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Chapter 132 Online shopping freak

I don’t know how long I slept.

Xue Yun was startled awake by the sudden shaking!

Opening his eyes suddenly, he thought the armored vehicle had been attacked again.

Fortunately, we just passed through a rocky area and it was a little bumpy.

He stood up and moved his limbs.

The soreness and fatigue are gone, and the wounds on my lower abdomen have also fully recovered.

After a good sleep, I finally came back to life with full blood.

This is also due to his extraordinary physique.

If it were anyone else, they would have to lie in the medical cabin for at least a day and a night to be okay.

In the carriage outside the bedroom, laughter and laughter could be heard from time to time...

Xue Yun poked his head out suspiciously, only to find that Zhao Lihua was already awake.

There was a bandage on her forehead, and a group of people gathered around the coffee table in the living room, seemingly playing some game.

Various drinks were placed on the table. Judging from their faces, everyone had clearly had a round of drinking...

"Xue Yun, are you awake?!" An Ruxuan, still holding the metal box in her hand, pulled him over and sat down with a tipsy look on her face.

"Are you having a good time?"

After scanning the crowd, Xiaogu lowered his head silently, not daring to look directly at them.

Xue Yun sneered and said: "If the people who judge the apostles come to our door, we will fall first without them taking action..."

Everyone looked at each other, the wine glasses in their hands paused in mid-air.


Lengxintong smiled awkwardly and said.

"Tian Yi said that we will arrive in Longdu in three hours. The nearby area is the suburbs of Longdu. I believe that the bad guys don't have the guts to chase us, so we just have a drink and relax. It can be regarded as a group celebration in advance.

The mission was successfully completed..."

After being silent for a long time, Xue Yun turned to look at Zhao Tianyi: "Is it your idea?"

"I provided drinks..." With a bang, Zhao Tianyi opened the refrigerator beside him.

It is filled with all kinds of drinks, a dazzling array of drinks, and a wide variety of drinks.

His forehead was covered with black lines, and Xue Yun was speechless.

Your brother-in-law's...

What serves alcohol?

I believe you as a ghost!

Zhao Tianyi obviously has a keen interest in the corpse of the Chosen Son.

People like him are no different from most mad scientists. Once they become possessed, they will definitely pursue "truth" at all costs!

The purpose of providing alcohol is to get everyone drunk so that they can do it secretly!

He quickly checked the heart of the Chosen One.


This thing stays quietly in the metal box, and looks normal on the surface.

Staring at this guy warily, Xue Yun put the metal box back into the system space.

In this way, no matter how powerful Zhao Tianyi is, there is nothing he can do against him!

"You drink slowly..."

Picking up the laptop on the coffee table, Xue Yun turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

"Xue Yun, don't you celebrate with us?" An Ruxuan asked.


Shaking his head, Xue Yun murmured: "I want to surf the Internet quietly for a while..."

Everyone was silent for a while, and then started changing glasses again.

Silently looking at Xue Yun's back, An Ruxuan looked slightly sad and seemed worried.

I went back to the bedroom, opened my laptop, and connected to the Internet skillfully.

Xue Yun directly logged into the official forum of the Night Watch Alliance Association.

After two days of precipitation, the number of posts about him has been greatly reduced.

However, there are still many inexplicable remarks and various gossips emerging one after another, making people dumbfounded.

It was with great difficulty that I found the original post on the forum about acquiring idle armed monsters.

Most of the relevant replies are also spam and have no value at all.

After a cursory look through it, I found a guy with the online name "Bridal Undefeated" who acted very sincerely.

This guy posted a post saying that he had an unused armed freak with A-level potential, which he kept in his garage, and wanted to sell it to Xue Yun in exchange for some money to solve his family's problems.

The social account and contact information were also left at the end of the post.

After thinking about it, Xue Yun decided to understand the specific situation first.

Enter the other party’s social account and send the friend application information.

After a while, the avatar of "Undefeated in the Bridal Room" flashed.

Undefeated in the bridal chamber: ヾ(=^▽^=)ノBoss! You actually added me! Hahahaha, it’s like a dream!

