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Chapter 49 Escape

"Then will my brother come to the capital again?" Ayao asked curiously.

Huan Yuan smiled fondly: "He has been clamoring to come for a long time. I think he must be on the way now."

Ayao smiled. She hadn't seen her brother for a long time, and she still missed him.

After resting for a while, Huan Yuan began to be busy again. He declined the eunuch who came to invite him to the palace, saying only that he would prepare for his daughter's marriage and meet again on the wedding banquet.

Huan Yuan brought many things with him when he came, and they filled the whole yard.

"This is all your dowry." Huan Yuan looked at the box in the yard with satisfaction.

Before Huan Yuan came to the capital, Huan Ci did not have the excitement and shyness before getting married. Instead, he was just worried about the days of being restrained in the future. Now looking at his father's aging face, the worry is even more, and gradually

took over her mind.

"I really want to go back to Bingzhou to see it again," she murmured.

Huan Yuan looked at her dark head and smiled, saying: "Bingzhou is your home, you must go back often in the future."


That evening, the streets of Beijing were decorated with lights and red lanterns everywhere.

Patrolling officers and soldiers came one after another, but the streets were still crowded with people watching the fun.

Today is the wedding day of the crown prince of their Great Rong Dynasty, Zong Zhengche, so there is no reason not to come and watch such a grand event.

Although many places along the way were surrounded by tents, they could still see the grand scene.

At this time, Huan Ci had already dressed up and was sitting alone in the room waiting for his father.

Early this morning, my father was ordered by Zong Zhengyuan to approach the palace, but he has not returned yet.

It was originally promised that her father would send her off to get married, but now not only did her father not come, but Zong Zhengche was also nowhere to be seen.

The auspicious time was about to miss, and everyone didn't know what was holding them back. They all crowded to the door and waited.

He hadn't eaten since he got up early, and Huan Ci was already so hungry that he couldn't stand it anymore. He dragged his heavy clothes and planned to find something to eat.

But before she could reach the door, a tall man suddenly broke in.

Before Huan Ci could scream, the man had already reached out and covered her mouth.

"It's me, don't scream." Ah Lian gasped.

Huan Ci looked at him in surprise: "What's wrong with you? What happened?"

"Put this on and follow me." Ah Lian began to help her remove the obstructive tiara without saying a word.

"What's wrong?" Huan Ci asked in confusion.

"Your Majesty, he——" A Lian paused, "He has been killed by Zong Zhengyuan."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Huan Ci stopped what he was doing and glared at him fiercely.

Her body was shaking uncontrollably, and a smile forced itself onto her face.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it." Huan Ci shook his head slightly and took half a step back.

"There's no time now. I'll explain it to you on the way."

Ah Lian knew it was difficult for her to accept it for a while, but if she didn't leave, it would be too late.

"Why are you leaving? If what you said is true, then I shouldn't leave." Huan Ci stared at his face closely, not wanting to miss any subtle expression.

"We have to go." Ah Lian tore off her wedding dress without explanation, and roughly put the ordinary clothes on her body, "The Kihara case should be committed by Zongzheng Tetsu, and your assassination is also related to her.

There is no way to escape the relationship. It is too dangerous for you to stay with him. We must leave the capital as soon as possible."

"are you sure?"

Huan Ci frowned. If he really did it, why didn't Zong Zhengyuan investigate this matter before? Isn't this a good opportunity to bring him down?

"I now have some evidence. It was precisely because of this incident that I was hunted down."

He saw that Huan Ci had put on her clothes in a hurry, pulled her and ran out.

"What should A Yao do?" Huan Ci looked back.

"Let's go first, the prince and the others will be here soon." Ah Lian pushed her out and locked the back door from the outside.

There were several corpses here. Huan Ci stumbled in the darkness. When she saw clearly what they were, Ah Lian had already held her shoulders: "Don't be afraid, I killed the person."

Ah Lian had already prepared a horse here and hurriedly put Huan Ci on the horse's back.

The sound of music playing in the front was getting closer and closer, Zong Zhengche must be coming with the procession to welcome the bride.

Ah Lian quickly got on his horse and gave the horse a hard whip.

When everyone happily opened the door of the bride's room, there was no trace of Huan Ci inside. Only the scattered clothes on the ground reminded them that he had run away.

The dazzling red in front of his eyes made Zong Zhengche smile evilly.

It's really interesting that she got the news so quickly and ran away at this time.

Overnight, the capital city underwent earth-shaking changes.

Just yesterday, King Huanyuan of Dingyuan attempted to rebel. The emperor saw through it and beheaded him in the Lingwu Palace. His only daughter, Princess Ding'an, actually escaped on the night of her wedding to the prince. At the same time, Huan Yuan also disappeared in the hands of the prince.

of military symbols.

The people who originally planned to watch a lively event were so panic-stricken that the entire capital fell silent overnight.

There are still many officers and soldiers patrolling the streets, looking for Huan Ci who ran away last night.

In the Prince's Mansion located outside the palace, Zong Zhengche was sitting on the back of his chair, tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

There was a woman kneeling at the foot of the stairs, it was Ayao who was not taken away last night.

