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Chapter 1033 'Mobius Ring' (2)

My mind went blank.

Blanche froze on the spot, and her myriad thoughts were instantly twisted into a ball. Not only could they not be untangled for a while, but they were getting tighter and tighter.

The legend of the "Atlans" family is widely circulated in the post-apocalyptic wasteland era.

But Blanche has been on the move since she was a child. She has already exhausted all her efforts to survive, so she has no time to inquire about these unfounded legends.

Also because of this.

The young man in front of him had no sense of belonging to the so-called "Oracle Clan" at all.

"Our people established a glorious civilization many years ago..."

Lift your chin.

Looking intently at the "Mobius Strip" that was gradually taking shape in the distance, Logan took a deep breath and began to tell Blanche about the glorious history of the "Atlans" family.

From the prosperity of the "City Under the Abyss" to the powerful biotechnology of the "Oracle Clan".

Luo Gen was meticulous in everything, as if he were an elder in a clan, taking the trouble to teach the descendants around him step by step.

"As the saying goes, when things go to extremes, they must be reversed."

Close your eyes.

Logan raised his head, took a deep breath, and shook his head helplessly.

"If an individual who is too powerful does not learn to reflect on himself, he will eventually be destroyed due to self-expansion, and a race that is too powerful, because it relies too much on biotechnology, will also be punished for contempt for the common people..."

There was a pause.

Logan's face was full of sadness and he continued to speak.

"Hundreds of years ago, a terrible tsunami devoured the land on which our people depended for survival. The crystallization of all our wisdom and strength was suppressed by a powerful force. Most of the people were buried under the sea, and only a few were able to escape.

On the day of his birth, he was scattered all over the world and continued to live in the world."

After pondering for a moment, Logan stepped forward.

He lowered his head to look at the seemingly calm sea below the spaceship, pointed at the vast sea and continued in a deep voice.

"This desolate sea area is the original site of our hometown "City under the Abyss". There is a large amount of wealth left by our family, as well as the most cutting-edge technological crystallization. It has been sleeping on this cold seabed for several times.

For hundreds of years.”

Hear this.

Blanche was already extremely shocked.

It turns out that all the legends are true, and those traces of time left in the long river of history are never without purpose.

"Why are you telling me this..."

Hold the armrests of the wheelchair tightly with both hands.

The young man in front of him suddenly looked gloomy. He lowered his head and gritted his teeth secretly: "Uncle Smith, you should know that I am not interested in these things at all..."


Logan was displeased and looked at Blanche, who had her head lowered and her shoulders trembling, and was at a loss for a moment.

"What I really want to know...is who is my biological father!?"

Slowly raise your head.

With a trace of determination flashing in her eyes, Blanche looked at Logan fiercely, a dark halo faintly exuding from her body, which turned out to be an aura of extremely pure spiritual power.

Startled violently.

Logan was immediately speechless.

Although all the biochemical devices in the body have been forcibly removed by Dr. David.

But Blanche's qualifications are still extraordinary.

As a pure descendant of the "Atlans" clan, he, like Logan, was almost born to be a Night Watchman with powerful combat power.

Especially in terms of mental strength, Blanche, who has experienced too many hardships since childhood, has already developed a strong self-awareness, even stronger than Logan.

As long as such a talented person can find a powerful armed monster, his potential is limitless.

"Is this important to you?" Logan narrowed his eyes and asked involuntarily.

“Very important!”

He raised his head stubbornly.

Although his body is still weak, the young man's majestic mental power is still extremely strong.

"I want to ask him face to face why he left me and my mother alone. When we were being hunted, where was he and what was he doing!?"

He punched the armrest hard.

Blanche gritted her teeth and growled: "What on earth could be more important than his wife and children, worthy of his being so unrepentant!?"

The pupils shrank suddenly.

Faced with this child's unabashed resentment, Logan was instantly speechless.

The continuous questions were like sharp knives piercing this man's heart.

Heartbroken, ready to cry without tears...

Feeling the hot eyes of the young man next to him, Logan quickly turned his head and calmed down his mood. After thinking for a moment, he murmured: "Your biological father, he... is dead."


Blanche shook her head and said: "No, this is impossible. Mother said that father is a very powerful night watchman, and he will not lose even if he faces thousands of enemies... You,

You are lying to me!!"

"Whether you believe it or not, this is true."

Blanche's hysteria was suddenly interrupted.

Logan looked solemn and spoke slowly.

"Your father and I are both the same race and comrades-in-arms. During a mission, in order to cover my retreat, he sacrificed his life. Before his death, he asked me to find you and take good care of his son for him."

Hear the words.

Blanche was so weak that she collapsed in the wheelchair.

Compared with the complaints and hatred in his heart, he felt more sad and sad.

"Child, don't hate him."

Close your eyes.

Logan turned around, not daring to look at the young man beside him easily.

"The adult world is full of helplessness. Your father once said that if it happened again, he would never let you mother and son suffer again, but... there is no so-called regret medicine in this world."

He lowered his head.

Blanche clenched her teeth with tears in her eyes and remained silent.

"The past has happened and we cannot change it."

A strong wind blew across the sky, lifting the black cloak on the man's body.

A huge mechanical arm emerged.

Logan quickly regained his composure, looked at the "Mobius Strip" that was still under construction in the sky, and couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"What we should really grasp is the present and the future!"

Looking up at Logan, Blanche's eyes were full of doubts and confusion.

“Everyone in the world thought that the ‘Atlans’ clan had been completely wiped out, but they didn’t know that buried deep in the ‘City Under the Abyss’ under the sea, there was the original ‘Mobius Strip’ Unit 1.

Still unscathed."

A deep smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Slowly raising the huge mechanical arm, Logan faced the afterglow of the setting sun and said with a grin: "Our ancestors are not stupid rats. They left this opportunity for a comeback, waiting for us descendants to trigger the activation."

"Uncle Smith..."

Eyes widened.

Blanche asked with a stunned expression: "What do you mean, do you mean..."

"Since this world is full of malice, we simply use iron and blood to completely destroy it and create a new world from scratch!"

He clenched his mechanical fist tightly and set off a dark thunderbolt on the spot.

Logan was full of confidence and said leisurely: "I have found the key to restart the "City Under the Abyss", but this thing must be used by two tribesmen with pure "Atlans" blood in order to be effective.

It works!”

Look at the boy next to you.

Facing Blanche's surprised gaze, Logan said in a deep voice.

"In this world, you and I are the only two people who are qualified to activate the key. By that time, we will not only be sitting on massive wealth, but also have access to advanced biotechnology that far exceeds this apocalyptic wasteland era..."

"So, Blanche, good boy..."

He raised his hand and patted Blanche on the shoulder.

Logan's eyes were extremely firm, even filled with resentment and joy.

"Three days later, when the solar eclipse comes, join me in awakening the "City Under the Abyss", regaining the glory that belongs to "Atlantis", and using the power of our ancestors to rebuild a beautiful new world!"

Looking straight at the slightly crazy Logan.

Blanche's eyes widened and she seemed to have a lump in her throat. After hesitating for a moment, she finally nodded gently.

This chapter has been completed!
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