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Chapter 304: Dare to go up to nine days to embrace the moon!

Gu Guanxue was like a restless kitten when she was lying in his arms. Her breath hit her neck in a numbing way, making the fire in her chest burn brighter and stronger. But even if she was held in Ning Yuan's arms like this

, Gu Guanxue didn't look panicked. She raised her head and looked into Ning Yuan's eyes in the dark night, with a little smile on her face.

"You won't." Xuebao said, "Because you are in a bad mood today~"

Ning Yuan was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then replied with a serious face: "It's just because I'm in a bad mood that I want to vent."

"But you won't use me to vent." Gu Guanxue blinked and said softly: "The person I like is not the kind of guy who only cares about his own feelings."

"Gu Guanxue, you are trying to flatter me..."

Ning Yuan was completely extinguished by these words, and he smiled bitterly in his heart and replied: "Actually, I really want to be an irresponsible scumbag..."

Whether it's Lu Jiujiu or now Gu Guanxue, in fact, he can change the development of the story with just one thought, but he can't live up to the girls' trust in him. This is funny to say, obviously

He is already a scumbag who wants to do multiple-choice questions, but he still sticks to that bottom line and refuses to influence their judgment in this way.

If he had taken first blood, it would be difficult for Yilu Jiujiu to choose to leave him because of his temperament, but Ning Yuan did not bother to use such a method. Because it does not make the scumbag rise, but the scumbag's original wish.

It's bad, but not completely bad. That is, it's not bad at all.

"But you can't do it."

Gu Guanxue stretched out her hand to hold the face of her sweetheart who was close at hand, touched his cheek with her fingertips and said softly: "It's because you are so good that I like you."

"Such comments are actually not a good thing for boys." Ning Yuan covered the girl's little hand with his palm and sighed: "You are right, I am really not in a good mood today."

"Is it because of Jiang Manyue?"

"Why didn't you guess it was Lu Jiujiu?"

"Because Lu Jiujiu doesn't have to guess. Even if she resists, she will not break up with you. Only Jiang Manyue will break up with you on the spot and draw a clear line." Xuebao said with a sly smile in his eyes.

Said: "If you don't believe me, check if your WeChat and other social software have been blocked by her?"

Master Ning: "?"

"It's really..."

He struggled to turn off the phone and put the screen back in place, and couldn't help but look at the gray sky: "I knew that the full moon would not be so easy..."

The boss has gone berserk even before we passed the level of Jiubao. I think the planner wants me to die!

"Now that you compare it, do you feel more and more that my reaction is too mild?" Gu Guanxue blinked and said, "Do you have the urge to hug me tightly?"


"Gu Guanxue." Master Ning said sternly: "Our pajamas are not particularly thick. Although I am a scumbag with reason and bottom line, I can't bear it if you dance to the Pure Land in front of my bottom line like this.


"I'm just making an analogy~" Xuebao said nonchalantly: "What else do you have in mind? Why don't you give up on Jiang Manyue, the boss who is already full of blood and has entered a violent situation, and concentrate on attacking Lu Jiujiu and I?

How about a weak chicken?"

"I don't think you are a weakling." Master Ning shook his head and said, "I have a showdown with Man Yue tonight, and I also talked a lot with her..."

"The scumbag's heart has been shaken?"

"That's not true. It's just that the full moon reminded me of something." He said, "With my current ability, it would be my biggest delusion to want all three of you to be with me."

"You are the third generation heir of the Gu family. One of the reasons why you rejected me before was because your family's expectations weighed you down... If I really want to scum you, what will your family do? They will let themselves be nurtured.

Will my beloved heir of many years run away with me?"

"So you're giving up on me?"

Xuebao pretended to be aggrieved and flattened her mouth. She raised her head and looked at Yuanbao. Upon seeing this, Master Ning hugged the girl into his arms again and said softly:

"No, I never meant to give up on you when I said these words. Jiang Manyue, I will not give up, and you and I will not give up. I like you, so much that I can't watch you leave me, and I can't accept the future without you.


"This seems to be the first time you've confessed your love to me in so long?" Gu Guanxue was in a good mood and smiled. She hugged Master Ning's mua~ and took a sip before saying proudly: "Keep your word~"

"Of course I keep my word, but if you say I don't confess to you often, can you blame me? I mainly have psychological shadows, okay?"

"Okay, okay, be good, I will never reject you again~ No matter what the situation is, my answer is: I am willing."

