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Chapter 173 The walking medical cabin

Byrne's left eye was already bloody.

I tried to struggle, but to no avail.


Laughing arrogantly and strangely, Byrne whispered with a distorted face: "It is simply wishful thinking to get information from me..."

He was so violent that he pulled out the dagger stuck in his left eye.

The hot blood was dragged out and spread all over the floor in an instant!

He cried out in pain for a long time.

Gritting his teeth, Byrne picked up the dagger and stabbed himself in the heart!

Xue Yun took two steps back in shock, and was speechless.

As expected, the people who judged the apostles were all ruthless characters...

"Uh...hehe...the captain will succeed and kill all of you..."

His body was struggling violently, and Byrne's face was filled with hatred.

"This... dirty world... go to hell... all will die... will die... die..."

With endless resentment, his heartbeat completely stopped.

Looking at the cold corpse in front of him, Xue Yun smiled bitterly.

Including this guy, he already has three judgment apostles' lives on his hands.

In the dark, the grudge between Xue Yun and Ha Sen is getting deeper and deeper.

What kind of people are the "Apostles of Judgment" led by Hassen?

What makes them hate this world so much?

In any case, for the safety of his companions, he would rather commit suicide than reveal any information.

This kind of behavior is really touching...

Taking off his coat, Xue Yun gently placed it on Byrne's body.

It can be regarded as the last bit of respect for this stubborn opponent...

Not far away, dozens of unfamiliar biological force field auras are getting closer and closer!

The National Night Watchman from the Operations Division of the Ministry of War Readiness finally arrived.

In a matter of moments, the cafe was surrounded by the National Night Watchmen.

Because the movement was so great, this incident caused shock in Longdu.

Beigong Mu personally led the team to seal off the accident scene, and the night watchmen from the Intelligence Department also began to collect evidence and investigate nearby.

Always waiting by An Ruxuan's side, Xue Yun never left.

Sitting side by side in the coffee shop, if it weren't for the staff of the War Preparedness Department coming and going around, they would just be like a couple drinking tea and chatting in a leisurely afternoon, looking very comfortable...


He strode into the coffee shop and glanced at An Ruxuan lying on the table. Bei Gong Mu quickly stretched out his hand to feel her breath.

After discovering that he was still breathing, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" Beigong Mu asked in a deep voice.

With a bitter smile, Xue Yun told the whole story.

Hearing that it was the person who was judging the apostles who was acting as a monster again, Bei Gong Mu's brows slowly furrowed.

"How are you doing? Are you injured?"

Shaking his head, Xue Yun smiled bitterly and said: "I'm fine, but Ruxuan was ambushed by them, and I didn't have time to save her..."

Sighing, Beigong Mu turned around and shouted.

"Duanmuyan! Where did he go!? Come here quickly!"

"Director, I'm here!"

The short girl, wearing a big bow tie and a red jersey, immediately trotted in.

Duan Muyan, Captain of the Sixth Guards of the Operations Division of the Longdu War Readiness Department!

Because he is good at medical skills, he was nicknamed "Walking Medical Cabin"...

"Look what's going on with her! Rescue her as soon as possible!"

Stepping aside, Bei Gong Mu said: "This is the precious granddaughter of that old man An Gufeng, we must not make any mistakes, be careful!"


Duan Muyan immediately checked An Ruxuan's condition and did not dare to slack off.

Standing up quickly, Xue Yun made room for them with a concerned look on his face.

"Poisoned by a very strange poison..."

Duan Muyan frowned and continued: "Fortunately, it's not life-threatening for the time being!"

"Can you help her detoxify?" Xue Yun asked anxiously.

Looking up at Xue Yun, Duan Muyan smiled bitterly and said, "I'll try..."

Slowly put your hands together.

As the biological force field surged, Duanmuyan's eyes became hollow!


The tall freak slowly rose from behind her.

His body was covered with inexplicable tattoos. The monster in front of him had slender limbs, a bald head, and something like a gas mask on his face.

As soon as he appeared, a dark wind blew through most of the cafe.

[The exclusive skill "Encyclopedia of Freaks" is passively activated...]

[Freak name: Evil Gu Witch Doctor]

[Affiliation: Duanmuyan]

[Potential evaluation: s]


[Compendium of Freaks: Ghost Eyes, Spiritual System]

[Freak equipment: none]

[Basic ability: Has a certain amount of mental attack power, plus super healing ability...]

【special power:???】

【special power:???】

【special power:???】

[Introduction to Freak: The evil spirit in the swamp tribe, good at voodoo and medical skills...]

The evil Gu witch doctor approached An Ruxuan in a leisurely manner, and together with Duan Muyan, he began to look for a way to detoxify. His hands and feet were so deft and skillful that it seemed like this was not the first time he had done this.

"Do not worry......"

Patting Xue Yun's shoulder, Beigong Mu comforted him: "Aside from medical skills, Duan Muyan is best at poisoning and detoxification. With her here, nothing serious will happen to this girl!"

Xue Yun nodded and remained silent.

Looking at the little beauty's bloodless face, I felt mixed emotions.

Several black commercial vehicles suddenly stopped outside the blockade of the War Readiness Department.

An Gufeng and a middle-aged man got out of the car in a hurry.

The two walked quickly into the coffee shop, surrounded by a large group of guards.

When he saw the unconscious An Ruxuan at a glance, An Gufeng was so violent that he almost fell down.


The guard beside him quickly reached out to help him, but the old man shook his head and slowly pushed him away.

The middle-aged man simply pulled Xue Yun away and rushed to An Ruxuan's side.


Gritting his teeth and looking around, the middle-aged man shouted angrily: "Who did this!? I will cut him into pieces!"

The middle-aged man in front of him is An Ruxuan's father, the current director of the Urban Defense Division of the War Preparedness Department, and the contemporary head of the An family - An Simin!

"Simin, don't be impulsive!"

An Gufeng slowly breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice.

"Listen to what Director Beigong has to say..."

The two people in front of me represent more than just the top brass of the War Preparedness Department.

Behind them is the behemoth Longdu Anjia, a truly powerful and noble family in the Great Xia Empire!

Something happened to the direct descendant and heir of the An family in the center of Longdu.

Both emotionally and rationally, we must give them an explanation!

In desperation, Beigong Mu had no choice but to relay the whole story to the two of them.

Hearing this, An Simin became furious, turned around and grabbed Xue Yun's collar.

"Asshole! It's because of you brat that Ruxuan was attacked!"

Angrily pushed Xue Yun to the corner, and An Simin was completely out of anger.

Today, he is no longer the aloof head of the An family, nor is he a powerful figure in the Longdu War Preparedness Department, he is just an ordinary father!

"Because of you, a brat like you, Ruxuan is distracted every day and doesn't even think about food or food..."

Gritting his teeth and glaring at Xue Yun, An Simin angrily yelled: "What were you doing when those lunatics took action?! Why didn't you take action to save her! Answer me!"

Xue Yun remained silent despite An Simin swaying wildly.

He could completely understand the other person's mood, and a deep sense of guilt overflowed in his heart...

"That's enough! Let him go!"

An Gufeng shouted angrily in a deep voice, and the crutch in his hand hit the ground hard.

"Father! This boy..."

"I said, let him go!" An Gufeng repeated silently with a gloomy face.

This chapter has been completed!
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