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Chapter 308 Golden Delta...

Had dinner.

Under Zhao Tianyi's arrangement, Xue Yun accepted the task directly through the Internet.

Everyone crowded into the living room again, all focused on the projection screen in front of them.

Connect the projection device to the laptop.

Standing by the screen, Zhao Tianyi silently adjusted the signal of the projected image.

A moment of effort.

The projection screen flashed with light, and the projection image of the computer desktop was immediately projected on the screen, and everyone present could see it at a glance.

"The Emirate of Bassa is located on the southwest coast of the Darbar Plateau, with a total area of ​​approximately 35,400 square kilometers. It has a typical tropical monsoon climate, and the terrain is mostly desert and coastal Gobi..."

Manipulating the computer in his hand, a three-dimensional topographic map of the Emirate of Barcelona immediately appeared on the projection screen.

Pushing up his glasses, Zhao Tianyi continued.

“This country is currently in a state of war. Rebel forces, large and small, have seized more than 60% of the country’s land. The local government troops are exhausted, and most areas have fallen into anarchic chaos...


The projection screen suddenly switched, and images of various ruins and war smoke kept flashing by.

Corpses were piled everywhere on the beach.

Among the corpses were not only men, but also helpless old men, women, and even children.

The waves beat mercilessly on these cold corpses, and countless seabirds hovered above them.

Occasionally, it would swoop down and pick up chunks of flesh and blood.

Everything is simply like purgatory on earth, which is unbearable to look at!

"This, this is too scary..." Leng Xintong hugged Xiaogu tightly, shrank her little head in his arms, and turned her head silently.

Looking coldly at the cruel scenes on the screen, Xue Yun chose to remain silent.

In any war, ordinary people are always the first to suffer!

The Emirate of Barcelona has gone through decades of civil strife, and human life has long been worth mentioning there...

Sucking on the lollipop, Zhao Tianyi tapped the keyboard a few times.

The projection screen changed again, and a stained color photo appeared.

"The woman in the photo is the target of this mission..."

Zhao Tianyi slowly introduced.

"Susan Linna, 28 years old, graduated from New York Medical College in the Federal Republic of Oceania. Five years ago, she volunteered to follow the charity medical team of the Global Night Watch Alliance Association into the war zone of the Emirate of Barcelona. She disappeared without reason three months ago!"

After a pause, Zhao Tianyi emphasized: "Except for these superficial information and other relevant information about her, I checked all over the Internet and found nothing..."

In the photo, Susan wears black-rimmed glasses, a standard medical staff white coat on her upper body, and her calm and capable long brown hair looks a bit unkempt.

Several dirty children gathered around her.

Although there was a dilapidated war zone behind them, they smiled brightly when facing the camera.

"What is the background of this bitch..."

After taking a puff of cigarette, Hu Kui muttered suspiciously: "It's actually worth the money spent by the Night Watch Alliance to rescue?!"

Everyone looked at each other, full of confusion about this.

Everything has a cause and a result!

As a unified international official organization of night watchmen, the Global Night Watch Alliance Association will never waste financial and material resources on an ordinary doctor!

Susan Linna's body is full of all kinds of mysteries...

"Don't think about it so much!"

After taking a long breath, Xue Yun consoled him: "As a Night Watch team, we only need to complete our assigned tasks. As long as it does not affect everyone's safety, other trivial matters have nothing to do with us..."

Everyone nodded and agreed with this point of view.

Traveling thousands of miles to a war-torn country to earn a bounty.

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat!

They are not a detective agency, so it is better to stay away from irrelevant matters...

The projected picture on the screen suddenly changed——

A three-dimensional map of the Emirate of Barcelona slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"According to the clues provided by the official, the mission target had frequent signs of activity in this area before disappearing..."

Zhao Tianyi specially marked the triangular area near the coastline with bright blood red.

"It's much easier now!"

Patting his thighs excitedly, Zhuge Gangtang smiled and said: "Narrow the search scope, let's just look for people near this area!"

Everyone looked at him speechlessly, their eyes filled with all kinds of contempt.

If it was really that easy, would the Night's Watch Association still have to spend such a large amount of money to recruit a team to fight?

"It's not that simple..."

Pushing up his glasses, Zhao Tian said expressionlessly: "This area, known locally as the Golden Triangle, is not only flat and close to the sea, but also a land of plenty for the Emirate of Barcelona. Both the local government forces and rebel groups want to gain access to it."

The control here..."

"It is no exaggeration to say that this is the area with the most intense fighting in the entire Emirate of Barcelona, ​​and it is also the most dangerous area!"

Taking a deep breath, Zhuge Gangtang nodded with a smile and said nothing.

Golden Delta...

A must-win place that all forces in the entire Barcelona Emirate long for!

This is like throwing a piece of bloody fat into a group of hungry wolves. The bloody storm is just the most basic pediatrics...

"There's one more thing I want to explain..."

Indifferently sucking on the lollipop, Zhao Tianyi emphasized: "Although the nature of this task is group-based, it is not unique."

Slightly startled, Xue Yun quickly asked: "What do you mean?"

"In addition to us, the Night's Watch Alliance Association has also recruited two other teams!"

After turning off the projection, Zhao Tianyi put down his laptop and said coldly.

"In other words, including us, there are a total of three Night Watch teams participating in the mission. The three teams do not know each other. Whoever can rescue the target person first will get a high bounty of 3.5 billion.


Fuck your brother-in-law...

Can you still play like this?!

Xue Yun almost stood up and cursed!

What the Global Night Watch Alliance Association does is simply insane!

Their intentions are obvious.

It’s nothing more than unwillingness to put eggs in one basket!

Three night watchman teams that do not know each other carry out rescue missions at the same time. Even if one team fails, it will not affect the overall situation of searching and rescuing the target person...

This abacus is really loud!

"Then we have to leave quickly!"

With his eyes widened, Lengxintong said eagerly: "Otherwise, if the other two teams get there first, wouldn't it be in vain?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't sit still.

I can’t wait to fly to the Emirate of Barcelona right now and start the search and rescue work immediately!

"No need to worry..."

Shaking his head, Xue Yun said in a deep voice: "Compared with the speed of travel, I am more worried about whether there will be vicious competition between the three teams..."

This chapter has been completed!
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