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Chapter 572 Fist without eyes, you know...

Hearing this, the whole place was in an uproar.

Discussions immediately started among the crowd!

He frowned.

Xue Yun stared at Li Kuixing, who was above him, and he was also unsure of what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd!

"You're kidding, there are no rules..."

I thought to myself for a moment.

Ding Mian gritted his teeth and said, "Wouldn't that be a complete mess? Everyone can do whatever they want!?"

Without rules, there would be nothing.

Such a competitive game with no established rules is bound to turn into chaos.

The most important thing is——

If there are no corresponding rules, how can we determine the outcome?

This is obviously not common sense!

"Everyone, listen to my explanation!"

It seems that he is very satisfied with the reaction of the contestants present.

Holding the high platform with both hands.

Li Kuixing said bluntly: "The reason why His Majesty the Emperor wants to hold this competition is to select the rising stars in our Daxia Empire training camp who are truly good at fighting..."

"Just imagine it!"

There was a pause.

Li Kuixing sneered: "On a real battlefield, are there any so-called rules?!"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone remained silent, and the open space in front of the city wall was suddenly silent!

As Li Kuixing said——

If you encounter a serious actual battle, neither the enemy nor the freaks will abide by any ridiculous rules.

On the real battlefield, the only thing you need to do is to kill the enemy by any means necessary, and at the same time try to keep your own forces as safe as possible.

Although it is cruel, it is a naked reality!

"So, there are no rules in this game!"

Squinting his eyes slightly.

Li Kuixing pointed to the transparent dome inside the city wall and said loudly: "In five minutes, you will be randomly airdropped into this closed battlefield, and each of you will be assigned a backpack..."

"It contains limited food, drinking water and precious medicines!"

He raised his hand and stroked the beard on his chin.

Li Kuixing stretched out his index finger and continued: "In one week, the team with the highest efficiency in hunting monsters will be the champion of this competition!"

The buzzing discussion erupted again.

All the contestants were confused by this seemingly fair competition system...

The next moment——

Dozens of national night watchmen burst into their ranks and distributed the military backpacks they had agreed to earlier one by one.

He reached out and took the backpack.

Xue Yun raised his eyebrows and slowly opened it to take a look.

The items in the backpack are piled up in twos and threes, and it can't be said to be rich at all.

A box of unknown canned meat, a bottle of about 300 ml of purified water, a pack of compressed biscuit-style field rations, and the rest is only a pack of white hemostatic bandages...

Good guy!

With just such a small amount of supplies, let alone seven days, most people probably wouldn't be able to stay in a dangerous outdoor environment like the Freak Cemetery for a day!

"Let me go, how can I survive here?"

Duanmuxiong looked sad and complained: "With a can and a pack of biscuits, wouldn't a person with a big appetite starve to death in the wild?!"

"Food is not the main difficulty, the most worrying thing is actually the water source problem..."

He looked straight at the supplies in his backpack.

Tian Zelin shook his head and said: "A person can survive for about ten days without eating, but if he doesn't drink water, he will be buried in the earth in less than three days..."

He closed his backpack and took a long breath.

Tian Zelin turned to look at everyone and said with a wry smile: "Although this food is not much, if it is distributed reasonably, it should still last about a week. But such a small bottle of fresh water cannot solve any problem at all!"

"Damn it, aren't you asking us to die?!" Ding Mian said angrily.

In an instant——

The entire scene was immediately filled with sadness.

Many people complained, and dissatisfaction began to spread like a virus.

"Shut up and be quiet!"

He slapped Lan Shan at the edge of the high platform hard.

Li Kuixing stroked his goatee and shouted in a deep voice: "What the Great Xia Empire needs are fearless true warriors, not a group of cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death..."

"Now, you still have the right to choose to quit!"

Put on an expression that looks like a hawk looking at a wolf.

Li Kui

Convenience, those noble honors and status in the past will also be lost to you forever!"

