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Chapter 189 Survivor

The huge boiler leads directly to the chimney on the roof.

The most important thing is that there is a lot of residue left over from refining magnetic gold ore in the boiler.

These residues possess some properties of magnetic gold and have the miraculous effect of blocking spiritual power.

It has to be said that, faced with the desperate situation of being surrounded by Weeping Angels, this place is indeed an excellent place to hide oneself.

"Honglian, please ask this friend to come down!"

The heroic figure flew up, and the hell loli raised her hand and slashed towards the boiler passage on the ceiling.


The sharp sword flashed, and the passage broke into two parts, falling to the ground!

Deposited carbon ash fills the air...

Everyone immediately backed away and covered their mouths and noses.

As expected, an inexplicable figure fell down with him, and he fell to pieces!

"I want to see who is this blind person who is playing tricks here!"

Gritting his teeth and rolling up his sleeves, Hu Kui kicked open the abandoned pipe and controlled the Stone Spirit Monkey to attack.

"Lao Hu, don't be impulsive..."

After calling him out quickly, Xue Yun silently shook his head.

The opponent's armed monsters are extremely powerful and not easy to deal with.

Especially since there are so many Weeping Angels lurking outside the boiler room, it is better to be cautious at this time.

After spitting out the thick phlegm, Hu Kui stopped and his teeth itched in anger.

"Who are you? Come here slowly. We promise not to embarrass you..." Xue Yun persuaded softly.

For a long time, the smoke and dust in the corner did not disperse for a long time.

The inexplicable figure has been sitting on the ground and still has no intention of getting up.

"My boss is talking to you. If you don't get up and come over, I will shoot you into a hornet's nest?!"

Frowning, Zhuge Gangtang shouted in a deep voice.

The soul of Amazon has already fully loaded the crossbow, and the arrows from the divine domain condensed a light blue light, pointing directly at the opponent's body!


A heavy coughing sound slowly came from the dark corner.

"Ahem...I would like to stand up, but unfortunately I can't..."

Raising his hand to blow away the dust, Xue Yun led everyone forward.

The sight in front of me is shocking!

A shabby man huddled in the corner, with a sallow complexion and an unkempt beard.

His legs were missing long ago, and the broken parts were wrapped in dirty rags. It looked as if they had been broken by someone.

What's even more terrifying is that this man's right arm has begun to turn to stone.

Most of his shoulders had already turned into lifeless stone.

It was obvious that he had been attacked by the Weeping Angels and was contaminated with the mental petrification toxin.

Frowning, Xue Yungang wanted to get closer and take a closer look at his injuries.

A gust of fishy wind blew up, and Shuten Doji suddenly appeared, stretched out his arms and roared angrily at everyone!

Everyone was stunned for a moment and stopped.

The strong smell of alcohol mixed with the biological force field of crazy resistance is daunting!

Those present were all night watchmen with some experience.

Judging by the breath alone, it can be seen at a glance that this powerful armed monster has basically escaped the shackles of its owner.

All its current actions are supported by its own will!

Even though the master in front of him was seriously injured and could no longer control it perfectly, Shuten Doji still chose to protect his master automatically...

"Drunkard, back off..."

The man sighed feebly: "You have worked very hard, there is no need to risk your life..."

Looking back at the man, the drunken boy's eyes were deep.

He tapped the wine gourd on his waist, and various cans, bread and other things poured out. They were all supplies snatched from the hands of Xue Yun and others.

"It's useless...I've reached my limit...I can't hold on..." His face was full of exhaustion, and the man shook his head.


Unwillingly letting out a low howl, the drunkard boy lowered his head and seemed to be deflated.

As a freak, it possesses a certain amount of wisdom, but does not have a strong self-awareness and cannot speak human words.

But anyone can see the reluctance and attachment revealed in those dark blue eyes.

"Everyone... they should be sent by the head of the family..." the man asked weakly.

"Master?" Zhuge Gangtang asked suspiciously.

"It seems that you are not citizens of the Empire on which the sun never sets..."

With a weak smile, the man responded: "My name is Yan Zhong Heisuke, and I am a retainer of Yan Zhong family... Yan Zhong Taro, I am the head of the family..."

The Sun Never Sets Empire follows ancient customs, and many powerful families will train their own retainers.

Outstanding and loyal retainers will be given the family name and serve the family for life.

"We are the Dawn Walkers team..."

Nodding, Xue Yun murmured: "I was hired by Mr. Yan Zhongtaro!"

"Is that really the case? Then I'll be relieved..."

Smiling calmly, Yanzhong Heisuke suddenly coughed continuously.

He spat out a mouthful of dirty blood!

Zhao Tianyi stepped forward to check the opponent's petrified right hand, and Zhao Tianyi shook his head slightly.

"The mental poison has invaded the internal organs, there is no way to save it..."

Silently squatting next to Yan Zhongpingjie, Xue Yun asked: "What happened in this mine? How could you do this?"

Wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth, Yanzhong Heisuke endured the pain of gradually turning to stone and slowly told the whole story...

Two years ago, a mysterious mining accident suddenly occurred in the Asano Mine.

Overnight, no miner walked out of the mine safely.

All mining and refining processes were shut down, and the Yanzhong family completely lost contact with the mining area.

At first, Taro Yanchu thought it was just an ordinary mining accident.

So the family retainers were sent to investigate and take over the accident.

The person leading the team is Yan Zhongpingjie, who is deeply trusted by the Yan Zhong family!

"I led a large group of retainers into the mining area. Apart from the disappearance of all the workers, there was nothing else strange in the mining area..."

With a bitter smile, Yan Zhongpingjie shook his head and said: "What I never expected was that after nightfall, my subordinates and I were attacked by inexplicable creatures..."

Similar to Xue Yun's experience, Yanzhong Heisuke's team was besieged by countless Weeping Angels!

The Weeping Angels' weird behavioral logic caused them heavy losses.

After a scuffle, most of the people were turned into stone statues on the spot.

With the remaining men, Yan Zhongpingjie fled around the mine.

During this period, they were chased and intercepted by various Weeping Angels. In the end, only three people were left alive out of a team of more than 40 people.

"Where are your other two companions?" Xue Yun asked hurriedly.

"Dead, all dead..."

Raising his head bitterly, Yanaka Heisuke lamented: "Five days ago, we ventured out to collect supplies and were attacked by the Weeping Angels. In order to cover my escape, they were all turned into stone statues...


Hearing this, Xue Yun and his party fell silent.

They have already seen how powerful the Weeping Angels are.

If they hadn't thought of countermeasures in time, Xue Yun and his party would probably have had the same tragic fate.

I have persisted in this dark mine for more than two years!

The survival belief and willpower of Yan Zhongpingjie's group of people have exceeded that of most ordinary people.

Although it is miserable, it makes people feel sincere admiration!

Yang hand took out the medical kit from the system space, selected several medicines and mixed them together, Xue Yun said: "These analgesics should make you feel better!"

"No need, I'm afraid you still don't know the power of this mental toxin..."

Looking at his dilapidated body, Yan Zhongpingjie said silently: "Once the toxin invades the body, even a little bit, the body will gradually be petrified. This process is irreversible..."

After a pause, Yan Zhongpingjie frowned and said solemnly.

"The most terrifying thing is that after a period of precipitation, the petrified individuals will become the same kind as those Weeping Angels!"

This chapter has been completed!
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