"Keep your word?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Of course!" Xuebao said softly: "If you don't give up on me, then how can I give up on you?"

"As for things at home...I think there will always be a solution in the future..."

"Yes... there will always be a way." Ning Yuan nodded and said softly: "I'm just thinking that my original plan is not enough."

"Whether it is to become famous or to earn more wealth and gain the right to speak, these all take time to complete. Without time, even gods cannot change the rules of the world out of thin air. No matter how confident I am that I can work hard, but

Lack of time is still my biggest pain point at the moment.”

It would be better if I didn't act like a salt fish when I got the system... I started making money earlier, and I wouldn't be so passive now.

If you go out to fish, sooner or later you will have to pay 996 back...

"Do you think Jiang Manyue won't give you this time?"

"She has already blocked me... This road must be extremely dangerous. It is precisely because of this that I sigh."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Let's wait for the full moon to calm down... To be honest, at a certain moment tonight, I really felt that I would never come back... Is there really such a thing as murderous aura in this world?"

"Then you have to ask Xiao Zhao and the others. I didn't let Jiang Manyue have murderous intentions for me... Strictly speaking, she rarely has such big mood swings. Maybe you should be the first one to make her get it.

A murderous boy."

"Do you feel honored?" Gu Guanxue asked with a wink.

"No, I just felt scared for a while... My hand was almost broken by her..." Master Ning sighed: "Don't you ladies in the north all look at Rourou as being small, but in fact they are amazingly strong?


"It's not bad~ I think it's mainly because Jiang Manyue has an emotional buff."

"Gu Guanxue, are you serious with your snickering expression? I have just been ruthlessly abandoned by Full Moon, and after that, I blocked all contact information. Can you sincerely comfort me?"

"Of course not. You want to be a scumbag and I am a scumbag. How can I be so eager to make you a scumbag?" Gu Guanxue said seriously: "I don't want to lose face~"

"Besides...if Jiang Manyue doesn't calm down, what are you going to do?"

"What else can we do?" Master Ning said with some helplessness: "I can only bite the bullet and get hit with one or two punches at most... If one meal doesn't work, just give me a few more.

Can find opportunities to break the situation."

"Although this is difficult, even harder than climbing to the sky, but since you have chosen this path, you must have the determination to dare to reach the nine heavens and embrace the moon."

"That's it~" Xuebao nodded, her little eyes began to glance around wildly. She seemed to have some plan in mind, but she didn't mean to say it out now.

"Then it's up to you to perform~" Gu Guanxue lay on her side and gave Master Ning another mouthful, and then prepared to shrink back into her bed little by little: "After talking so much, your mood should have recovered~ It's very late

, it’s time to sleep.”

Master Ning: "..."

Come and leave as soon as you say? What do you think I mean?

"I think it's not too late."

"We have to go back to school tomorrow. How can we get up early tomorrow if we don't sleep? You're not going to let me sleep until midnight when I stay at your house for the first time, are you?" Xuebao said earnestly: "Jiang Manyue came here last time to do some cleaning, okay?

A wave of favorability, I was already a bit behind the times, and now you want me to lower my favorability... Comrade Ning Yuan, this is inappropriate."

"It doesn't matter, my mother likes you very much. Being lazy doesn't affect her favorability." Ning Yuan turned over the girl and kissed her forehead gently, then smiled and said: "You kissed me twice, I have to give you one back."


"Okay, that's enough for now, good night."

Gu Guanxue was silent for a moment. She couldn't help but poked Ning Yuan's cheek with her little hand and sighed: "It's over, I've been teased by you again... Let's talk for a while, but just for a while?"

"Okay~ What do you want to talk about?"

"Let's talk about... the things in this room." Gu Guanxue returned to Ning Yuan's bed, leaned on Ning Yuan's arm and smiled: "I haven't learned about your past yet."

"Okay~ I'll let you visit my childhood tonight... Have you seen the guitar in the corner? I bought that one in my freshman year of high school. It's a pity that the school didn't allow it at that time..."

The night was starry, and the whispers continued for a long time, until the girl unknowingly leaned into his arms and fell into a sweet dream. Ning Yuan then stopped speaking, and then kissed Xuebao's cheek.

"Good night."

This sleep lasted until three o'clock in the morning, and no one entered the room to disturb Ning Yuan and Gu Guanxue's dreams. Although they hugged each other and slept together all night, they still insisted on sticking to the line and did not cross it.