Undefeated in the Wedding Room: Boss, I watched the combat video of Fengdu City Defense, you are so handsome!

Undefeated in the Wedding Room: Can you accept me as your younger brother? The kind of person who makes a blood alliance, I want to hang out with you...

Undefeated in the Wedding Room: ( ̄▽ ̄") Boss, are you there?

Undefeated in the bridal chamber: (﹏.)......

Rolling his eyes, Xue Yun felt that this kid didn't seem to have any bad intentions, he was just a bit of a loser.

When you come up, you have to pull up the mountain and recognize the boss!

I’ve definitely watched gangster movies a lot...

Loli Killer: I'm here.

Undefeated in the bridal chamber: (☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)

Undefeated in the bridal chamber: (??ˇ?ˇ?) Boss!!!

Loli Killer: Stop... I'll ask you questions, don't talk nonsense...

Undefeated in the bridal chamber: A master is a master! The aura is so strong! I love it, I love it!

Loli Killer:( ̄. ̄)......

Undefeated in the Wedding Room: ( ̄ε(# ̄) You say it, I listen...

Loli Killer: What is the grade of the A-level potential freak in your hand?

Undefeated in the bridal chamber: Invasion level lv3, biological order, change system...

After pondering for a moment, Xue Yun touched his chin with interest.

The grade of this monster is indeed not high, but fortunately its potential is pretty good.

It is indeed a very rare fusion material.

Loli Killer: Is the origin clean?

Undefeated in the Wedding Room: (^?^) Don’t worry! This monster was prepared for me by my family. It’s really ugly and not attractive at all. I don’t want to tame it, so it just sits idle at home!

There are many small and medium-sized families in Longdu, and they spare no effort in cultivating their candidates.

It is not uncommon to prepare armed monsters for the descendants of the clan in advance.

This guy’s credibility is quite high!

The next thing is to determine the price and the place and time of the transaction.

Xue Yun didn’t want to talk too much and went straight to the point!

Loli Killer: Tell me, how much do you want to sell it for?

Wedding Fang Bubai: Well...my family is not rich either, and I'm just trying to make a fool of myself, otherwise I wouldn't consider selling it...

Loli Killer: It’s okay, just tell me, what’s the psychological price?

Undefeated in the bridal chamber: (???ε???) Five million Daxia coins... or four and a half million will do!

Unbeaten in the Wedding Room: Boss, my family is really in need of money recently, otherwise I would give it to you for free...

Xue Yun shook his head with a wry smile, and was completely speechless.

He is no longer the ignorant young man who knew nothing about the market.

On the market, the price of idle armed monsters of this quality fluctuates around three million Daxia coins.

After all, the quality level can be improved slowly.

However, the potential value a is a fixed attribute that cannot be changed, and high-potential armed monsters are still in short supply.

The price is indeed a bit high, but a potential freak is still a bargain.

It's not too much.

Loli Killer: Let’s do this. I’ll buy four million Daxia coins. You think about it!

Undefeated in the bridal chamber: (>﹏<) OK! Thank you boss for taking care of me!

Xue Yun smiled slightly, but he didn't expect that the other party would agree so quickly.

You can't tell, but this guy is quite a cheerful person.

The two exchanged contact information and agreed to do business in person at each other's home three days later.

After chatting for a few words, Xue Yun hurriedly logged off.

He took a long breath and suddenly remembered that Ningxue had long been promoted to a terrifying level 6 freak.

Finally, we can proceed with the modification and upgrade steps.

In the system space, there are also ten armed monsters obtained from Boss Jin.

Among them, the "Purple Thunder Elf" with S-level potential and the dragon egg are definitely rare items.

Anyway, we still have more than two hours to get to Longdu.

Being idle is also idle.

Just take this opportunity to make a comprehensive upgrade for Ningxue!

[The author has something to say]

There are really no female readers!!!

It’s so shocking!!!

So sad!!!

Lao Guo wants to write a female video!!!

Sadistic love, group pet, quick wear, strong woman, I have eighteen brothers...


This chapter has been completed!
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