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Chapter 106 Encountering Chen Jingshan!

This scepter is simply tailor-made for Ningxue!

20% ice and snow magic damage bonus, plus a summoning skill.

It is definitely a killer weapon for ice and snow element control freaks...

Taking out the scepter, the silver handle was covered with inexplicable shining runes.

At the top of the scepter, a brilliant sapphire is emitting a biting cold light.

As soon as this thing was taken out, the temperature in the ward dropped sharply for no reason.

The cold air was so strong that Xue Yun couldn't help but shiver.


With a thought, a tall white figure appeared.

The dignified attendant stood on the side of the hospital bed. Ningxue smoothed her short hair from her ears, tilted her head and smiled towards Xue Yun...

Damn it!

This figure, this look...

Do you want to kill me?

Yujie has three wonderful qualities: maturity, gentleness, and good service!

Ningxue's smile was too lethal...

"Uh... take this thing and use it!"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Xue Yun quickly handed over the power.

After taking over the power pole, a silver brilliance shone from the end of the power pole.

This light was so cold that most of the walls of the ward were covered with biting frost!

Silver brilliance covered Ningxue's arms.

With the deafening buzzing sound, the tables, chairs, beds and even the bio-intelligent medical cabin nearby began to tremble.

Her short silver hair was flying in the wind, and Ningxue closed her eyes tightly and suddenly rose into the air.

What the hell!

Is this the rhythm of ascension?

Xue Yun didn't expect that there would be such a big fuss.

Sure enough, the movement in the ward immediately attracted the attention of the doctors and nurses in the hospital corridor.

"What happened inside? Why is it so noisy?"

"I'm the doctor here, get out of the way!"

"You...you dare to push me!?"


"Security, call the security over quickly!"

Obviously, a small bone with a tendon has conflicted with the medical staff.

Rolling his eyes, Xue Yun quickly raised his hand to retrieve the energetic Ningxue in mid-air.

As Ningxue disappeared, the strangeness in the ward immediately returned to calm, and the frost on the walls also melted away.

Immediately getting out of bed, Xue Yun tiptoed and opened the door.

Outside the door, a large wave of hospital security personnel had already surrounded Xiaogu.

They held electric shock batons and explosion-proof shields in their hands, and some nurses even picked up needle tubes with large doses of sedatives inside, ready to inject small bones at any time...

As for Xiaogu, his face was still expressionless.

The Bai Zhan Yin soldiers behind them have already gone into battle, and their ghostly presence makes a group of doctors and nurses feel like they are facing a formidable enemy.

"What are you doing? This is what you are doing!"

Xue Yun stretched out his big hand and held Xiao Gu behind him: "I'm not going to let you rest anymore, I'm a patient!"

"He is your servant!?" a doctor asked, pointing to the small bone.

Judging from Xiaogu's temperament and clothing, they basically made a guess.

Most likely they regarded Xue Yun as a playboy from a certain family.

Nodding, Xue Yun responded: "It's my person, what's wrong?"

"Just a servant, openly releasing armed freaks in the fortress city..."

The doctor said angrily: "How did you educate him? It's simply lawless!"

According to the laws of the Great Xia Empire, night watchmen are not allowed to expose armed monsters in fortress cities at will, so as not to cause unnecessary panic.

This is an ironclad fact.

"I asked him to guard the door and not allow anyone to enter the room."

Sighing, Xue Yun said: "This is just a misunderstanding, let's get over it!"


With a cold smile, the doctor in front of him said reluctantly.

"I am a serious second-class citizen, a mere slave, a bastard who is not even a third-class citizen. How dare you disrespect me? This is not the end of the matter!"

The concept of class has long been deeply rooted in the social system of the Daxia Empire.

Xiaogu, who was born as a servant, does not deserve rights, does not deserve identity, and does not even deserve to have a name!

In their eyes, a servant is nothing more than an object!

If you call it, it will come; if you wave it, it will go.

He is even worse than a dog.

An unknown fire rose in his heart, Xue Yun raised his eyebrows and asked: "What do you want?"

"Let him kneel down..."

Pointing to the ground, the doctor said arrogantly: "Kowtow and admit your mistake!"

The corridor of the hospital suddenly became extremely quiet.

Most of the patients in the ward are powerful people in Fengdu.

Hearing the commotion, many people poked their heads out of the room to watch the excitement.

Xue Yun smiled slightly and ignored him.

Instead, he turned around and patted Xiao Gu on the shoulder.

"Good job, but don't release armed monsters easily next time..."

Staring at the doctor with disdain, Xue Yun smiled and said: "Those who look down on others are simply not worth your efforts!"

"He doesn't deserve it!"

Under the messy long hair, Xiaogu's eyes slightly widened, and his lips moved silently.

He wanted to say something, but he still didn't say it.

Just now, he was ready to kneel down to the doctor.

Years of living as a servant have made him accustomed to such scenes.

Growing up in a prison camp, Xiaogu was always taught to obey orders.

The master is always right!

You must obey your master absolutely!

It is natural to take the blame for your master. There is no right or wrong, only loyalty or not!

But now, the person in front of me is trying his best to protect himself?

Xiaogu's world view was turned upside down at this moment, and a strange emotion quietly grew in his heart.

"You...how dare you insult me!" The doctor was so angry that his whole body trembled.

Although he is an ordinary person, he can rely on the shadow of his ancestors to get a good background.

As a second-class citizen, he also works in a hospital.

He thinks he is superior to others, and coupled with the fawning over of many patients' family members, he is used to being arrogant.

How can I bear such anger?

"What's the problem!"

Rolling his eyes at the other party, Xue Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "You were so confident when you insulted him. Why aren't you happy when it's your turn?"

The doctor said without thinking: "He...he is just a humble servant! How can he be compared with me!"


A punch hit the door beam hard, causing the entire floor to tremble slightly.

A huge hole suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Narrowing his eyes, Xue Yun became furious: "It's not your turn to bully my people!"

The breath of biological force field penetrates the body in an instant!

The entire corridor of the ward suddenly became extremely cold...

He reached out and grabbed the doctor's collar.

Xue Yun had a sullen face and threatened fiercely: "If you say one more word, I will kill you!"

Yellow liquid dripped down his crotch, and the guy actually peed on the spot.


A dull shout suddenly sounded.

Outside the ward not far next door, a tall middle-aged man strode towards Xue Yun.

Behind him, four night watchmen in black followed closely.

His face was full of solemnity.

"It's Minister Chen!"

"Which Minister Chen?"

"There are still a few ministers Chen in Fengdu, of course Chen Jingshan from the War Preparedness Department!"

[The author has something to say]

I really like a line from the movie "Ip Man 2"!

“Everyone’s job and background may be different, but there is no difference in personality!”

Third update, please reward me with gold coins!

Thanks for the support!

This chapter has been completed!
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