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Chapter 547 Have you awakened the legendary system!?

The sun sets and stars fill the night sky.

Outside the canteen of the training camp, Xue Yun, his Dawn Walker partners, and Liu Lang and his wife sat around a round table.

on the desktop.

A huge ceramic pot was placed on the iron pot, and there was a red-hot charcoal fire under the boiler.

Everyone had dishes and chopsticks placed in front of them, staring intently at the ceramic pots. In the light of the night, they looked like a pack of hungry wild wolves.


Couldn't help but swallow.

After smelling the fragrance overflowing from the ceramic jar, Zhuge Gang licked his lips and asked: "President Liu... This dish is too fragrant. You can tell it is not ordinary by smelling it. Did you just

What's your name?"

Liu Lang didn't have time to respond before he could.

Xue Yun was caught off guard and replied: "The name of this dish is called Buddha Jumps Over the Wall..."

As a time traveler, Xue Yun certainly knows the secrets involved!

Living in this weird apocalyptic wasteland era, he was still lucky enough to taste such an authentic god-level dish. More than a year ago, Xue Yun would not have dared to have such extravagant expectations.

a few hours ago.

Because of the sudden commotion in the city lord's palace, Bei Gong Mu and Hu Haiquan were in no mood to pay attention to Xue Yun and his gang.

A group of big guys from the combat readiness department led a large group of troops and immediately withdrew from the training camp without saying a word!

Xue Yun was left alone, and everyone looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, as if what happened just now was just a big dream.

After a brief moment of confusion, everyone looked away.

A mere Xue Yun who stole the empire's property, and at most a training camp that would lead to death, how could it be more important than the ridiculous prince of the Great Xia Empire?!

Xue Yun didn't have a good impression of Prince Gong at all, so naturally he wouldn't wade into this muddy water!

If that's the case, then just do whatever you have to do!

Ke Youliang organized the students to return to the student dormitory to rest. Liu Lang authorized Marshall to return to Dongji Island with more than 4,000 "thugs" from the alliance association. He himself took Caroline to Longdu.

Stay for a while.

Marshall actually refused Liu Lang's decision at first.

But when Liu Lang officially granted him the acting management rights of the Dongji Island Association's headquarters, the old boy instantly forgot about it.

Not only did he happily accept the arrangement, but he also immediately gathered the men of the Alliance Association and hurriedly left Longdu in the main ship airship.

Ever since——

Everything is back on track, as if something happened, but also as if nothing happened!

"Good guy..."

Holding the bowl and chopsticks, Hu Kui said anxiously: "This has been simmering for more than three hours. When can we start eating?"

"Don't be anxious, Buddha jumps over the wall, all he cares about is the heat!"

Staring at the stove seriously.

Liu Lang turned to look at Black Pearl, grinned and said: "Beauty, do you want to trouble you again?"

He rolled his eyes helplessly.

Black Pearl raised her hand and summoned the Slime Sage King.

"Mimicry, Fire Sigh!"


The transparent slime suddenly jumped into the air, and raging flames slowly brewed in its body until its entire body was covered with red mottled lines.


Puffing up his cheeks, the slime struggled to spit out a scorching flame into the boiler in front of him!

In an instant.

The fire at the bottom of the pot rose, and wisps of fragrant white mist overflowed from the cracks in the lid of the porcelain pot. Everyone around the table couldn't help but twitch their index fingers!

Holding his forehead, Xue Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Good guy!

The ability of armed freaks is actually used to cook food...

Fortunately, this scene was not seen by the students in the training camp, otherwise the three views of these young people would have been distorted!


He straightened up suddenly.

In front of everyone, Liu Lang reached out and opened the lid of the ceramic jar. The aroma immediately filled the nose within a hundred meters, and the hot steam almost blinded everyone's eyes.

Sea cucumber, abalone, scallops and a wide variety of side dishes.

all in all!

As long as it was a high-end ingredient collected in this era, Liu Lang tried his best to get it, and then he prepared such an ultimate feast for everyone!

"What are you waiting for?"

Raising his eyebrows, Xue Yun picked up the bowl and chopsticks and eagerly said, "Let's make rice!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but look at each other.

The next moment——

Everyone got excited and started using their chopsticks!

The huge vat of Buddha jumped over the wall and was eaten by everyone in the blink of an eye. While enjoying the meal, he wished he could snatch the food from other people's bowls!

It was so lively to watch everyone enjoying the food and having a lot of fun.

Liu Lang leaned back on the seat and showed a happy smile.

"President Liu, why don't you move your chopsticks?" Zhuge Gang asked suddenly.

"Don't worry about me, you can eat slowly."

After taking a long breath, Liu Lang murmured with a smile: "As a chef, it is very satisfying for me to see people appreciating the dishes I cook!"

"President Liu's skills are truly amazing..."

Hu Kui, who was devouring his food, couldn't help but give a thumbs up and praised: "If you retire in the future, you can open a restaurant, and your business will definitely be booming!"

Slightly startled.

Liu Lang said with emotion: "Speaking of which, when I was in my hometown, my dream was to open a restaurant of my own. It's a pity..."

Everyone fell silent and looked at him without knowing why.

Except for Xue Yun, I'm afraid no one can understand Liu Lang's mood.

"Speaking of which..."

Put down the empty dishes and chopsticks.

Black Pearl frowned and said: "President Liu, you kept saying on the airship during the day that you and Xue Yun are fellow villagers. Were you also born in Longdu?!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere immediately became weird.

Among those present, Hu Kui and Zhuge Gang were both purebred natives of Longdu.

They have been in the Longdu Night Watch circle for many years, and naturally have their own connections. If a figure like Liu Lang really had appeared in Longdu, they would not have known about it!

The only explanation is that Liu Lang was not born and raised in Longdu.

So what happened to the hometown I mentioned before?!

If the hometown Liu Lang and Xue Yun mentioned was not Longdu, where could it be?!

Everyone raised their heads silently, looking at the two people with doubts, and all felt a little strange.


The forehead is covered with black lines.

Xue Yun quickly stood up and tried to smooth things over: "I think it's getting late, so let's all disperse and get some rest early. You guys will still have to teach the students tomorrow morning!"

"Yes, yes!"

Grabbing Caroline's hand next to him, Liu Lang nodded and said: "My wife should be sleepy too... Get some rest early. Staying up late is harmful to your body, especially you two girls. Do you understand beauty sleep?"


Everyone looked at each other in shock.

It was almost immediately obvious that the two of them had something up their sleeves, but no one was too lazy to expose them. They cleaned up and got up one after another.

As human beings, everyone has secrets that they don't want to mention. Since we are friends, there is no need to break the casserole and ask for the truth.

Many times, proper avoidance and non-interference are also a kind of profound gentleness!

As Caroline finally left, Xue Yun and Liu Lang were the only two people left in the open space outside the cafeteria.

"It's finally quiet..." Liu Lang said with a bitter smile.


Taking out a bottle of good wine from the system space, Xue Yun said thoughtfully: "How about we have a couple of drinks first?"

Seeing Xue Yun volleying with his backhand to pick up the object as if by magic.

Liu Lang's eyes suddenly opened and he couldn't help but murmured: "Good guy, I knew it..."

"Be honest!"

Reaching out and grabbing Xue Yun's arm, Liu Lang shouted excitedly: "When you traveled to this world, did you awaken the legendary system?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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