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Chapter 1335 poor mountains and bad waters, ugly women make trouble for people

Under Xue Yun's strong pressure, Prince Gong finally chose to compromise.

As the saying goes, a fallen phoenix is ​​worse than a chicken.

If those female relatives who had served the late emperor in the palace had not given birth to heirs for the Xuanyuan clan, they would have basically lost their power long ago.

The key is that many of them are still very young.

For the sake of the honor of the Daxia royal family, they were trapped in this palace, which was equivalent to living as a widow.

Once they knew that there were other unclean men staying in the palace, it would be like a fly seeing Yoneda Kou, and they might do something extraordinary.

Fortunately, Prince Gong knew Xue Yun very well and was sure that he was not that shameless lecher.

It really doesn't work.

Prince Gong even made an emergency plan.

If you find that something is wrong, at worst, you can send a few maids to Xue Yun's room. It doesn't matter what the other party does. At least you can divert the firepower...

Anyway, this ridiculous prince does this kind of thing on a daily basis, so it's not harmful at all.

"As agreed, only two weeks..."

He looked at the two of them with worried faces.

Prince Gong kept reminding him: "One more day is not enough, otherwise we will have long nights and many dreams. Once this matter is exposed, your majesty may kill me alive."

It would be a great disgrace to the honor of the late Emperor and cause great trouble.

As a member of the Daxia royal family, the Xuanyuan family's tolerance for this kind of thing is almost zero.

What the Ridiculous Prince did this time was absolutely unprecedented and absurd...

"Don't worry."

Xue Yun stood up slowly and said calmly: "I am not interested in the old emperor's women to begin with."

He nodded with a wry smile and couldn't help but look at the bald man who was still devouring his food.

With a slight distrust in his eyes, Prince Gong tried in a low voice: "Well, this brother..."

"Let me go, who do you think I am?!"

He suddenly slapped the case and stood up.

Wang Defa became furious on the spot and blurted out: "I'm still a young man, how can I lower myself to provoke those old women!"

In an instant.

Including the bald man himself, all three people were stunned on the spot.

"Haha, that's good."

Prince Gong was relieved and said with a strange expression: "If you say this, I can let you two live here with peace of mind."

Holding up his forehead in embarrassment, Xue Yun was completely speechless to Wang Defa.

"What's wrong?"

He looked at Xue Yun confidently.

Seeing that the expressions of the two people were a little strange, Wang Defa asked: "Aren't you?"

"Get out!" Xue Yun shouted angrily.

Can you talk about this kind of thing?!

For an adult man, being unmanned is a shame!

It is no exaggeration to say that this can only prove one's own incompetence and cowardice...

As long as young people in their twenties and thirties were a bit more reckless, they would not end up in this miserable end.

Therefore, Xue Yun would not admit even to death that he was actually in the same situation!

After three rounds of drinking.

The three of them stopped mentioning these bad things, and it was not until late at night that Prince Gong arranged for Xue Yun and the two of them to live in a side hall in the corner of the palace.

The night is lingering, peaceful and quiet.

On the large bed, Wang Defa had already fallen into a deep sleep. The continuous grinding of teeth and snoring came one after another. It was destined to be a sleepless night tonight.

Leaning by the window alone.

Xue Yun looked up at the stars in the sky and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

In two weeks’ time, during our trip to the Empire where the sun never sets, we will have a head-to-head encounter with Nakayama Yoshitomo, an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years.

The difficulties and dangers involved can be imagined.

Looking back on the people and things I have experienced over the years, it seems that many of them are directly or indirectly related to that guy.

The use of biotechnology to modify and manipulate other people's bodies is an extremely despicable way to confuse people's minds.

He obviously already has a long life and massive wealth.

Why did Nakayama Yoshitomo do this, and what was his ultimate goal?

"Yoshichi Nakayama...who are you?"

In the sky not far away, gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky.

Even though it was getting late, the commercial street in the center of the imperial city was still bustling with activity.

The superficial prosperity is full of decay and depravity.

All the happiness in front of you is like fireworks in the sky. After blooming for a short time, it shines with dazzling brilliance and then disappears into nothingness.

The wine and meat in Zhumen stinks, and there are freezing bones on the road...

God knows, in which corner of this city, there are thousands of people who are hungry, even half-clothed and without any dignity.

Changing the world is easier said than done?

Xue Yun let out a long sigh, facing this strange post-apocalyptic wasteland era, he still felt a little powerless.

"My strength is still not strong enough..."

Muttering silently to himself.

Xue Yun couldn't help but close his eyes and try to communicate with Xiaowanzi who was still sleeping in the space of consciousness.

After a while, there was still silence.

"Don't waste your efforts."

In his mind, Honglian's voice suddenly appeared.

"This silly dragon will not wake up so easily. Those spring waters can heal her injuries, but they cannot save her soul. If she wants to recover, she still has to depend on her own will to survive..."

Startled suddenly.

Xue Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly and responded casually: "Do you freaks also have souls?"

"There should be..."

Ningxue suddenly said: "Sometimes, we are actually sad and helpless, but we don't express it too much on the surface like humans."

All things have animism——

Simple truth, if you want to truly understand it, it is not that easy.


Princess Netherworld, who had been silent, interjected: "Not only do you humans have emotions, but we freaks are also made of flesh and blood, just like Sister Sickle. Although her reaction arc is a bit slower, she still knows how to jump out and talk to you when you are depressed."

You talk..."

As soon as these words came out.

Xue Yun's conscious space immediately trembled.

"Newcomer, shut up!"

The hot breath rolled and stirred in his body.

Guren scolded coldly: "You are the one who has a slow reaction time. All the freaks in the valley have a slow reaction time!"


Drooping his eyelids, Xue Yun quickly comforted the armed freaks under his banner.

These guys are all masters who refuse to admit defeat.

I don’t know why, but they just often dislike each other. If Xue Yun hadn’t managed to stabilize the situation, they would have fought each other in the conscious space.

[Hahahaha, yin is strong and yang is weak. Once these women get together, there will naturally be more disputes. How do you say that...]

The system in the mind laughed and said: [Ah, by the way, poor mountains and poor waters, ugly women and unruly women!]


Why did I forget about this guy? Damn it, just watching the excitement is not a big deal.

In the dark garden, a dim light flickered in front of the attic window.

Xue Yun raised his hand to rub his forehead and simply closed the window.

Three armed freaks and a neurotic intelligent system greeted each other in the consciousness space. Fortunately, the remaining drunkards and big cats did not awaken their self-awareness. Otherwise, Xue Yun would definitely be psychologically shadowed by the many inexplicable yells and curses in his mind.


This chapter has been completed!
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