"How to choose is up to you!"

Faced with Li Kuixing's strength, all the contestants remained silent.

Status and treatment are sometimes more difficult to let go than life itself!

In this sad apocalyptic wasteland era.

Losing your background means losing everything. Even if you are alive, you are like a lost dog, precarious and meaningless!

A disdainful smile.

Xue Yun doesn't have much obsession with high-ranking officials and generous salaries.

He originally came from a slum, and he has been struggling on his own since his debut, and he has no regard for power at all.

It's just because I promised Ke Youliang before that I would lead the three rookies behind me to win the championship.

This will give the Longdu training camp a chance to breathe.

Otherwise, the only person who would raise his hand to call for quitting would probably be Xue Yun.

"very good......"

Seeing that no one had any intention of quitting.

Li Kuixing looked at the watch on his wrist, raised his head and said in a deep voice: "There are still three minutes left. If you don't understand anything, you can ask it as soon as possible. We won't wait until it's late!"

Startled violently!

All the teams started whispering...

This is their last chance to find a chance to survive from the rules. Once they miss it, no one will be able to help them.

All of a sudden, there were an endless stream of people asking questions.

However, these are very low-level questions, and some people even asked whether there are temporary toilets in the stadium for people's convenience...

Faced with such a stupid problem, Li Kuixing certainly sneered.

In addition to the roar of laughter, it brought a little sense of relaxation to the tense atmosphere!

"I have a question!"

A white arm suddenly stretched out, and a man with a dignified appearance slowly stepped out from the crowd.

Xue Yun took a closer look and recognized this guy instantly!

He is the number one enemy that Xia Lengling has repeatedly emphasized to pay special attention to, nicknamed Devil Man Tu - Yu Wentai!

"Ask..." Li Kuixing smiled slightly and nodded.

As the general manager of the Imperial City's Forbidden Palace, Li Kuixing and Yu Wentai are of course old acquaintances.

Although the two of them were not flirting with each other, the awkward feeling was still visible to Xue Yun...

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Yuwentai was not surprised and said: "If we are unable to persist due to various reasons in the middle of the game, do we have the right to automatically abstain?"

After all, you only have one life!

Faced with depleted supplies and the desperate situation of monster beasts, I believe everyone wants to get a chance of survival.

At that time, it didn’t seem too shaky to choose to give up halfway and settle for the next best thing!

"Sorry, you don't have such rights!"

He shook his head indifferently.

Li Kuixing said coldly: "Once you officially enter the arena, it means a fight to the death. Again, there is no chance to do it again on the real battlefield, but I can give you a friendly suggestion...


Smile slightly.

Li Kuixing suggested: "If you really can't hold on anymore, you can find a quiet place and hide secretly. If you are lucky, you may be able to survive in seven days!"

I have to say.

Li Kuixing's suggestion is not very lethal, but very insulting!

If you don't want to die, just be a coward.

It all depends on whether you have the luck to survive...

However, in the face of a life-and-death dilemma, enduring humiliation and surviving is probably the only way to end well.

Just when everyone was lamenting.

Xue Yun suddenly stepped forward and pushed aside the crowd, standing directly with Yu Wentai!

Longdu's young divine martial body has almost become a household name in the circle of the night watchmen of the Great Xia Empire.

The video of Xue Yun fighting against the monster beasts on the wall of Fengdu has already become popular on social networks.

In an instant——

Everyone's attention was focused on him. Everyone held their breath and did not dare to make a sound.

"Uh... let me ask you a question by the way!"

He grinned at Li Kuixing on the high platform.

Xue Yun stood with his hands behind his back and said neither humble nor arrogantly: "Among the twelve teams present, are they allowed to fight and kill each other? If the attack is too heavy and accidentally kill the other party, will it be considered a violation of the laws of the Great Xia Empire? After all, fists and kicks

Eyeless, uh...you know!"

This chapter has been completed!
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