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Chapter 61 It's a man!

The Bactrian Empire was one of the only remaining human civilizations after the great cataclysm.

To be able to survive the catastrophe of the apocalypse, it naturally has a set of rules for its operation.

All citizens of the Bactrian Empire were divided into three classes.

First-class citizens are people with the ability and identity of the Night Watch. They usually hold important positions in major administrative agencies and are the core controllers of the entire empire. They have the ability and obligation to fight head-on against monsters, and accordingly they will also have various abilities.

Few privileges.

Second-class citizens are people who have been or have been attached to the Night Watch family. Due to their talents, they cannot become Night Watchmen. However, because of their background, they usually have the opportunity to receive higher education and become middle-level managers in human civilized society. They have relative

of freedom!

Qin Zhiqiang and Yao Qin, as well as many residents in the city center, all fall into this category!

Finally, the most humble third-class citizen.

Without any background or talent, they can only be forced to become cheap labor and a reproductive tool for the reproduction of the ethnic group.

Xue Yun was in this embarrassing situation before.

If he hadn't awakened his system and talents, he would most likely still be eating ashes in a slum in a slum!

As for the so-called Emergency Act No. 53, it is a legal regulation similar to emergency measures promulgated by the Daxia Empire.

In times of crisis when resources are scarce, the survival rights of third-class citizens can be appropriately sacrificed and the supply of scarce materials can be reduced to ensure the normal operation of human society.

To put it bluntly, it means giving up the car to protect the handsome man.

Give up the safety of useless people and ensure the survival rights of first- and second-class citizens.

Manager Huang was slightly surprised and said: "Brother, do you also know this law?"

I don't just know...

I almost got beaten to death by this bullshit law!

The year Emergency Act No. 53 was promulgated, Xue Yun was just eight years old.

That year coincided with a major riot by the monster tide, and the bill was immediately promulgated, significantly reducing all supplies in the slums.

Even the cheapest energy bars were out of supply, and countless people starved to death.

If Shi Kelang's parents hadn't often helped him, Xue Yun would have been in bad luck.

He doesn't like this damn bill at all!

Xue Yun did not respond to Manager Huang, but looked coldly at the guards who suppressed the farmers.


With the roar of a mechanical collision, a huge pipe slowly stretched out from under the maglev rail car.


Clear, cold water gushes from the pipe.

Farmers in the square held various utensils and lined up to fetch water under the supervision of many guards.

Everyone only has a few seconds, and how much water they can catch depends entirely on their luck.

"Director Huang, what exactly is this..."

An Ruxuan was completely unable to understand what was happening in front of her.

In her mind, a glass of water is the cheapest thing, and it means nothing.

But the eyes of the farmers in front of them were full of longing.

If it weren't for the intervention of the guards, they would have rushed over and started fighting.


Shaking his head, Manager Huang murmured and explained: "Since the water source was cut off by the monster, the town has become like this. Tens of thousands of households in the entire town are seriously lacking drinking water..."

"Originally, there were five water storage tanks in the town, which were enough for the townspeople to last for half a year. However, considering the need for water for irrigation for rice planting in the coming year, Shangfeng strictly prohibited the townspeople from drinking water from there! All the water in the water storage tanks was required.

Save it for next year’s irrigation!”

Speaking of this, the elderly manager Huang gritted his teeth: "Fengdu will send three water trucks to rescue us every day, but there are so many people who need drinking water that it cannot solve the problem at all. We had to implement it under the crisis.

Law No. 53 implements a mandatory equal distribution system of materials..."

"It is said to be an equal distribution system, but I know in my heart that the third-class citizens of Kangding Town have been abandoned!"

Hearing this, the three girls were immediately shocked.

With a cold smile, Xue Yun understood all this very well.

How could the superior night watchman care about the life and death of third-class citizens?

Being able to send maglev trains to deliver water every day is their greatest kindness!

After all, the various resources consumed in transporting a truck of water have already exceeded the value of the truck of water itself!

In their eyes, food production is far more important than the lives of these lower class people.

It’s already clear how to choose!


The rapid ringing of the bell suddenly sounded, and the pouring of clear water from the water pipes stopped abruptly.

At least half of the people in the team still didn't get water, and they all showed desperate looks.

The human body can survive for about a week without food, but it cannot survive up to three days without drinking water.

The guards under the tent unloaded a large bucket of drinking water from the rail car, which was an exclusive supply provided by the Fengdu War Readiness Department.

"Today's water supply has been allocated, so hurry up and get out of here tomorrow!"

The guards outside began to drive away the crowd who did not want to leave.

Due to the hot weapons in their hands, the farmers gradually left with lingering fear, and there were fewer and fewer people.

Xue Yun noticed that in the middle of the square, there was a short boy still standing there and not leaving.

The little guy was wearing thin clothes and had a sallow complexion, which was obviously the result of long-term malnutrition.

He was holding a broken small wooden bucket in his hand, and he was staring directly at the full bucket of water next to the guards under the tent.

Gathering up his courage, the little boy ran to the tent with the bucket and fell to his knees with a thud.

"Uncles, please give me some water! My mother and sister at home have fallen ill. The doctor in the medical room said that they have signs of severe dehydration. If they don't drink water, their lives will be in danger...

Please...please give me some water!"

As he said that, the little guy kept kowtowing to the guards.

The sound of forehead hitting the ground resounded again and again...

An Ruxuan and Leng Xintong couldn't bear to look at it any longer, they leaned on each other and lowered their heads.

Even the normally irritable Zhao Lihua turned around, not daring to face such a scene.

"Where did you come from, you little bastard, get out of here!"

A guard raised his foot and kicked the little boy to the ground.

"Have you ever heard of Bill No. 53!? Any supplies that are in short supply will be strictly distributed to third-class citizens like you! This is the rule! Do you understand?! It's none of our business if we can't get water! Get out!"

After saying this, the guard turned around and ignored him.

The little boy got up silently, his forehead already red with blood.

"You...you bastards!"

Without shedding a single tear, the little guy stared at the guards stubbornly and scolded them angrily.

"We plant so much rice for Fengdu every year, but you treat us like this. If anything happens to my mother and sister, I swear I will not let you go!"

He was so shocked that all the guards were stunned on the spot.

Most of them are second-class citizens from Fengdu. They are assigned to this ungrateful place because they do not have the talent to become night watchmen.

In their eyes, although he is not as good as the superior Night Watchman, he is definitely not someone who can be abused by the lowest scum in front of him!

"You little beast, you're looking for death!"

The furious guard picked up his weapon and pointed the butt of his gun at the little boy's head.


A muffled sound echoed in the square.

The slender jade hands clasped the guard's neck, and the hell loli's black hair flew in the air.

She coldly lifted the guard up high, and despite his difficulty in breathing and struggling desperately, there was nothing she could do.

Xue Yun had already stopped in front of the little boy.

Without looking at the timid expression of the guard behind him, he faced the astonished little guy and stretched out his thumb vigorously: "You are young, not afraid of power, not afraid of honor or disgrace, you are a damn man, I admire you


[The author has something to say]

Important things should be said three times!

Parallel time and space, science fiction!

Parallel time and space, science fiction!

Parallel time and space, science fiction!

This chapter has been completed!
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