Ning Yuan...did he really fall in love with Jiang Manyue, so that's why he ignored me?

Such a question ran through the girl's mind, and was quickly rejected by her subconsciously. She did not dare to delve into the answer to this question, for the same reason that she did not dare to ask Ning Yuan face to face why he wanted to be with her.

Fading away, so weak.

She was afraid of touching the truth, so even if she continued to struggle with autism day by day, she didn't dare to really ask Ning Yuan face to face.

As long as you don't uncover it, the problem doesn't exist. This is the first reaction of many people when they face difficulties. Lu Jiujiu is in this ostrich mentality at the moment. As long as she buries her head in the sand and escapes, there will be no difference between her and Ning Yuan.

The relationship remains the same as before.

This is ridiculous, but very true.

"Jiujiu, look...is that Ning Yuan? And Jiang Manyue?"

The girl, one of the quartet of autistic girls, suddenly had her eyes lit up after she got off the escalator. She pointed forward and said something. Everyone turned away after hearing this. At the end of their sight, Master Ning and Jiang Manyue were talking and laughing opposite each other. Jiang Xihua

His smile is very rare, but also very beautiful.

They split up and avoided Xiao Ling'er's detection and met at the agreed place. Although they didn't know how Jiang Manyue got rid of Gu Guanxue, this situation undoubtedly told everyone who saw this scene.

One fact:

He came here tonight with Jiang Manyue, and they are still very close to each other.

The autistic girl who was the first to discover Master Ning's whereabouts immediately regretted what she said. She covered her mouth and glanced at Lu Hanhan worriedly, and realized that the girl's eyes were following her not far away.

It’s broken, look at my bad mouth! If you see it, you should pretend you didn’t see it! This is great. Jiubao is autistic to begin with. After seeing this scene, he should become even more autistic, right?

Thinking of this, the girl was very upset, and she felt guilty and wanted to make up for her mistake. When she turned around, she found that Lu Jiujiu had been staring there for a long time, almost to the point of being lost in thought.

Sometimes you want to continue being an ostrich, but fate pulls your head out of the sand and makes you face situations that make you panic.

"I...I want to go back..."

Lu Jiujiu was stunned for a long time, eyes lowered, turned around and stumbled to leave. She wanted to go home, and she wanted to go home now. Whether it was to go home and cry in her grandma's arms or something else, as long as

Just go home.

Before anyone could react, Lu Jiujiu turned around and bumped into the arm of a woman with heavy makeup. Some of the milk tea in her hand spilled onto the woman's brand-name bag, causing her to exclaim and feel distressed.

He grabbed his bag and started to cry for father and mother:

"What's the matter with you? Are you sick? Can you afford to pay for the damage to my bag?"

"Jiujiu, what's wrong with you... I'm sorry, my classmate didn't pay attention just now... I apologize to you on her behalf..."

Several girls quickly gathered around, looking after Lu Jiujiu and apologizing to the woman with heavy makeup. However, the woman rolled her eyes and was about to say, I bought this bag from overseas and sold all of your outfits.

I couldn't afford to pay... In the blink of an eye, I saw a few inconspicuous big-name decorations on Lu Hanhan's body, and I was shocked.

Is it normal for a normal person to carry a bag that costs tens of thousands of yuan... Why does this girl's bag not look very valuable, but the small decorations hanging on the bag seem to be limited edition items, and they are also miscellaneous... expensive

The gadgets are hung together with the cheap gadgets.

Is she rich or not?

These days, snobbishness, disdain for the poor, and love for the rich are no longer the mindless manipulations of the past. If you really meet a rich master, you can't afford to offend him, so you can only consider politeness.

If you can touch it, touch it. If you can't touch it, it's not too late to run away.

"Stop talking so much nonsense. If an apology is useful, there are still so many sinners in this world... Just pay the money."

"No...Sister, you just spilled a drop or two of milk tea outside this bag, and you have to pay for it. Do you think our students are easy to bully?"

"Who are you calling eldest sister? I've done something wrong and I can't get it right!" The girl with heavy makeup said sternly: "I just want to ask if she hit me!"


"Then it's over...isn't it common for someone to compensate for something they've done wrong?" The woman said disdainfully, "How about my boyfriend comes over later and you guys discuss it with him?"

"Who are you scaring?"

"How much... I'll pay."

Lu Jiujiu, who had been silent until now, suddenly replied: "How much did you say..."

"I estimate that if you send this back for inspection, it will cost you a thousand dollars... Seeing as it is your first time as a student, a thousand dollars will be enough."

The woman with heavy makeup was very cautious and did not open her mouth as much as the lion. She was probably afraid that the other party would call the police and blackmail them. Now she only needed to collect the money and then let her social eldest brother boyfriend come out to scare them.

, this money should be stable.

You can also make a small amount of money by going shopping, but girls with heavy makeup think this is a torture!

This chapter has been completed!
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