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Chapter 33 The Incident of the Man-Made Freak Runaway (Part 2)

Bei Gong Mu narrowed his eyes and murmured to himself: "It should be the ghost eye, spiritual type!"

"I'm afraid not!"

Xia Lengling added: "Experimental Subject No. 1 can not only control other experimental subjects, but is also proficient in dark spells. Because the exoskeleton is made of alloy, it also has good melee capabilities."

"Ghost eyes, special characteristics..."

Rubbing his forehead helplessly, Bei Gong Mu complained: "You bastards have created a big trouble!"

After hundreds of years of research and more than a dozen generations, the categories of freaks have already been carefully divided.

They are collectively referred to as the four major projects and the five major systems!

The four major categories are: ghosts, monsters, myths, and creatures.

Among them, the most common order of monsters is the order of creatures and monsters, and occasionally the order of exotic animals appears.

As for the Mythical Eyes, they are usually very powerful monsters that defy the heavens and are hard to come by.

The five major systems are specifically reflected in the differences in the abilities of freaks.

They are: strengthening system, change system, control system, spiritual system and trait system.

Among them, the freaks of the trait type are very rare. The abilities of these monsters are all kinds of weird, and some even include all the characteristics of the other four types.

It is an extremely difficult existence!

After listening to Xia Lengling's introduction, Beigong Mu was almost certain that this so-called Experimental Subject No. 1 must be a freak of the special type.

It’s really a headache!

Taking a puff of his cigar irritably, Beigong Mu asked: "Besides this big guy, how many artificial freaks are there in the factory? Where are the researchers in the laboratory? Are there any survivors?"

Xia Lengling responded: "In addition to the No. 1 Experimental Subject, there are three No. 1 Experimental Subjects and two No. 2 Experimental Subjects. As for the other low-level Experimental Subjects, the number cannot be counted for the time being. There should be survivors...


Almost unable to hold back, Beigong Mu burst out angrily: "Why did it take half a year to report such a big accident? It's just a joke!"

"This is also the question I want to ask..." An Gufeng said solemnly.

Hu Haiquan, the Lord of Longdu City, was also a little angry: "Xia Lenling, as the head of the Communications Department, you also serve as the director of the Intelligence Department. This is a major dereliction of duty on your part!"

Faced with the questioning of the three people, Xia Lengling wanted to cry but had no tears.

How did she know that Qin Zhiqiang would hide it and not report it? She was really tricked to death.

"This matter is indeed my responsibility..."

With a wry smile, Xia Lengling raised his head and said, "As for the reason for the delay, it should be related to Qin Zhiqiang's selfishness."

The research project on artificial monsters has always been carried out secretly by Qin Zhiqiang authorized by the Longdu War Preparedness Department.

To put it bluntly, the Longdu War Preparedness Department funded Qin Zhiqiang to do the dirty work.

Even if the incident really comes to light, they can put all the responsibility on Tianqin Metal Smelting Company, a private organization.

"I sent someone to investigate..."

Xia Lengling secretly gritted his teeth and said: "Qin Zhiqiang's illegitimate son seems to be working in that factory, and has been responsible for the research of artificial monsters on the front line."

"This guy is probably afraid that if he reports it to the War Readiness Department, all the survivors will be purged, so he has been delaying it until now..."

The three of them were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Hu Haiquan took a sip of the tea in his cup and said with a gloomy face: "Does he think he can save his son's life by reporting it now?"

"It's no longer needed." Xia Lengling shook her head.

"What's the meaning?"

After pressing the controller, the official website of the Longdu branch of the Alliance Association appeared on the projector.

Xia Lingling said: "Qin Zhiqiang has long ago announced the mission to save his illegitimate son in the Alliance Association behind our back. In order to hide from others, he set the difficulty of the mission to C level..."

"Just this morning, this task was completed by a D-class night watchman alone."


Including Beigong Mu, the three powerful men in Longdu stood up at the same time.

