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Chapter 115 Lecture Ceremony

It has been more than a month since I returned to Jinyang. With the participation of the government, the construction of the academy has accelerated several times.

Today is the first day of the academy's opening. Huan Ci got up early to dress up.

Fu Shen held Chen'er in his arms and came to her side to make trouble: "Does your mother's hair smell good?"

Chen'er could only hold her fingers in her mouth, blinking and looking at Huan Ci in the mirror, babbling and yelling.

"Don't let her chew your fingers." Huan Ci reminded.

Fu Shen took out her hand and wiped it with a handkerchief: "Your two cousins ​​are already dressed and waiting."

"Have you seen them before?" Huan Ci turned to look at him, "How are they? Do they look good?" She asked about their clothes.

Some time ago, she specially found someone to design clothes for the college students, and she especially liked the one worn by the female students.

This time the academy was opened, because of the government's intervention, the number of students and teachers was more than doubled than originally planned. Among them, eleven female students were recruited, most of whom were boudoir girls from wealthy families, and one was from Lu.

Chang Shi’s eldest daughter is already married.

Originally, other officials in the Dudu Mansion were particularly opposed to recruiting female students, but because of Huan Ci's insistence and Lu Changshi's persuasion, everyone decided to give it a try first. If it was feasible, it would be a good thing.

There were many people going to the academy today. Huan Ci simply pulled his hair into a bun and wore a lotus-colored coat, looking dignified and elegant.

She wiped a little lipstick and stood up slowly: "Let's go!"

Seeing no movement from Fu Shen, she turned around and saw the man's eyes flashing, looking straight at her.

She cleared her throat and reached out to hug Chen'er. In a blink of an eye, the child was in her arms, but Fu Shen also took her with him.

Before she could react, the man had already plundered her lips and swallowed all the lipstick she had just applied.

"Is there anyone else outside?" Huan Ci blushed and secretly glanced at the situation outside. Fortunately, the two cousins ​​did not come in, otherwise she would not have been able to explain to her aunt.

During this time, she finally discovered that Fu Shen was really energetic, but before, he used all that energy on political affairs, but now that he had fewer things to do, he spent all the extra energy on her.

When Zhao Jian was taking a bath last night, he came in to pour water for her. When he saw the red marks on her body, he just pretended not to see them, but Huan Ci turned red with embarrassment.


She raised her eyes and looked at Fu Shen. He was not completely fine. In recent days, he had begun to go to the study more often. In addition, she actually heard the servants in the mansion talking about Prime Minister Wei, but it was

Some not-so-nice words.

The new law has been implemented for several months. There were complaints at first, but now it is much better. Especially some farmers in the south have tasted the benefits after harvesting crops in the summer, so they began to support the new law.

Because of these changes, Fu Shen's reputation was about to change, and even a Beijing official sent him a message inviting him to live in the capital for a while. When Lu Changshi came to the house a few days ago, he specifically asked her

Will Fu Shen go to the academy today?

Huan Ci knew that Zong Zhenglu and Fu Shen must be involved in these things. Today there was another uproar in the palace. He heard that Zong Zhenglu had directly banned Liu Rao for more than three months and ordered her to stay well.

Reflection in the palace. Nowadays, anyone with a heart knows that there is a new favorite concubine in the palace, Mrs. Zhao, who is even more favored than Liu Rao.

"Madam, the sedan is ready." Lan Fu's voice came from outside.

Ever since she could speak, her voice had gotten better and better, and Huan Ci was envious of her.

Huan Ci came back to his senses, got out of the man's arms, and couldn't help but kiss Chen'er on the face: "Mom, let's take you out to play."

With a smile in his eyes, Fu Shen followed her out the door.

When they arrived at the second gate, they saw Ah Lian and everyone waiting there. Huan Ci walked over with a smile on his face and asked, "Where are the people from the government?"

"Lu Changshi should be arriving soon, I don't know the rest." Ah Lian said softly.

"Then let's go!" Huan Ci said and got on the sedan. After sitting on it, he looked around but could not find Zhao Jian.

Moreover, she didn't see Sao Ye who should be following Fu Shen.

"Aren't you going?" she asked in a low voice.

Lan Fu frowned: "I haven't seen her since I got up today. I thought Madam ordered her to do something."

"No?" Huan Ci was very confused and turned to look at Fu Shen, "Where is Sao Ye? Why don't you follow you?"

"He went out to do errands yesterday," Fu Shen said.

Huan Ci felt a little uneasy, but there were more important things at the moment, so he had to order people to leave quickly. Zhao Jin came here last night, so nothing happened, but he didn't know where he went.

After leaving the mansion, there were many cars and horses parked outside. Not only were they going there today, but also my uncle and his family, as well as several guests invited by his uncle to support them.

My uncle's house has been cleaned, and Huan Ci doesn't want them to leave, so he has kept them here until now.

But after today, his uncle will move away. Although the house is very close to them and can be seen if they walk a few steps forward, Huan Ci still feels reluctant to leave it.

