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Chapter 283 My name is Zuo Xiaochu!

The cold countdown sounds like a soul-seeking magic sound.

The girl was horrified!

Matching the cold and heartless eyes of Hell Loli, the blade on the shoulder seemed to be trembling.

"I...I really have nothing to explain..."

The Bai Gua girl looked nervous and smiled bitterly: "If you are really in trouble, just pretend that we have never met before..."

"Ten seconds!" Xue Yun continued.


The blazing hellfire suddenly emerged and jumped on the blade in an instant...

The fear of death instantly enveloped the girl's heart, following her like a shadow and lingering!

"I...I'm not human!"

After almost roaring out her secret, the girl's legs weakened and she collapsed on the ground.

Your brother-in-law's.

Wouldn't it be better if you tell the truth earlier?

Nodding with satisfaction, Xue Yun had a thought in his mind.

Honglian then slowly retracted the sharp blade, raised her hand to put the huge scythe on her shoulder, and stood quietly by the side while standing astride.

"In other words, I was once a human being..."

The Bai Gua girl sat on the ground dejectedly, with messy black hair, and told her own experience with her cheeks lowered.

She was born in an unknown small village on the northern border.

Originally, I had been living with my parents and living a pastoral life without fighting against the world.

But one year, a group of vicious outsiders suddenly broke into the village, killed all the adults, and abducted all the children in the village.

She was only about ten years old at the time.

She and the children in the village were taken to the territory of the Principality of Aisha and locked up in a dark and secret base.

There, all children were treated as experimental subjects.

The scientific research institutions of the Principality of Isa conducted various cruel and inhumane in vivo experiments on them.

Experiments include spinal taps, excision, and even forced fusion with wild freaks!

Silently looking at the girl's almost collapsed expression, Xue Yun felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Governments around the world have been researching reverse bioengineering of "man-made freaks" for years.

As a behemoth in the north, the Principality of Aisha is certainly no exception.

The extremely painful in vivo experiments have been repeated endlessly over the years!

No one knows how desperate the girl's situation is!

All this.

It's just to satisfy the twisted desire for dominance, and it's called an excuse for mankind to return to the top of the food chain!

"Eight years..."

Holding her face and shedding tears, the Bai Gua girl could not hide her grief: "All the children were tortured to death, but I... I was the only one who survived!"

Either because they couldn't bear the torture of cruel experiments, or because they were rejected by the cells after fusing the freak genes, the children in the experimental base died one after another...

Only her.

Perfectly integrated with the freak genes, he became the most successful artificial freak in the Principality of Elsa.

Originally, the Bai Gua girl was supposed to be secretly transported to the interior of the Principality of Issa as the "best specimen".

Unexpectedly, the bandits from Fort Bonau suddenly fell from the sky.

This gang of bandits got the information from nowhere and captured the entire secret laboratory with lightning speed.

This gang of bandits massacred all the scientific researchers, and everything was reduced to ashes in the fire.

As for the Bai Gua girl, because she looks the same as a human being, she is treated as a doctor and works in the bandit's infirmary...

In the past six months, she has tried her best to hide her true identity and has been imprisoned in a dark castle, providing medical services to the bandits as a medical staff.

At the same time, he keeps studying his own blood, trying to find a way to turn himself back into an ordinary human being!

"These bandits have no humanity at all. They often harass me day and night..."

Staring at the ground blankly, the girl said with a sad face: "I am really afraid that one day they will discover the secret that I am an artificial freak. I have had enough of this kind of fear..."

The Bai Gua girl wiped away her tears and begged: "So, please, save me!"

The two people in the infirmary looked at each other inexplicably. There was silence for a moment, and you could hear the needle drop.

Although he sympathized with this girl's plight, Xue Yun did not want to interfere in this trivial matter after satisfying his curiosity.

The research on artificial monsters has become popular throughout the post-apocalyptic wasteland civilization.

The battles between various forces behind the scenes are full of unknown undercurrents.

It's not a last resort, no one wants to be involved...

"Sorry, I never want to cause trouble that does no good."

No longer looking at the girl's desperate face, Xue Yun turned around and waved: "Honglian, knock her out!"

"Wait... wait a minute!"

Standing up hurriedly, the girl said anxiously: "I hold in my hand the core information of the Elsa Principality's artificial monster research project!"

Startled for a moment, Xue Yun stopped, feeling a little palpitating in his heart.

"As long as these information are handed over to the top officials of the Daxia Imperial Government, wealth, fame, and power will all be at your fingertips!"

Seeing that Xue Yun made no move, the Bai Gua girl hurriedly continued: "Even if it is sold on the international black market, it will be enough to change your life!"

"Aren't you interested in such great benefits?" The girl said in a deep voice.

Be good...

The core data of the artificial monster research project of the Principality of Elsa.

This thing is absolutely priceless!

It is of course impossible to say that you are not moved...

Xue Yun has mastered the core information of the Daxia Empire's artificial monster research project.

If the share of the Principality of Aisha also falls into his hands, such a powerful bargaining chip can really be said to be unparalleled!

"This gang of bandits broke into the laboratory and burned all the data."

In order to survive and be free, the Bai Gua girl gritted her teeth and said: "In desperation, I made a copy and hid it in the snowfield on the border of the Principality of Aisha. Only I know the coordinates of the burial place. I also did this to save more people in the future.

A guarantee!”

In order to survive and be free, the Bai Gua girl worked very hard.

Such precious information could indeed save her life at a critical moment.

"It's a bit interesting..."

Xue Yun turned around with interest and asked in a deep voice: "Why should I believe what you said?!"

"Just because I'm in your hands!"

Looking up at Xue Yun, the girl's eyes were as blurry as the stars and the moon.

"I am the most successful case of artificial monster experiment in the Principality of Elsa. You take me out of this cage. When I get free, I will tell you the coordinates. If anything happens during this period, you can give me up."

There will be huge benefits as well..."

Biting his lip.

The girl has already seen how powerful Xue Yun is, and this is probably her best chance to gain freedom.

If you miss this time, you will probably die in this castle.

If the truth is exposed, he will be betrayed by the bandits to the major forces, and he will completely lose his freedom from then on.

When she thought of this, she no longer hesitated and emphasized quickly.

"I am the best insurance for this transaction, aren't I?!"

Holding his chin and thinking, Xue Yun raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

This transaction doesn’t seem to be a loss at all?!

"Do you have a name?" Xue Yun suddenly asked.

"The researchers in the lab call me at. Witch Doctor..."

Silently lowering her head, the girl smiled bitterly and said: "But I prefer to use my previous name when I was a human..."

"My name is Zuo Xiaochu!" He raised his head to face Xue Yun, Zuo Xiaochu's eyes looked extremely firm.

This chapter has been completed!
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