They looked at Xia Lengling in disbelief, some of them couldn't believe their ears!

Bei Gong Mu's expression was even more uncertain.

After Xia Lengling's introduction to the factory just now, he knew very well how dangerous that ghost place was.

A mere D-level newcomer broke into a group of monsters single-handedly and safely rescued a survivor in a factory as huge as a maze!

This is simply a fantasy!

Hu Haiquan asked anxiously: "Who did it?! Is there any information about this guy?"

"Not really."

Shaking his head, Xia Lengling said helplessly: "The Night Watch Alliance Association adopts an absolute confidentiality system for the certified Night Watch information. Even if we come forward, the Alliance Association will not break the rules..."

"The only information we know so far is a nickname this guy registered on the Internet, called Loli Killer!"

Loli killer?!

What a mess!

Hu Haiquan and An Gufeng looked at each other. The two old guys were full of misunderstandings about such a middle-class online name.

The atmosphere in the conference room was awkward for a while...


After a while, Beigong Mu laughed loudly: "What an interesting boy!"

Almost laughing with tears in his eyes, Bei Gong Mu smoked a cigar and said, "Haven't you guessed it yet? This guy is probably the divine martial body you were looking for all over the world a few days ago!"

Divine martial body...

How could it be a divine martial body?!

He actually refused the invitation from the War Preparedness Department!

Startled slightly, both Hu Haiquan and An Gufeng felt pain in their hearts.

Faced with the olive branch offered by the Longdu War Preparedness Department, this once-in-a-century genius decisively gave up the great opportunity to become a National Night Watchman!

They would rather succumb to become a member of the Global Night Watch Alliance Association, even if they don't give them the opportunity to discuss face to face.

This deep sense of frustration made the two bosses almost vomit blood from anger.

They don't want to believe this is true.

But if you think about it carefully, except for the newcomer with the divine martial body who has the strength to rescue Qin Zhiqiang's illegitimate son from that factory, who else has the courage and ability?

This loss is really huge!

Xia Lengling remained silent. She had actually guessed the truth a long time ago, but she just didn't want to face it.

In any case, whether it was the loss of contact with the Shenwu Ti or the failure of the Intelligence Department, they were all directly or indirectly related to her.

If someone wants to be held accountable, she must be held accountable.

"Okay, if nothing happens, I'll leave first!"

Seeing the two old men eating turtles, Beigong Mu was in a good mood.

He stood up and left.

"Where are you going? The combat deployment has not been drawn up yet!" Hu Haiquan said immediately dissatisfied.

Just as he reached the door, Bei Gong Mu stopped and turned around and said: "I am the director of the Operations Department. Just leave it to me and my team members to eliminate those artificial freaks..."

"As for other dirty deeds, I have no interest at all!"

After saying that, he opened the door and left without anyone daring to stop him along the way.

"Asshole! This guy is too arrogant!" Hu Haiquan clenched his fists angrily, and Hu Haiquan was shaking with anger.

Sighing, An Gufeng was much calmer than the old city lord who became angry due to embarrassment.

He glanced at Xia Lengling, who was at a loss what to do, and then ordered: "Lengling, give me a chance to redeem myself and make meritorious deeds."

"These two things! If done well, the War Preparedness Department will not hold you responsible for dereliction of duty."

"Minister An, just give your orders!" Xia Lengling said quickly.

After taking a deep look at the picture on the projection, An Gufeng murmured: "First, send people from the intelligence office to follow Beigong Mu's combat team and find an opportunity to deal with all the survivors in the factory. No one can be left behind.


After a pause, An Gufeng narrowed his eyes: "Second, continue to follow and investigate Qin Zhiqiang and the suspicious people around him. Only he has ever been in contact with the Shenwu Body. If you follow the clues, you might be able to find out the whereabouts of the Shenwu Body...


Slightly startled, Xia Lengling gritted her teeth secretly and nodded slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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