The wandering along the way also attracted many people to go out to check, and everyone arrived at the gate of the academy before the auspicious time.

Huan Ci got off the carriage with Fu Shen's help and looked up at the big words on the plaque - Bingzhou Academy.

Originally, she wanted to give a more elegant name, but then she thought that since it was still a semi-government organization, the name should be more grand, so she adopted the previous one. However, the words on the plaque were new, and they were Fu Shen's handiwork.


Before she even walked over, she heard someone praising the beautiful words.

There was a huge motorcade coming from Prince Ding'an's palace. Lu Changshi, who had arrived early, came with several subordinates to greet the two of them, all of whom were smiling heartily.

Huan Ci couldn't help but feel happy. He pulled Fu Shen and walked over, followed by Chen'er and her nanny.

"Is this the eldest daughter of Lord Fu and the princess?" Lu Changshi has been to the house several times, but has never seen Chen'er.

Huan Ci nodded and said with a smile: "When the child is old, it's time to come out and see the world."

"The princess's thoughts are indeed different from those of us." Lu You couldn't help but sigh. His daughters all stayed at home and had hardly gone out since they were young. His eldest girl got married when she was only fourteen. She heard that the academy was recruiting

The female student kept begging him to go, and finally she asked Huan Ci, so he had no choice but to agree.

Huan Ci just smiled, changed the topic and asked, "Have the others arrived?"

"Almost have arrived, and most of the students have arrived. The masters were all here yesterday," Lu Changshi said.

Huan Ci felt happy and turned to look at Fu Shen: "Let's go in."

"Okay!" Fu Shen nodded and followed.

Lu Changshi hurriedly followed behind the two of them. People were coming and going in front of the academy gate, and no one noticed a face that shouldn't be there among the crowd.

After renovation, the academy is much quieter than before, and all the furnishings have been replaced with new ones.

As soon as Huan Ci entered, he saw students standing in the courtyard, receiving their respective brands and clothes from Dianxue.

The person who presided over the inspection ceremony today was a local official. Since it is a place for reading, it is not suitable for playing around, so everyone decided to recommend two ladies to give lectures. They sat at the back of the hall and watched, while the students sat in the biggest seats.

In that school.

No matter how big the school is, it cannot accommodate everyone, so students sign up to participate on a first-come, first-served basis.

There were two people giving lectures, one was Mr. Mo recommended by Kong Lin, and the other was the lady Fu Shen found.

The woman was just over thirty now. She was usually taciturn and not very affectionate with others, but she talked endlessly about her studies, which outshone all the men, so many people were willing to choose her.

Since it is such an important lecture, it is definitely not appropriate to take Chen'er with her. After all, she is still young and no one can do anything to her if she cries.

Huan Ci and Fu Shen had already agreed to go there, so they asked Lan Fu to join Ah Lian and several others to follow, and then they were relieved to let the child leave.

There was still a little time before the lecture started, so Huan Ci waved to Fu Shen, gesturing for the man to follow her.

Because she deliberately dressed simply today, she was inconspicuous among the crowd. Only a few male students stared at her curiously.

Fu Shen glanced at the group of people and asked softly: "Where are we going?"

Huan Ci walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and soon saw a familiar towering tree: "Look!" She pointed at the tree and looked at Fu Shen.

The corners of Fu Shen's lips curled up, and he slowly walked behind her: "So you remember."

Huan Ci smiled. Of course she remembered. At that time, she made a bet with Shen Jingxi that as long as she could climb the tree, the other party would give him a hundred taels of silver. As a result, she climbed up, but after climbing up, there was only

Fu Shen, who was watching the excitement, and Yin Xuan, who had just walked over, got off the bus.

Yin Xuan searched around but couldn't find Huan Ci. When she saw Shen Jingxi here, she wanted to come over and ask. Who knew that the group of students dispersed as soon as they saw him, leaving Fu Shen alone to bow respectfully.

"Xuan Mo, have you ever met that boy Song Xin?"

Fu Shen raised his head and glanced at the person on the tree with a mocking look on his face. When he saw her shaking her head and holding her hands, he chuckled and said, "The student has never seen her before, but the doctor needs to see him for something?"

"I don't know where this troublemaker has gone again?" Yin Xuan scolded coldly, and when she turned to Fu Shen, her kind face resumed, "In that case, I'll leave first, and you should go back quickly, from the academy.

The door will be closed soon."

Watching the man's hurried away figure, Huan Ci breathed a sigh of relief. He supported the tree trunk and thanked the people under the tree: "Brother Fu, thank you very much. I will go down and take you to a restaurant for dinner."

Fu Shen regained his expressionless expression and turned around to leave. Huan Ci was anxious when he saw that he was leaving, so he quickly slid down the tree trunk, but he lost his hand halfway and fell straight down from the top.

After hearing the noise, Fu Shen couldn't help but look back, because the person in front of him twitched his mouth in embarrassment.

"Brother Fu, help me!" Huan Ci said coquettishly, stroking his sore leg.

This chapter has been completed!
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