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Chapter 631: The Power of Six Paths

Dragging the huge keel tail vertebrae behind it.

Yuwentai in front of him has completely lost his human appearance.

It’s not just a matter of annihilation of self-awareness.

Almost except for his head, his body and core of consciousness were completely controlled by the White Bone Black Monk.

Completely reduced to an empty puppet!


Opening his eyes suddenly, a strange smile appeared on Yuwentai's face.

In a blink of an eye.

Countless bone spur tentacles burst out from Yuwentai's back!

A turbulent fishy wind was set off on the spot, carrying a piercing sound and roaring towards the crowd!

"Let's go up and stop it!"

Swinging the god-killing spear, his white hair fluttered in the wind.

There was no fear in Joey's eyes, and he jumped into the lead to fight against the tentacles in the sky.

The sharp ice blade follows closely behind!

Nangong Weiyang gritted her teeth and straddled the back of the armored white bear, choosing to keep a distance from the enemy and covering Joey's raiding formation from a distance.


The demon beast screamed, its fierce triangular eyes widening in anger.

Like a ghost, it stepped into the void and moved left and right.

As the sharp claws waved, the two natural elements of water and earth surged into the air.

He arrogantly plunged into the barrier formed by the bloody tentacles!

There was no time to pay attention to the fighting situation of everyone.

Xue Yun knew very well.

Just relying on two night watchmen and a catastrophic level 10 armed freak, there is no way that Yuwentai can be his opponent.

The time everyone bought for him was only a short minute!


Put your hands together fiercely!

Xue Yun took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and began to clear his mind of all distracting thoughts.

"Bronze Greed" has been unlocked.

Secretly mobilizing his sixth sense, the eye of the heart, to peer into the veins inside his body, Xue Yun concentrated all his energy and energy on his heart!

at the same moment.

The black dragon-shaped tattoo on Xue Yun's hand suddenly glowed strangely.

"Little Maruko..."

Mobilize the biological force field in the body.

Xue Yun murmured to himself: "Now, it's up to you!"


Accompanied by a deafening muffled sound.

Above Xue Yun's head, a dragon-shaped black shadow suddenly appeared!

Black shadows soared and hovered in the sky, and the sunlight that had been blocked by the evil spirit of the underworld was projected back into the Freak Cemetery.

The roaring dragon power spread in all directions, and the high-pitched roar of the dragon immediately resounded throughout the sky!

[Warning host: "The Power of Six Paths. The Eight Parts of Heavenly Dragons" is about to be opened...]

[Warning to the host: Since the eight tribes under your armed monster "Tian Shen Dao. Xuan Tian Long Nu" have not gathered together, the power of "Six Paths. Tian Long Ba Bu" will be sharply reduced by 80%, and after being used, it will cause

The host will be in a weak state for two hours. In this state, the host will lose all combat power. Please prepare the host for countermeasures...]

Next to my ears, the system beep sounded slowly.

Xue Yun remained indifferent.

He just continued to activate the biological force field with a wry smile on his face, accelerating the integration of Xiaowanzi's dragon power as quickly as possible.

It was previously in a container in Xumi Space.

Xue Yun used the bottle of "Set of Breath Isotopes" rewarded by the system on Xiaowanzi.

Ever since.

"Xuantian Zhulong Goddess" instantly reborn and transformed into a more powerful "Celestial God Way. Xuantian Dragon Goddess"!

Maruko also awakened her own "Power of Six Paths"!

"The Power of Six Paths. The Eight Parts of Heavenly Dragons"——

It is based on the dragon bloodline.

Coupled with the eight minion monsters under Maruko-chan and gathering the mental power of the eight-headed monsters, a killing move aimed at destroying the enemy's consciousness center in one fell swoop!

Whether it's a human or a freak.

The center of consciousness is not only the carrier of soul and memory, but also the source of all power!

Go through the body and go straight to Huanglong!

Destroying the opponent's center of consciousness will turn even the most powerful enemy into a walking zombie in an instant.

The only pity is.

Maruko's current minion monsters have not been collected yet. Except for Silent Puppet Master and Gemini, the remaining six seats are temporarily vacant!

This also resulted in a significant decrease in the power of this move, and also brought extra physical load to Xue Yun.

If a blow fails to succeed, Xue Yun will immediately fall into a period of weakness that lasts for two hours.

It can be said to be a real trick to keep the bottom of the box!

At this critical moment, Xue Yun couldn't worry so much.

If you can't defeat the rampaging Yuwentai, you will still die in this desolate mass grave in the end.

If you think about it this way, it's better to just go all-in.

Success or failure depends on this!

I felt the terrible aura suddenly erupting behind me.

Joey shot back the bloody tentacles and couldn't help but glance back at Xue Yun, who was motionless.

I saw the black candle dragon shadow just emerging from behind the opponent!

Suddenly startled!

Joey quickly looked away.

The feeling at that moment was as if a giant beast that had lived for hundreds of thousands of years was looking down at him.

It's unbearably frightening...

Quack, quack, quack——

A dry and terrifying scream came from Yuwentai's throat!

It seemed that he also sensed the sudden change in Xue Yun's aura.

Yuwentai, who was completely controlled, suddenly spread out his bone-white arms, dragged his body that was 100 meters away from the tailbone, and suddenly disappeared from the place!

Everyone was stunned.

Wait until you react.

The huge tailbone suddenly fell from the sky, shrouding the nearest Joey and the Demonic Beast like a mountain bearing down on top!


He quickly raised his God-killing Spear.

Joey only felt a huge force suppressing him, and his chest felt tight and he couldn't help spitting out blood.

The whole person fell dozens of meters upside down and was almost shot into the ground!

As for the Demonic Beast, he is very alert.

Relying on the characteristic of "beast intuition", this cunning freak immediately felt something was wrong.

He was the first to sacrifice the dust in the sky.

The claws stepped on the earth element and suddenly escaped far away!

But it is also because of this that the middle door in front of Xue Yun is wide open at this moment, and no one can attack him!


Sure enough!

Yuwentai raised his head and screamed strangely, suddenly stretched out his big, bone-ragged hand, and grabbed Xue Yun between his eyebrows!

"What happened..."

Just stabilized my body.

Joey looked up in despair, with mottled blood on the corners of his mouth.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye!

Joey wanted to step forward to stop him, but unfortunately the distant water could not save the near fire, and it was already too late...


A biting cold wave is fleeting!

Critical moment——

Nangong Weiyang drove the Armored White Bear King and stopped in front of Xue Yun without hesitation!

The meager elemental power of ice and snow acts on Yuwentai's body.

It is simply impossible to effectively trap the opponent!


He looked down at the white-haired boy below.

Nangong Weiyang smiled in relief and whispered in a low voice: "Promise sister, you must live..."


The ferocious bone hand covered the woman's head without any suspense.

Yuwentai pulled hard!

Red blood spurted out instantly.

Nangong Weiyang, who was still alive a second ago, has her head in a different place and her blood is scattered across the sky!

[The author has something to say]

Belated cheers,edg,yyds!!!

Young people should be like them, have faith and not be afraid of strong enemies!

This chapter has been completed!
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