If you want to unscrupulously awaken the scumbag's instinct to be perverted, you still have a long way to go...

His parents had already prepared breakfast, and after eating, he hurried to work. After such a long rest, and the mental stress was relieved, Xiao Ling'er finally felt a little energetic.

While she was biting into the fried dough sticks that her mother had bought from outside for breakfast, she couldn't help but start to think about something on her mind.

Ning 10 was very surprised that Gu Guanxue came to take care of him yesterday. Logically speaking, the person next to Ning Yuan who is most likely to be entrusted by him to take care of him should be Lu Jiujiu. After all, they have known each other for many years. Of course, Lu Jiujiu

Whether that fool can take care of others is not a consideration.

Besides Lu Jiujiu, the second person Ning Yuan would entrust to him should be Jiang Manyue, but in the end it was not Lu Jiujiu or Jiang Manyue, but the most unlikely person, Gu Guanxue...

What happened to the battle on New Year's Eve? Why didn't Ning Yuan come to take care of me? Where did Jiang Chacha go? Why did Gu Chacha resurface?

Ning 10 suddenly fell into a trance while thinking about it. When she turned around, she realized that the fried dough sticks in her hand were a little cold. She reached out and put the remaining fried dough sticks into her mouth, picked up the warm soy milk and took a sip...

No matter what, I have to ask Gu Chacha to get up and have breakfast... But then again, why are there two breakfasts on the table? Does Gu Guanxue want to eat two breakfasts alone?

Xiao Ling'er, who had just recovered from a serious illness, didn't seem to be very bright. She vaguely felt that she had thought of something, but she couldn't find out the truth. So she had to give up the idea and went to Ning Yuan's room to knock on the door.

Knocked on the door:

"Gu Guanxue, get up and have breakfast, otherwise it will get cold."

There was already some slight movement in the room. After hearing Ning Yiling's knock on the door, it suddenly became quiet. It took a long time before Xuebao responded with a trembling voice:

"Oh...I know...Get up right away...Hiss...Ning Yuan, you pressed my hair..."

"Sorry, sorry, the button on your pajamas seems to be broken..."

"This is Xiao Ling'er's pajamas. It seems like they were stretched out by me... I will have to apologize to her later..."

"It's better not to apologize for this, she will be furious."

The two of them lowered their voices and communicated softly, for fear of being heard by Ning Yiling, who was also in the room. Ning Yuan was also in the room. Xiao Ling'er received such a reply. Although he felt a little strange, he didn't pay much attention to it. He mumbled a few times and prepared to call Ning Yuan.

Call him and ask him when he will take her back to school.

Now that she is ready to fight a protracted war, the radical strategies she used before cannot be used indiscriminately. For example, she stopped Ning Yuan from letting him be with Jiang Manyue... This is a typical wrong strategy.

Now... it’s not impossible to have a girlfriend, but a girlfriend may not necessarily lead to marriage! I must be the one who laughs in the end!

She skillfully dialed Master Ning's phone number and started waiting for a response after the beep. Master Ning's cell phone in the room also rang in time.

Ning Yuan:???

He suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He quickly picked up the phone and wanted to hang up, but the calm Xuebao snatched it away and pressed the mute button. Then he picked up his phone and responded loudly on purpose:

"Hello? Sisi? Calling so early... Oh, I'll be back soon. Don't worry, I'll talk to the teacher... Well, that's it, hang up~"

Otherwise, she is a pretty girl from the film department. This perfectly logical conversation perfectly explains why Ning Yuan’s cell phone rings. At the same time, she also arranges for a person who is about to leave.

The background of the story was so intertwined that Master Ning gasped and gave Xuebao a thumbs up.

You are this.

It's better to be Olaf... Let's not talk about the treasure girl. By the way, it can also help you escape the death of your sister... I didn't tell you so many stories in vain last night!

As long as we avoid Xiao Ling'er's disaster, leave this home safely and find a chance to have a showdown with Lu Hanhan after he wakes up, all the ladies will have officially entered the game and can start the next phase of the balancing plan.


What? You mean Xiao Ling'er?

Again, slowly...(wipe sweat.jpg)

Xuebao is waiting for the opportunity to act, while Jiu Bao's attitude is unclear. In the end, should the two parties be calmed down for the time being and then go to the Nine Heavens to embrace the moon, or should the three parties work together to make the scumbag die on the spot...success or failure depends on this!

This chapter has been completed!
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