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Chapter 175 Magnetic Gold Mine Mother!

Everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Pushing up his glasses, Zhao Tianyi said calmly: "It is true that the mental poison can only be completely eliminated by cooperating with the mental power of the poisoner. However, there are always exceptions..."

After scanning the crowd, I realized that this product was selling out again at the critical moment.


Slapping Zhao Tianyi on the back of the head, Zhao Lihua shouted angrily: "What time has it been? Can you please be happy? No one is in the mood to appreciate your pretense!"

Everyone looked at each other with black lines on their faces for a moment.

Xue Yun and the others were used to it, but Bei Gong Mu, An Gufeng and others were completely confused.

I have nothing to say about these two precious siblings...

Staggering forward, Zhao Tianyi held on to the frame of the mirror and murmured: "It is said that the Empire of the Sun Never Sets produces a rare specialty mineral. After refining, it can effectively block the intrusion of spiritual power. All minerals contained in these mineral veins will contain

A kind of raw mineral mother was created, and its ability to check and balance mental power is unparalleled..."

"Did you mean..."

Duan Muyan took a breath and said in surprise: "Magnetic gold?!"

"Yes, it's magnetic gold!" Zhao Tianyi replied meaningfully.


The unique products of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets are only available in their national territory around the world.

The characteristics of magnetic gold are very peculiar, with strong ductility, high density and extremely high specific gravity!

The most important thing is that this precious metal can isolate most mental power fluctuations.

As long as magnetism is mixed into steel, the city wall built will not only be stronger, but also can resist the invasion of a large number of mental freaks.

The Empire on which the Sun Never Sets relied on this mineral to rise rapidly after the Cataclysm.

And developed various cross-era technologies such as "maglev technology".

Today, countries all over the world are still paying high patent fees to the imperial government on which the sun never sets every year.

In the apocalyptic wasteland era, the land used by human civilization is shrinking.

Magnetium must also be used to build city walls.

In desperation, all countries are importing this precious rare metal.

Although the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets is just an archipelago, its national power is getting stronger and stronger day by day!

The so-called "primary mother ore" is the essence of every mineral vein. Theoretically, as long as the magnetic gold ore mother is still sealed in the mineral veins, as time passes, the magnetic gold ore will slowly and continuously grow.

The "primary ore mother" is the energy source of a magnetic gold ore vein.

"Let me think about it..."

After holding up her chin and thinking for a moment, Duan Muyan nodded.

"This method is indeed feasible. The magnetic gold ore mother has a very strong ability to isolate mental power. If used in conjunction with treatment, it may be possible to gradually remove the toxins from her body..."

"What are you waiting for!"

Seeing that there was hope that An Ruxuan could recover, Zhao Lihua immediately suggested: "Hurry up and get a piece to try!"

Everyone gave her a blank look.

Even Xue Yun was smiling bitterly.

When he was hanging out in the slums, he was lucky enough to see the city defense department transporting this rare metal.

Dozens of national night watchmen were guarding the front and back, and there were hundreds of guards armed with thermal weapons.

The selling price of this rare metal on the black market has already exceeded one million grams!

Moreover, it is still in a state of price and no market.

This is true for ordinary ore metals, let alone the source of energy in the magnetic gold veins!

"Still doesn't work..."

An Gufeng shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"I know very well the people of the Empire on which the sun never sets. They are all a bunch of profit-seeking wolves who eat people without spitting out their bones. Even if I beg the Daxia royal family to use foreign policy to put pressure, they will never agree to such excesses.


All known magnetic gold veins are within the borders of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets.

Once the mother magnetite is taken out, it means the depletion of the entire ore vein!

The senior government officials of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets would never do such a stupid thing to save a woman from another country!

"There is a great opportunity right now..."

Yun sucked a lollipop, and Zhao Tianyi said: "There has always been a transnational mission on the official website of the Global Night Watch Alliance Association that no one dares to touch. The poster is a mine owner in Asano County, the Empire where the sun never sets...


"The magnetic gold mine belonging to him suddenly suffered a mining accident two years ago. Since then, it has become a forbidden area of ​​​​death. No one dares to approach easily..."

Pushing up his glasses, Zhao Tianyi continued: "The mine owner thought it was freaks causing trouble, so he hired many night watchmen to eliminate demons in the mining area, but no one came back alive..."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Old foxes like An Gufeng had probably guessed what he meant.

Only Xue Yun stared at him silently.

When did this guy become so enthusiastic?

has a problem!

Absolutely! Absolutely something is wrong...

"So after talking for a long time, what do you mean?" Leng Xintong asked with a confused face.

"Simple logic!"

Adjusting his glasses, Zhao Tianyi explained slightly enthusiastically.

"Accepting this demon elimination mission through the official website of the Global Night Watch Association Alliance, we can legitimately go to the Empire where the sun never sets, enter the mining area under the guise of eradicating monsters, and then unknowingly remove the magnetic gold from the veins.

Bring the ore mother back to Longdu!"

The Global Night Watch Alliance is a unified international organization.

It aims to serve human civilization in the end of the world and has its own responsibility to eradicate the weirdos who cause chaos.

In this era, in addition to the national Night Watchmen of various countries, most of the officially recognized free Night Watchmen are under the jurisdiction of the Alliance!

The credibility of the alliance can be said to be extremely strong.

By using this force to swagger into the empire where the sun never sets and deal with the so-called strange incidents in the mining area, it is estimated that no one will doubt their intentions at all.

After all, although the magnetic gold ore mother is important, it will lose all value once it leaves the ore vein. No one can expect that someone will steal this thing to save people!

As long as they don't expose their motives, it's almost a sure thing!

Everyone looked at An Gufeng.

As the most powerful boss present, his views are crucial.

After taking a long breath, An Gufeng's eyes also ignited with hope. He couldn't help but look at everyone and asked leisurely: "What do you think of this plan? Is it feasible?"

"A little crazy..."

After taking a puff of his cigar, Bei Gong Mu couldn't help but respond.

“But, I think it’s very feasible!”

"Xue Yun, what do you think?" An Gufeng asked directly by name.

Suddenly stunned, Xue Yun couldn't help but glance around at everyone.

Especially Zhao Tianyi, who always gives people the feeling that a weasel is paying New Year greetings to a chicken and has no good intentions...

Sighing, Xue Yun gathered his mood and nodded: "Anyway, this seems to be the only chance to save Ruxuan, as long as she can be out of danger..."

"Even if it's a sea of ​​swords and fire, I'm willing to try it!" Xue Yun responded firmly.

Nodding, An Gufeng said solemnly: "Then do it!"

"The War Preparedness Department will cooperate with you secretly, but don't expect us to be of much help to you. The most we can do is subsidize combat supplies and equipment. After all, you have completely left Daxia this time. In order to avoid suspicion, neither the Empire nor the Dragon

I’ll find a way to provide you with personnel assistance!”

Everyone nodded, knowing this well.

I'm afraid that once their intentions are exposed, they will immediately become the outcasts of Longdu.

No one will come forward to protect them!

"It doesn't matter......"

Xue Yun smiled slightly and said in a deep voice: "We have people!"

[The author has something to say]

The cross-border mission begins immediately!

More behind-the-scenes conspiracies are about to unfold!

New adventure, the empire on which the sun never sets, so stay tuned...

Don’t forget Sanlian~~

Reward for more praise~~

This chapter has been completed!
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