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Chapter 1142 Stop Intention, Sneak, Kill (1)

Fully open state——

Xue Yun's taunting skills can be said to be extremely proficient.

Wisteria Dragon King, who originally wanted to give the ground garrison base the final blow, immediately became angry from shame.

"Damn coward, are you finally willing to show your face?!"

The "Dragon Tooth Sword" in his hand whirred.

The sharp purple blade flashed with brilliance, and there were faint thunder and flames twining alternately.

He suddenly raised the magic weapon in his hand.

The Wisteria Dragon King shouted angrily in a deep voice: "I will grind all your flesh and blood into powder, and turn the core of your consciousness into the purest spiritual energy, in order to honor the heroic spirit of my third brother!"


The devil's wings on his back suddenly spread out.

Xue Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled and scolded: "You damn boy are shouting slogans here. If you really have the ability, you can catch up with me first. I want to see who skinned whom first!"

Just say it.

The two people in the sky looked at each other, then nodded in understanding, and flew left and right towards the depths of the island forest.

"Don't even think about escaping!"

Furious shouts penetrated the world.

Without thinking, Wisteria Dragon King dragged the thunderclouds rolling across the sky and plunged into the trap set by the two men.

"Brother, wait for me!"

Dragging the huge body.

The red gold blood salamander in the clouds also had no time to think. It followed the Wisteria Dragon King, rolled up a huge blood mist, and escaped into the dense forest on the spot.

Above the smoke-filled garrison base.

I saw the terrifying dragon monster disappearing in mid-air above my head.

The surviving night watchmen all breathed a long sigh of relief.

Many people even collapsed on the ground.

The tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and the body went limp along with it, completely out of control.

"Don't relax..."

Slowly walk out of the collapsed ruins.

Franklin was covered in blood and endured the physical pain. He continued to give the order in a deep voice: "Take this opportunity to clean up the ruins of the collapsed house as soon as possible and treat the injured teammates! In addition, send a small team of people with the ability to fly to the nearest

The garrison island is asking for help, quickly... everyone, move quickly!"

Accompanied by hoarse shouts.

The night watchmen who survived the scene woke up and quickly followed Franklin's instructions and began to carry out self-rescue work in an orderly manner.

He raised his hand to wipe away the blood on his forehead.

Franklin's face was covered with dust, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the forest not far from where he was stationed, his expression full of deep worry.


At this moment——

Inside the forest of "Wisteria Island".

Various dense vegetation and rattan are intertwined to form a huge natural barrier, which just blocks out almost all light sources in nature.

Whether it's day or night.

The visibility here is always pitifully low, and the freaks and creatures living here can only rely on their sense of smell and sensing breath to identify directions and natural enemies.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

Rows of towering trees were cut in half, and countless sawdust and fallen leaves flew into the air.

Purple thunder and flames echo each other.

The terrifying aura was fleeting, instantly burning the ruins all over the sky into ashes.

"Assholes... despicable humans, how long are you going to hide!?"

Holding the "Dragon Tooth Sword" tightly in his hand, the purple hair on his head moved automatically.

He couldn't help but frown.

The Wisteria Dragon King tried hard to sense the auras of Xue Yun and Situ Feng, but unfortunately he still had no success.

From the moment they entered the forest area, the two of them were like two drops of rain falling into the abyss, so that there was no trace of them in an instant.

Hidden aura, sneaking without a trace.

As the saying goes, it is easier to hide from an open sword than to avoid a hidden arrow!

When you cannot defeat your opponent on the frontal battlefield, you can take advantage of the terrain to carry out stealth sniping.

No matter what happens, at least he can escape quietly without being killed on the spot.

This is the terrible thing about "stopping the intention"!

"Get out of here—!"

His thick arms suddenly spread out.

The Wisteria Dragon King was so angry that he looked up to the sky and shouted loudly. The terrifying dragon power rose from the center of his eyebrows.

The next moment——

With the Wisteria Dragon King as the dot, everything within a hundred meters in diameter was instantly affected by the monstrous wind.

It's like burning out of thin air.

The scalding ripples advanced in all directions, uprooting surrounding trees and vegetation on the spot.

The pure aura of dragon power shook the entire world.

Countless animals and freaks were trembling and hiding in their lairs, not daring to show their heads easily.

"Brother, you can't do it!"

Seeing the Wisteria Dragon King, he was so angry that he wanted to turn everything in front of him into ashes.

The red golden blood salamander on the side quickly stepped forward, its huge body swayed from side to side, and shouted repeatedly.

"Don't be impulsive. This...this is the birthplace of our three brothers after all!"

Hear the words.

I couldn't help but be slightly startled.

The Wisteria Dragon King suddenly woke up and restrained his aura of dragon power in time.

The riot in the forest in front of me gradually subsided, and then it stopped spreading to the distance.

"Good guy..."

On the treetops not far away.

Xue Yun raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but sigh: "You really figured it out. These two loaches are obviously at a loss in this forest."

"It's normal. Freaks are living things too."

His eyes narrowed into a straight line.

Also hidden on another treetop, Situ Feng explained in a deep voice.

"Drinking water reminds you of the source, and fallen leaves return to their roots... For them, this forest is their original home, and it is full of many memories of their childhood."

"To outsiders, they may be cruel and bloodthirsty..."

He pondered for a moment.

Situ Feng shook his head silently and said: "But for our own people, these three-headed monsters are no different from us in nature. They will also be swayed by emotions and act contrary to logic."

All things have spirit, and all living things are flesh and blood.

Putting aside black and white, good and evil, in fact, everyone is just one of the many living beings.

If you cannot cross the threshold of "seven emotions and six desires", even if you are a dragon, you are still an ordinary person.

"It's time."

Slowly stood up from the treetop.

A sense of solemnity emerged between his brows, and Situ Feng said in a deep voice.

"You are on the left, I am on the right... first get rid of the red gold blood salamander and completely isolate the Wisteria Dragon King."

"Leave it to me."

A hint of restrained colorful light flashed in his pupils.

With the "Stop Intention" state turned on, Xue Yun's aura is difficult to detect, but his actual combat effectiveness has not been weakened at all.

"Do it-"

Accompanied by Situ Feng's low shout.

The two people turned into a flash of light on the spot, shuttled through the airtight jungle like ghosts, and instantly sneaked over the heads of the two monsters!

This chapter has been completed!
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