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Chapter 273 People are scarier than freaks...

Vinyl alloy material.

After the cataclysm, a technological product unique to the apocalyptic era of the wasteland is second only to magnetic gold in its preciousness.

It is widely used in the manufacturing of maglev vehicles and city wall construction projects.

It can be considered a relatively scarce synthetic metal.

In the entire Yongze Town, apart from the dilapidated towers that may contain a little bit of it, only the 0.5 kilograms in the old man's hands are available.

To build a magnetic levitation engine, a full five kilograms of vinyl alloy are needed.

Where could Xue Yun get such a large amount of materials in this remote and remote place?

The key is that you can’t buy it even if you have money!

Even in the city walls outside the town, the content of vinyl alloy has been greatly diluted.

It is estimated that even if all the city walls here are demolished, it will not be able to change the weight of five kilograms!

"Yes! It's time to stop eating completely..."

Spreading his hands, Xue Yun poured himself a cup of tea without politeness and said angrily.

"I will move to your house tomorrow. You will always have a companion this winter. I can drink tea and chat with you if I have nothing to do. I am willing to do anything except housework. My requirements are not high. I will meet you three times a day."

With a full meal and a pot of tea every day, I will be yours from now on!"

Upon hearing this, the old man was petrified on the spot, and his forehead was covered with black lines.

The co-author is completely dependent on him. If the problem is not solved, he will stay at his house and eat and drink?

"How could the old woman accept a disciple like you!"

Shaking his head and sighing, the old man took a long breath and murmured: "For the sake of the master-disciple relationship between you and the old woman, I will make an exception and show you a clear path..."

"Although there is no vinyl alloy in this town, there is definitely a place with a large inventory!" The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a strange smile.

Instantly cheering up, Xue Yun hurriedly asked: "Where is it?!"

"Leave the city and walk ten kilometers north..."

After taking a sip of tea, the old man said solemnly: "Cangxia Peak - Bonowu Castle!"

Fort Bonau...

Isn’t that a bandit’s den!?

After listening to the old man's explanation, Xue Yun understood the reason.

The bandits of Fort Bonau have been entrenched on the northern border for many years and have exploited the surrounding satellite towns for a long time.

No matter what kind of material supplies they are, they always accept them.

Even in a barren land like Yongze Town, these bandits never thought of giving up on extracting benefits from it.

Every time the city defense materials distributed and transported by the Daxia Empire originally contained a small amount of vinyl alloy, the original intention was to be used by the major satellite towns to repair the aging holes in the city walls.

A lot of it ended up falling into the hands of the bandits from Fort Bonau.

After so many years, little things add up, and there will definitely be a large inventory of vinyl alloys in the warehouse in Bonnauburg.

"Bonnau Castle..."

Rubbing his chin, Xue Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "You mean, you want me to raid the lair of these bandits?"

"I'm just providing solutions."

Pouring his lips noncommittally, the old man joked: "As for how to choose, that's your own business. If you really want to stay in the town for the winter, that's fine. The place here is too small to accommodate a great god like you. Go wherever you like.

, don’t bother me anymore..."

Damn it, heartless!

Ginger is still spicier.

After all, the old man was not a good person, and he had a firm grasp on Xue Yun's thoughts...

"Haha, understand, understand!"

Xue Yun nodded with a smile. Xue Yun pondered for a moment and suggested: "Why don't you just do your best and send Buddha to the west? Help me pick up the bandits' den. After repairing the car, we can leave here together."

It's really a bit of an inconvenience for you to live in seclusion in such a small town with such great skills..."

"Stop it!"

He stretched out his hand to block it, but the old man immediately refused: "I'm used to Xianyun Yehe. It feels good to live here without caring about worldly matters and to be self-sufficient..."

"Don't you feel bored?" Xue Yun emphasized.


The old man raised his hand, and dozens of pairs of sparkling eyes immediately appeared in the dark corners around him.

They all smell of wild freaks!

"Everyone in the world is afraid of monsters. They think they are bloodthirsty creatures with unpredictable temperaments, and they are afraid to avoid them."

Putting down the tea cup, the old man's face was filled with contempt: "Actually, the truly cruel and terrifying monsters are not them, they simply live in our own hearts!"

Staring blankly at the old man opposite, Xue Yun was speechless for a moment.

He couldn't help but think of the popular funny song on the Internet in his previous life.

I am afraid of ghosts, but ghosts have never hurt me at all——

I'm not afraid of people, but they hurt me completely——

Although the freaks are fierce, they can distinguish between love and hate. Even if they are bloodthirsty, they will compete with you openly and openly!

As for the human heart, it has been difficult to figure out since ancient times.

Even the most trusted friend may stick a cold dagger in your back!

Thinking about it this way, Xue Yun somewhat understood the old man's thoughts.

Compared with dealing with people, especially those so-called powerful people who are high above us, it is really not as comfortable as living in seclusion in a ravine with a bunch of upright freaks...

"Okay, got it!"

Xue Yun stood up suddenly, moved his limbs, nodded and said: "Isn't it just a bandit's den? I'll go get him now! Wait for my good news!"

They were just a bunch of bandits, and Xue Yun didn't take them seriously at all.

Now he just wants to repair the fault of t800 as soon as possible and return to Longdu as soon as possible.

After saying that, he turned around and left the cabin without looking back.

Passing through the dense peach blossom forest, Xue Yun turned back toward the garrison camp without stopping.

Although the people gathered in Bonow Castle were just a mob, at least the opponent also had a numerical advantage.

Xue Yun must make a detailed plan and strive to be foolproof!

Especially since T800 is still staying in the camp room at the moment.

This iron head is loaded with a firepower peripheral system, and this kind of large-scale battle is exactly when it can exert its power.

Moreover, Yongze Town is at least ten kilometers away from Cangxia Peak, where Bonowu Castle is located.

The icy and snowy environment in the wild on the northern border must be difficult.

Since there is no transportation available, letting robots carry you on the road is also a good choice...

Well, let’s do it!

Genius, I am definitely a genius!

Walking on the streets of the town, Xue Yun couldn't help but admire his wise decision.


Suddenly, a long siren sounded in the sky!

The townspeople on the street were suddenly startled, and their expressions became horrified.

The men, women, old and young who were working outdoors put down their work and rushed towards their homes with their families.

After a while, most of the townspeople hid in their homes.

The already deserted town suddenly became even more depressed...

Stunned on the spot, Xue Yun didn't know what happened for a while.

He grabbed a panicked town citizen and asked, "Brother, what's going on?"

"Brother, are you not a local?"

The anxious townspeople quickly explained.

"The horn sound just now was the alarm sounded by the garrison at the top of the city. It must be the bandits from Cangxia Peak who are invading again. I advise you to go home and stay there quickly. Don't go out!"

Letting go of the townspeople, Xue Yun nodded as if he had just woken up from a dream, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Good guy, I am worried that I don’t know the way!

Did the "guide" arrive so soon?!

This chapter has been completed!
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