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Chapter 312 Don't be afraid, I'm here!

With a curious mind.

A group of young people eagerly boarded the carriage of the armored vehicle.

The space inside the car, which is more than ten meters long, is simply terrifying...

In addition to the main driver's cabin at the front of the car, Zhao Tianyi also reserved a lounge for ten people to spend the night at the same time.

The supporting conference rooms, medical rooms and even entertainment rooms make people dazzled.

Compared to the previous armored vehicle.

Today's vehicle is simply a mobile steel fortress!

"I'm completely convinced..."

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Xue Yun and Zhao Tianyi stood side by side and suddenly asked: "You haven't slept for two days and two nights, just tinkering with this thing?"

"That's right."

Pushing up his glasses, Zhao Tianyi responded: "The drawings and materials were prepared in advance, but they happened to be needed, so I took some time to assemble it."

Although it is said lightly.

But it is not difficult to see that this thing probably cost Zhao Tianyi a lot of energy!

At this moment, Xue Yun finally understood why this guy owed such a huge foreign debt...

"What's going on with the forum posts?"

Raising his eyebrows, Xue Yun asked again: "Is it time to give me a reasonable explanation?!"

"Get in the car first!"

Zhao Tian took out a pocket watch from his pocket, took a look at it, and suggested: "I will tell you my plan slowly on the way..."

They worked together to move a large amount of supplies onto the carriage, and piled them into small compartments specially designed to store supplies.

Zhao Tianyi immediately led everyone straight to the cockpit at the front of the car.

Compared with other compartments, the most important cockpit does not appear to be spacious.

There are two clearly defined rows of seats arranged one after another, and the number is just enough for everyone present.

"Everyone is seated!"

Jumping into the driving seat in the first row, Zhao Tianyi reminded coldly: "The engine will start soon, we are ready to leave the city..."

Everyone took their seats one after another, their hearts in their throats.

Dark green brilliance bloomed from the center of the eyebrows, and the sequence super brain slowly floated out from Zhao Tianyi's head...

Like a UFO, the green brain floated into the glass vessel that had been prepared.

The integration with this vehicle was finally completed!

Buzz buzz——

As the biological force field in Zhao Tianyi's body boiled, the roar of the engine suddenly sounded in his ears!

The steel fortress started slowly and drove steadily towards the outside of Longdu City...

"That's it?" Lengxintong laughed dumbly.

There are no earth-shattering bumps as imagined, and there is no violent high-speed push on the back!

This huge armored motorcycle was like an old giant beast, driving slowly on the streets of Longdu.

Apart from surprising the drivers of passing cars, there is nothing special about it!

"Uh-huh!" Everyone booed in disappointment.

What little sense of awe remained was gone in an instant...

"Tianyi, this thing is so good but useless!"

Lighting a cigarette, Hu Kui stood up and patted Zhao Tianyi on the shoulder: "With this speed, it will take us a long time and a long time to reach the Emirate of Barcelona?!"

In the cockpit, it can be said to be very lively at the moment.

It felt like a group of young people were on a spring outing organized by the school. They were whispering and laughing, but no one was sitting properly in their seats!

"I advise you to sit back in your seats obediently..."

Looking back at the people who were letting themselves go, Zhao Tian said expressionlessly: "When we leave the city later, I will activate the emergency mode. Don't blame me for not reminding you then..."

Everyone didn't take his words to heart at all, and it was still the same.

A bad premonition arose in my heart.

Xue Yun frowned, he knew Zhao Tianyi's nature very well.

If the speed of this armored locomotive was really that slow, it wouldn't have spent any effort on modifying and manufacturing it.

Ya’s grandson will definitely have some backup plans...

Gritting his teeth, Xue Yun smoothly pulled An Ruxuan back to sit next to him, and thoughtfully fastened her seat belt.

The ambiguous postures and movements made An Ruxuan's heart flutter again.

The little beauty thought that Xue Yun was taking advantage of her, and her face turned red...

As for Xue Yun, he didn’t think much about it at all.

I was originally thinking about reminding everyone, but after thinking about it I decided to forget it...

After all, the partners in the team are still too young.

Not to mention the strength, what is lacking is not just a little bit of tacit understanding of teamwork.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the lack of organization and discipline! It is far from the level of "orders and prohibitions".

It may be a good choice to let them suffer appropriately...

The huge violent locomotive finally drove slowly to the southern gate of Longdu.

The national night watchmen responsible for guarding the checkpoint were all stunned at the scene, staring blankly at the steel monster in front of them.

Fortunately, An Ruxuan had prepared the documents for leaving the city in advance, otherwise they would have thought that wild monsters had invaded the inner city from an underground passage, and they would have almost sounded the alarm for the city defense...

After leaving the city, Zhao Tianyi obviously accelerated his speed.

Except for Xue Yun, the group still didn't feel anything unusual.

"Ruxuan, sit tight..."

Winking at An Ruxuan, Xue Yun said mysteriously: "Later, if you feel scared, just shout out..."

"Ah?" The little beauty's eyes widened, full of doubts.

The next moment——

The entire car suddenly and inexplicably trembled without warning, and Zhao Tianyi in the driver's seat in front suddenly closed his eyes!

The Sequence Super Brain suddenly exudes a powerful biological force field...

Dark green brilliance suddenly spread along the lines on the metal walls in the carriage!

"Super Brain Sequence, Form 1——"


The huge cockpit suddenly turned almost ninety degrees!

Except for Xue Yun and An Ruxuan, who had been prepared for it, the rest of them instantly fell on their backs.

The violent locomotive sprayed out hot blue flames from the bottom of the car, and the vector engine instantly replaced the magnetic levitation engine, running at full speed!

The car body, which is more than ten meters long, is completely tilted, and the front of the car is raised high!

"What...what's going on!?" Zhuge Gangtang exclaimed as he stabilized his body in a panic.

"Are you ready?"

Zhao Tianyi said coldly: "It's about to take off..."


Hu Kui and Zhao Lihua cursed each other at the same time!

At this moment, everyone woke up from their dream and hurriedly looked for a seat...

"Quick! Sit tight! Xiaogu, come to me!"

"Seat belt! Fasten your seat belt!"

"I'm going! My fucking seat belt is stuck...Zhao Lihua! Use your seat belt to catch me too!! Please help us!!"

"Stay away from me!! You stinky man!"


Sitting firmly in her position, An Ruxuan's breathing became slightly faster due to nervousness.

"Don't be afraid..."

Xue Yun smiled slightly, held her gentle and jade-like hand tightly, and said softly: "I'm here!"


He raised his hand and pushed the control lever next to him to the extreme. Zhao Tian stuffed a lollipop into his mouth and said in a deep voice: "Flight cruise mode, turn on!"


The end of the steel behemoth spurted out monstrous flames, and the extreme high temperature directly heated the surrounding ground into glass-like crystals!

Like a huge cannonball, the violent motorcycle ejected instantly and disappeared in place...

[The author has something to say]

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