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Chapter 11 Night Watch Alliance Association

Dao Qiang felt like crying but had no choice but to take out all the cash from the safe.

Plus the inventory he had on him and the pocket money of his younger brothers.

Xue Yun made a total of 537,486 yuan in Daxia coins from this guy this time.

Damn, there are still some things left...

Xue Yun did not harm Dao Scarqiang, this guy was just a lackey arranged by Mr. Qin to make money in the slums.

The big boss behind the scenes has already received the lunch box, and he can't make much of a fuss with this product.

After some coercion and inducement.

Xue Yun warned this guy that from now on he would not be allowed to bully the civilians in the slums. When he saw that the other person was so scared that he was pissed, he let the gangsters go.

Seeing Scar Qiang running away with his men in despair, Xue Yun felt that he had done a good deed.

Although the original intention was to raise funds.

But it doesn't matter...

At night, Xue Yun began to distribute money from door to door.

He left one hundred thousand Daxia coins as his future living expenses, and all the remaining banknotes were evenly distributed and placed in front of every shack in the slum.

When passing by Shi Kelang's house, Xue Yun thought for a moment, took out another 10,000 yuan from his 100,000 yuan budget, wrapped it in newspapers and placed it gently by the window railing.

With this money, Shi Kelang's family of five should be able to slightly improve their lives.

After doing all this, the sky was already a little dark.

Xue Yun rushed home, preparing to pack up and head to the center of Longdu as soon as possible.

Standing in a shack of a few square meters, I found that there was nothing worth packing.

Opening the cabinet door, Xue Yun casually changed into a cheap hoodie. The outfit he wore last night must never appear again.

After all, a night watchman died in an abandoned warehouse in the slums.

This matter might attract the attention of the Longdu War Preparedness Department. If these things follow the clues and find him, it will really be more gain than loss.

He took out a magnetic card from the bedside drawer, which was Xue Yun's identity certificate in this world.

Without this, he would really have become a legitimate gangster.

Walking out of the shack, Xue Yun looked at the slum in front of him and remained silent for a long time...

"red lotus!"

The girl with black hair and red eyes came out in response and stood obediently behind him.

"This shabby house should be burned down..."


Raging black flames rose into the sky, and Honglian raised his hand.

The fire immediately enveloped the shack in front of him.

Having already turned around, Xue Yun lifted the hood of his hoodie and put it on his head silently.

He shrinks his neck and walks cleanly!

If you continue to cut off, you will inevitably suffer from chaos.

A new life is beckoning to him, the future is promising, and the past will only become a burden to him.

"Goodbye, ghetto!"


Stopping a taxi on the side of the road, Xue Yun headed towards the city center without any hindrance.

In a daze, he actually fell asleep in the back seat.

I don’t know how long it took, but the driver woke him up: “Brother, wake up quickly, we’re here!”


Xue Yun woke up suddenly and rubbed his eyes.

In front of you is a tall building with more than ten floors, with the words "Global Night Watch Alliance Association - Longdu Branch" clearly marked on the door plate.

After paying the fare, Xue Yun quickly got off the bus.

It was already noon, and there was an endless stream of people coming and going.

These pedestrians are well-dressed, and their speech and behavior are even more gentle, which is very different from the people in the slums.

Xue Yun's appearance was obviously out of place, and many passers-by cast strange looks at him.

"Where did this poor boy come from?"

"It looks like he came from the slums..."

"Slums? What are you doing in our city center?!"

"Who knows, maybe I'm here to apply for a job as a servant..."

The comments of people around him left Xue Yun speechless.

Most of these people are ordinary people.

But they are very lucky, most of them have a night watchman at home, and one person can achieve the goal of raising a chicken or a dog to heaven.

Otherwise, there were night watchmen in our ancestors and they made outstanding contributions to the Great Xia Empire.

Therefore, they can get a decent job and get good pay.

After a while, these guys really thought they were nobles...

A bunch of dogs looking down on people!

Raising his eyebrows, Xue Yun cursed and walked straight towards the building.

The hall was full of people.

It was crowded early in the morning with people working and going about their business.

In theory, the Global Night Watch Association is a unified global organization open to everyone.

As long as you think you have the qualifications to become a night watchman, you can come and sign up for the test.

However, the young people who usually come here to take the test are all dignitaries or descendants of senior Night Watch families.

The reason is simple.

Newcomers certified by the alliance association cannot enjoy the empire's training and support policies.

Everything must be explored on your own.

With relative freedom, corresponding support will be lost.

Without the support of a strong family, it would be difficult for ordinary newcomers to adapt to this laissez-faire model.

However, Xue Yun didn't care at all.

With his system in mind, he is completely self-sufficient.

No training or support is required at all.

When he came to the registration window in the lobby, a sweet-looking girl received him with a smile.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?"

"Hello, I want to obtain the qualification certification for Night Watchman status." Xue Yun responded.

The receptionist girl showed a professional smile: "Okay, sir, do you already have your own armed freak?"

Frowning, Xue Yun asked: "Is there any difference?"

The reception girl quickly explained patiently: "That's it, sir, the qualification certification test of our alliance association is divided into two types, one is the talent test, the other is the identity qualification assessment..."

The talent test, to put it bluntly, is the same as the official test of the Great Xia Empire.

Test whether you have the talent of biological force field.

This is the essence of the Night's Watch.

Without the talent of biological force fields, everything is in vain.

As for the assessment of identity qualifications, it is necessary to kill a freak in the wild to prove that the person being tested has the basic qualities for actual combat.

Of course, the monsters you face won't be too outrageous, they are usually safety level lv1.

I have to say that the system of the Night Watch Alliance Association is very humane.

Descendants of many aristocratic families have long owned armed monsters with the support of their families.

The second testing method is simply more convenient and faster.

Nodding in sudden realization, Xue Yun responded: "I have armed freaks."

Slightly startled, the girl looked Xue Yun up and down. She didn't look like he was a descendant of a noble family.

But this thought only passed by for a moment, after all, it had nothing to do with her.

Handed over a form, the girl tilted her head and smiled.

"Sir, please fill out the application form, bring your identity authentication card, and go to Area B to take the assessment test. I wish you a smooth assessment and a happy life!"

This chapter has been completed!
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