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Chapter 578

Got Xue Yun's approval.

The three men immediately jumped up and burst out of the grass with a surprise attack!

Controlling their own armed monsters, the young people in front of them cooperated very well.

Tian Zelin took the lead, manipulating the Poker Magician to rush into the group of monster beasts, and instantly broke up the hordes of blood mastiffs.

The sky full of Four Elephant Poker is sweeping across the world!

The powerful negative status almost completely depressed the monster herd.

Duanmuxiong and Ding Mian fired their bows from left to right.

In conjunction with Tian Zelin's charge, a highly efficient one-sided massacre followed!

"Haha, fortunately I have the foresight..."

Standing alone in the grass.

Seeing his students showing off their prowess, Xue Yun sighed with emotion: "If it hadn't been for the half month of hard work before, how could these rookies have performed like this?"

Facing such a group of low-level freaks.

Xue Yun can definitely let Xiao Wanzi take action, and he can make them docile with just one dragon power!

But if you do this, it will also cause great disturbance.

The teams hidden throughout the Freak Cemetery will immediately find everyone's traces.

Even not just humans, some high-level freaks lurking in the shadows will definitely be alarmed by Maruko's dragon power.

The competition for hegemony has just begun.

Twelve teams tested each other, and the weak ones were far from being eliminated.

At this stage——

Being too high-profile means unnecessary consumption and is a very unwise choice!


The flowing slashes brought roaring water splashes all over the sky.

Bowing and crawling on the back of the armed monster, Ding Mian controlled the Taiyi Golden Toad to leap into the air with a knife.

Accompanied by a soft cry!

The brilliant blue sword light flashed past, and the few remaining Mad Bat Blood Mastiffs were immediately torn into pieces. Before the screams could even be heard, they immediately cried blood on the spot!

"Perfect kill!"


Ding Mian happily extended his scissor hands towards everyone.

Raising his eyebrows, Xue Yun glanced at his watch.

Counting from the time the trio took action, less than three minutes had passed.

"Stop fucking!"

Go straight to the battlefield in the depression.

Xue Yun kicked Ding Mian on the butt and said unceremoniously: "Hurry up and clean the battlefield and throw the corpses of these freaks far away to avoid attracting attention!"

The threesome were so sad that they had no choice but to act as a corpse collection team for the time being.

If so many monster corpses were piled up at the entrance of the cave, it would inevitably arouse suspicion among interested people.

After cleaning up the traces of the battlefield, Xue Yun and the trio reached out to remove the dense vegetation that blocked the cave.

There was no sound in the dark cave.

A biting coldness slowly came out. Everyone squinted their eyes and looked into the cave. There was no light at all, and the visibility was basically zero.

"There... aren't there any freaks in there?!" Duanmuxiong said uneasily.

I felt vigilantly for a moment.

Xue Yun found no trace of the monster, but this does not mean that the cave must be safe!

Many high-level freaks, like the Night Watchmen, know how to conceal the aura of biological force fields, and you will fall into their ambush if you are not careful.

"It's unlikely, but it's better to be careful."

Xue Yun shook his head and pointed toward the cave.

The Xuantian Zhulong Goddess behind her suddenly rose up, opened her small cherry mouth and sprayed out a stream of colorful flames!


The hot dragon's breath instantly penetrated the entire cave, hitting the bottom and exploding with a bang!

The next moment——

The dark and cold cave trembled slightly, and after a while, there was no unnecessary movement.

"No problem, go in and have a look."

After testing, Xue Yun finally confirmed that there were no wild monsters in the cave.

Take out a simple flashlight from the system space with your backhand.

With the faint light, everyone had the courage to enter the cave one after another!

Inside the cave.

The temperature is at least dozens of degrees lower than outside.

The entire cave is only about seven or eight meters deep. Although it is not narrow, the air humidity is very high.

He reached out and touched the smooth stone wall.

Xue Yun put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, but it was just the most ordinary fresh water.

Look up.

As expected, there were stalactites of varying sizes hanging above the head, and cold water droplets were constantly falling to the ground, occasionally making weird ticking sounds.

"It seems it's safe here..."

Take a long breath.

Xue Yun waved his hand and immediately took out four thick cotton-padded jackets from the system space.

These gadgets were the inventory he left behind when he accidentally flashed to the northern border last time, and he didn't expect that they would come in handy at this time.

"One piece for each person, change quickly!"

He casually picked up a cotton-padded jacket and put it on his body, and Xue Yun felt a lot warmer.

The lack of sunlight all year round makes the cave extremely cold.

If you can't maintain your body temperature, let alone take a good rest, everyone will probably be frozen into an ice sculpture when they wake up tomorrow morning.

I found a relatively dry place.

Xue Yun asked Tian Zelin to go out and pick up some dead wood and hay, and built a bonfire on the spot.

At this moment——

The freak cemetery outside the cave has been shrouded in night.

Above the deserted mass graves, ferocious lights flashed everywhere.

A large number of nocturnal monsters began to move frequently, wandering in the dark wilderness looking for prey!

Around a warm campfire.

Xue Yun and the trio were tasting delicious canned beef together, and occasionally heard the screams of ghosts crying and wolf howling outside the cave.

This kind of treatment is completely different from that of the teams who are still struggling to survive in the wild.

"This can be our base for the time being..."

Chewing canned beef.

Xue Yun turned over his hands again and took out four portable communicators, handing them to the confused trio.

"Why are you looking at me, holding it!?"

The trio looked at each other.

In desperation, they all put down the cans in their hands and picked one each.

"I have already adjusted the frequency..."

Glancing at the three of us, Xue Yun reminded: "If some of us get separated or have to separate due to an emergency, we can at least keep in touch with this thing."

Hearing this, the three rookie students suddenly understood and quickly fixed the communicator to their ears.

Over the next week.

What everyone will face will be unimaginable cruel killings, Xue Yun did this just in case!

He nodded with satisfaction.

Xue Yun glanced at the dark cave exit and said worriedly: "Although we are relatively safe in an indoor environment, we still cannot take it lightly..."

"From now on, someone must take turns guarding the entrance of the cave every two hours. Once there is any sign of trouble, wake up the others immediately!"

There was a pause.

Xue Yun ordered angrily: "Duanmuxiong, you will be responsible for the sentry in the first half of the night!"


He raised his head in surprise.

Duanmuxiong, who was dealing with the canned beef, suddenly became heartbroken and said with a sad face: "Why is it me again!?"

This chapter has been completed!
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