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Chapter 377 Negotiations between freaks!?

The huge dragon head drooped slightly.

"Tree Beard Dragon God" frowned and looked at Xiaowanzi, as if he was very afraid of the little girl in front of him.

A drop of cold sweat oozed from its forehead, and it couldn't help but slowly slid down...


The dragon claws on the forelimbs are raised high.

"Treebeard Dragon God" pointed in the direction of Xue Yun and patiently let out a series of continuous low roars.


He started dancing violently in mid-air, and Xiaowanzi muttered, getting so angry that he kept screaming "嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤".

The little guy would occasionally look back and point at Xue Yun, and then continue to make wild gestures at the "Treebeard Dragon God"!

I watched in stunned silence as the two freaks went from making a fuss to moaning, and finally started whispering.

Xue Yun felt that his world view had been shattered to pieces, and he still couldn't put it together at all...

It is obvious that Xiaowanzi, who is a saint of the Zhulong clan, is negotiating with the "Treebeard Ancestral Dragon God"!

Yaya, bah!

Doesn’t it mean that freaks have no self-awareness at all and only have simple wisdom!?

Damn it... we have a lively conversation, what's the big deal?!

Could it be that I am hallucinating...

As we all know.

The ability of language communication is the best evidence that human beings are different from other creatures and claim to be high-level creatures, commonly known as the "spirit of all things"!

Effective verbal communication is a feat that only humans with self-awareness can accomplish!

Could it be...

These high-level freaks, like humans, have long had the ability to communicate, but they just don't show it too much?!

Thinking of this, Xue Yun couldn't help but shudder...

It seems.

The only super freak with self-awareness recognized by human society - the Chosen One, may not necessarily be the most special existence!

My mind was in chaos.

Xue Yun was just thinking wildly when the radio communicator on his waist suddenly made an inexplicable sound of electricity.

"...Xue Yun...are you here?!" Susan's voice came intermittently from the communicator.


Putting the communicator to his mouth, Xue Yun suddenly asked: "Are you, Frank, and everyone else okay?"

The other end of the communicator was silent for a long time.

"It's okay, everyone is fine..."

Susan responded: "We have basically eliminated all the Red Blood Army members..."

Xue Yun was slightly taken aback, a little surprised.

There are tens of thousands of heavily armed Red Blood Army soldiers. Even if Susan and the others strictly implement their "guerrilla warfare" strategy, it is unlikely that they can completely annihilate the enemy in such a short period of time.

This efficiency is too high?!

"Thanks to the Rainforest Ancestral Dragon..."

After a pause, Susan continued to explain: "It controlled all the wild monsters in the rain forest and helped us deal with the remaining Red Blood Army!"


Looking dumbfounded at the giant dragon hovering in mid-air, Xue Yun held the communicator in his hand and was completely speechless.

Who else could the "Ancestral Dragon of the Rainforest" in Susan's mouth be besides the "big loach" in front of her?!

This guy actually helped the people at the rescue center... Wild freaks also selectively help humans?!

It’s really incredible!

"Xue Yun...listen to me..."

Her voice sounded a little anxious, and Susan explained silently.

"The Rainforest Ancestral Dragon is no ordinary freak. According to the legends of the local indigenous tribes, it has reached an agreement with the tribal leaders here since the great catastrophe hundreds of years ago and is responsible for guarding the safety of this rainforest...


"It can even be said that the rainforest itself is the habitat it created!"

Raising his eyebrows, Xue Yun suddenly remembered the scene where the giant dragon created a large area of ​​vegetation with its movements.

It seems that the local folklore is a true story!

There is a vast world, and humans are also a part of it.

The local indigenous tribes have lived in this rainforest hundreds of years ago. They have inherited it from generation to generation, and their blood has long been integrated with the Atamu Rainforest.

Like the wild beasts and monsters in the rainforest, they are part of this ecological closed loop.

The "Treebeard Dragon God" did not attack the people in the rescue center after waking up. It should be that a certain aura of these indigenous people matched the rain forest, so the dragon did not attack them, but turned around and dealt with the red blood.


"The ancestor dragon has been sleeping for hundreds of years and has been silently maintaining the balance of the rainforest ecological environment..."

After a pause, Susan continued: "Maybe because of the wars in recent decades, more and more people have entered the rainforest, disturbing its sleep..."

"Just now, our battle with the Red Blood Army probably completely awakened it..."

Xue Yun nodded in sudden realization, and laughed dumbly.

No wonder the "Big Loach" finished fucking Bach and then came to fuck himself...

They are not local aborigines, and they exude the strongest biological force field!

The entire Atamu Rainforest is like a living ecosystem, and the "Treebeard Dragon God" is the immune cell of this ecosystem, specifically responsible for swallowing up foreign germs.

Xue Yun and Bach are like two "super pathogens" to it!

If I don’t destroy you, who will I destroy?

"So, Xue Yun..."

Susan continued: "Hurry up and join us at the entrance of the rain forest. As long as we stay with the local indigenous people, the ancestral dragon will not attack us... Never hit an egg with an egg against a stone, even if you are a divine warrior.

He is Zulong’s opponent!”

"If you didn't tell me earlier..."

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Xue Yun responded: "The great warlord Bach has been beaten away by this stupid dragon..."


Susan expected that the Dragon God would find them, but she never thought it would be so fast!

"You...you're not hurt, are you?!"

"I almost burped."

He took a long breath.

Looking at Xiao Wanzi who was still whispering to the giant dragon in mid-air, Xue Yun curled his lips and said, "You might not believe it if I tell you..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Xue Yun smiled bitterly and said: "My armed freak is negotiating with this stupid dragon..."


There was silence on the other end of the communicator for a long time, and Frank's voice suddenly sounded: "Brother, tell the truth, how much did you drink?"

This chapter has been completed!
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