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Chapter 647 Pioneer, monster herd!

The first ray of sunshine in the morning rises from the east.

The whole dragon was silent.

The checkpoint roadblocks set up on the streets last night have long been removed, and the huge fortress city is filled with a tense atmosphere.

All shop doors were closed, and millions of citizens stayed at home.

Everyone gets together with their relatives and friends.

While feeling uneasy, they were also waiting for the storm that was about to hit.

On the towering tower.

Groups of night watchmen were already ready to go, and various scrap metal building materials were piled outside the four walls.

These metal raw materials, which were supposed to be used to repair the city wall, formed a new peripheral defense line in a short period of time.

The purpose is precisely to slow down the enemy's attack on the city!

Everyone's faces were filled with determination.

As the National Night Watchmen of the War Preparedness Department, they have already prepared to coexist and die with Longdu.

In the open space five hundred meters away from the East City Tower, the temporary combat command center of the War Readiness Department has already been set up!

The simple board house made of vinyl alloy sheets looks stable!

Except for necessary communication facilities and holographic map devices, there are no fancy gadgets in the command center.

Dozens of logistics intelligence analysis and communications personnel sit in front of computers in the command center.

Pay close attention to the happenings near Longdu!

Looking at the holographic map on the table, Beigong Mu asked intently: "Are you all ready?"

His eyes flickered slightly.

Xia Lengling was stunned for a long time, and then quickly responded: "According to the previously formulated battle plan, the troops in the South City, West City, and North City are all in place. The City Defense Department also cooperated with us to transport the corresponding baggage and supplies to the tower."

"Ah That's good!"

He nodded with satisfaction.

Beigong Mu held up his chin and said in a deep voice: "The security work in the city cannot be relaxed. A wave of troops were mobilized from the troops in the East City Tower to be responsible for patrolling the fortress city. Tell them that if they find the troublemakers,

As well as any suspicious persons, they must be subdued immediately to ensure the safety of citizens!"

"This...how is this possible?!"

He raised his head and looked at Beigong Mu in shock.

Xia Lengling immediately objected: "The East City Tower is the largest entrance and exit of Longdu. The enemy is likely to launch a fierce attack here. At this time, it will dilute the precious city defense force. I think it is extremely unreasonable. What if...


"For the safety of citizens, this arrangement must be made!"

Xia Lengling was interrupted rudely.

Beigong Mu frowned and said in a deep voice: "With me in charge of the East City Tower, there is no need for so many people to defend it!"

As soon as these words came out.

The two people looked at each other, and the atmosphere became very depressed.

Xia Lengling gritted her teeth secretly, knowing in her heart the intention of the other party's arrangement.

This is completely determined to die, and he wants to stop the offensive of the entire Judgment Apostles organization by himself!

Just when she was about to open her mouth to persuade her again, Beigong Mu didn't expect to give her any chance at all.

"Director Xia, remember your identity!"

Staring at Xia Lengling closely, Beigong Mu spoke word by word.

"As a national night watchman of the Longdu War Preparedness Department, it is your bounden duty to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the citizens of the fortress city..."

He was suddenly startled.

Xia Lengling lowered her head, knowing clearly in her heart that no matter how hard she tried to persuade her, it would have no effect.

Seeing the other person bow his head and remain silent.

Beigong Mu waved his hand and ordered mercilessly: "Go and execute the order!"


Xia Lengling turned around and walked out. Just as he reached the door, the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook inexplicably!


Strong tremors erupted from the ground!

In an instant——

The entire city trembled together, and a deafening roar resounded across the sky.


Big beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

The night watchman in charge of logistics and communications shouted: "We found that a large number of monster beasts are attacking the Dragon City!"

"Report the quantity, direction and distance!" Beigong Mu asked, frowning.

“Available in all four directions!”

Staring at the dense red dots on the computer screen.

The night watchman responded anxiously: "It is about two kilometers away from Longdu. It is expected that it will collide with the city wall head-on in ten minutes. There are too many and it is impossible to estimate!"

With a bang, he stood up suddenly.

Holding a cigar in his mouth and blowing out smoke, Beigong Mu gritted his teeth and said: "This is their vanguard force. Among the beasts of the Judgment Apostles, there are indeed guys who are good at controlling low-level monsters..."

As early as a year ago.

When Fengdu lost the heart fragment of the "Chosen One", it was attacked by a group of inexplicable monster beasts.

At that time, everyone had doubted this possibility.

Now that I have personally experienced it, it can basically be said that I am inseparable!


The communicator next to my ear was filled with shouts.

The night watchman sitting in front of the computer asked nervously: "The commanders responsible for the defense on the four walls are asking for instructions... What should we do now!?"

Sit back to the original position and interlock the fingers of your hands.

Thought for a moment.

Beigong Mu then gave the order: "Give me the order, everyone should stand still and don't take the initiative to fight..."

This wave of monster beasts is just the appetizer!

Hasen wanted to use these cannon fodder-like wild freaks to test Longdu's city defense strength.

No matter what, you can't mess up your position.

"Use conventional tactics..."

Picked up a cigar.

Beigong Mu gritted his teeth and shouted: "When the monster group is five hundred meters away from the city tower, use the electromagnetic pulse cannon to kill them!"


He responded loudly.

The night watchman in charge of communications immediately conveyed the order!

Above the wilderness.

Countless low-level freaks roared crazily and rushed towards the towering city walls of Dragon City.

Looking around -

The level of these freaks is pitifully low, and the strongest is only at the level of horror level lv6!

Most of them are just aggressive level 3 deer-horned beasts.

Although this kind of monster has a violent temper, its fighting ability is mediocre. Its only advantage is a pair of tough antlers.

He is a typical charging freak!

In such a large number, once they are allowed to approach the city wall, they will inevitably cause considerable losses.

If not, it might even cause huge holes in Longdu’s city defense!

"Cheer up and watch your distance..."

On top of the city tower.

The commanders of each squadron stood ready, and the night watchmen responsible for the bombardment held their breaths.

The electromagnetic pulse cannon is already ready, just waiting for the monster wave to come within range!

At this moment.

On a peak three kilometers away.

Nim with her twin ponytails was sitting side by side with a man in a white robe.

Looking into the distance.

But they saw an overwhelming horde of crazy monster beasts gradually surrounding the huge fortress city.

"I didn't expect that the captain would appoint you to lead the charge..."

Pursed lips.

Nimu shook her head and said: "I still don't understand, no matter how many of these low-level freaks are there, what role can they play?"

"Look at what you said, it's just a layman's talk..."

Sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

An inexplicable aura of spiritual power emanated from the white-robed man.

A ghostly smile.

The man in white robe explained silently: "It has no effect, that is their biggest effect..."

This chapter has been completed!
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