Ayao's body was already covered with scars, and now she was kneeling in the hall in a very embarrassed state.

The prince and the others almost missed the auspicious time last night, so she and Xipo went to wait outside the gate. Unexpectedly, when she returned, the girl had disappeared, and she was arrested on the spot by Zong Zhengche's order.

That night, the entire Prince's Palace fell into chaos. She already knew about the changes in the palace from people's mouths. The prince died so easily, and their support fell like this.

"Where did Huan Ci go?"

Zong Zhengche's voice came from above his head again, and Ayao gave him a fierce look.

What does it mean to know people but not their hearts? She originally thought that her biggest enemy was Zong Zhengyuan, but she knew that Zong Zhengche was even more vicious.

He actually cooperated with Zong Zhengyuan to kill the prince, but he also pretended that nothing happened and came to marry the girl.

Fortunately, the girl ran away early and no one has found her until now.

She pouted at the man on the steps and cursed angrily: "What qualifications do you have to mention our girl's maiden name, you bastard?"

"You are loyal." Zong Zhengche raised his eyebrows and looked at the kneeling woman with a seductive gaze.

He raised his hand to stop the eunuch who was about to take action, and ordered: "Take her down, don't let her die."

Ayao's eyes flashed, and before she could curse, she was gagged and dragged out.

At this time, Huan Ci, whom she was thinking of, was hiding with Ah Lian in the mountains and forests outside the city.

Last night he took advantage of the chaos and ran out. Fortunately, Ah Lian came in time and brought Huan Ci out before anyone noticed.

They ran all night and stopped only when it rained heavily.

Huan Ci hid in the cave, holding the tiger charm left by his father in his hand, and looked motionless at the pouring rain outside.

It seems that before his father entered the palace last night, he had a vague premonition. However, they did not believe that Zong Zhengyuan would choose this time to attack.

Huan Ci couldn't deny that his father did have thoughts of rebellion. But he just thought about it and never actually did it.

Zong Zhengyuan's move to cut through the mess quickly was based on an unfounded accusation, which is bound to be discussed by people all over the world.

But what's the use of arguing? He has achieved his goal, and Huan Ci no longer has a father.

Ah Lian, who was standing in front of the cave looking out for the wind, looked back at Huan Ci, whose eyes were dim with tears, and leaned against the mountain wall silently.

Following the two corpses, he found out their identities. They were actually members of well-known gangs. Based on this clue, he found evidence related to the Kihara case and Munemasa Toru.

But he was ambushed on his way back to Bingzhou, so he changed his route and hurried directly to the capital.

Fortunately, he thought Huan Ci was in the palace, so he planned to go directly to the palace to see the prince. Li Qi's people soon discovered him, and then he knew what was going on in the palace.

The prince was deceived into the palace by Zong Zhengyuan early in the morning. He and Zong Zhengche worked together and beat the prince to death in the Lingwu Palace.

Zong Zhengche, this bitch, could just assassinate their princess, so why should he help Zong Zhengyuan eradicate his dissidents?

Ah Lian glanced at the tiger talisman in Huan Ci's hand, and suddenly thought of the group of troops that the prince took away. The other half of the tiger talisman was in Modi's hand, and they were now around Yingdu.

I'm afraid things will change in Yingdu soon.

Ah Lian walked aside and stroked his beloved horse. The rain gradually became lighter, and the horse began to tire again.

"Let's go." Huan Ci patted the dirt on his body, stood up and said to A Lian.

Ah Lian nodded and began to pack his things silently.

The princess left in a hurry, so she could only use the luggage she brought with her when she came.

He took his kettle from Huan Ci, with two suspicious blushes on his face.

But there was darkness in the cave, and Huan Ci knew nothing about it. She led the horse out of the cave and sneezed uncontrollably.

They were all wet just now, but they didn't dare to warm themselves by the fire. If they attracted the officers and soldiers, they would lose more than the gain.

Ah Lian looked at the person in front of him and frowned.

The rain hasn't stopped yet, but the princess is in a hurry to leave. What should she do if she catches the cold?

As soon as he opened his mouth, Huan Ci already guessed his intention.

"I'm fine, I have to hurry."

Huan Ci climbed onto the horse and sat firmly, ignoring her embarrassed look.

She only has one idea now, and that is to return to Bingzhou as soon as possible. People with fathers there will not sit still and wait for death.

The woman's stubborn look stung Ah Lian. He quickly got on his horse and gently hugged the woman in front of him.

Forced by the situation, they could only ride together. But he did not dare to have the slightest thought, he just wanted to protect her and send her back to Bingzhou.

Zong Zhengyuan and Zong Zhengche will definitely not let her go. He must quickly take her away from this place of right and wrong.

After a while, another galloping horse appeared in the mountains, galloping rapidly against the rain.

In the capital, notices for Huan Ci's arrest were plastered all over the noticeboards, and officers and soldiers ordered to capture her were sent out batch after batch.

Rumors spread that she had stolen something very important, and the emperor vowed to catch her and bring her to justice.

This chapter has been completed!
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