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Chapter 684: Heavenly Creation, Magical Changes (2)

A pure dimensional force field barrier fell from the sky.

A heavy buzzing sound filled everyone's ears!

Regardless of the quality or sharpness of the biological force field, Hasen's blow was enough to instantly crush everything in the city into powder.

"The magic machine is ever-changing, the heavenly matrix..."

A bang!

The wood-grained gleam in his eyes shone brightly on the spot.

Beigong Mu's fists spread out, and a sky full of sawdust particles decomposed from his broad shoulders.

The surrounding space trembled slightly, and hundreds of strong beasts suddenly condensed from the surrounding area in an instant.

It's the same as "missing a door".

These savage beasts are covered with wood grains all over their bodies, and the pair of long horns in front of their heads shine with terrifying sharpness.

As their feet stepped on the void, they all let out heavy low sounds!

"Ingenuity, a wooden cow and a horse!"

Grit your teeth hard.

Beigong Mu did not hesitate, raised his hand and pushed towards the huge force field barrier in shock!


Hundreds of wooden cows and stray horses appeared from the sky, one after another, and hit the huge force field barrier in the sky.

In an instant——

Thunder alternates, sawdust flies everywhere!

But I just came into contact with it.

All the wood elements in the sky collapsed, and hundreds of extremely ferocious wooden cows and horses were instantly torn into pieces by the power of the force field.

There is no way to compete with the force field barrier.

"Hahahaha, it's so ridiculous!"

Standing on top of the humanoid monster's head.

Hassen shook his head contemptuously and said: "Beigong Mu, why do you do such a meaningless thing and transform so many wooden beasts? In the end, it is just a waste of your energy for no reason!"

"That's not necessarily the case!"

The arms covered with thick wood grain armor suddenly spread out.

A look of determination flashed between his eyebrows.

Beigong Mu raised one hand and shouted in a deep voice: "God's plans are ever-changing, and God's work is submissive!"


The sky full of sawdust that was evenly floating outside the force field barrier just now was suddenly startled.

The next moment——

The densely packed wood particles reorganized and condensed again!

The pieces were spliced ​​together to form a huge wooden curtain, the size and shape of which were just right against the falling force field barrier. At first glance, it was actually airtight!

A brilliant light bloomed in the pupils.

Beigong Mu raised his head in the air, raised his hand and opened his palm, and then gave it a fierce squeeze from the air!


The wooden curtain that blocked out the sky began to shrink on the spot, like a huge bag that was about to wrap up the force field barrier.

"You want to stop my offensive...it's not that easy!"

Narrowing his eyes slightly.

Hassen raised the corners of his mouth crazily, stretched out his hand and pressed down hard!

The Chosen Son suddenly spread out his arms, and the cross mark on his forehead emitted a dazzling brilliance.

He also violently suppressed Bei Gong Mu below him!

"You know, there is no "Water of Return to Ruins" in my body..."

There were ferocious veins popping up on his forehead.

Hazen worked hard to control the biological force field in the Chosen Son's body, constantly exerting overwhelming pressure.

"Beigong Mu, if you keep going like this, I really want to see how long you can hold on!?"

In mid-air.

Lightning flashes and the space trembles!

The two masters collaborated with the two super freaks to constantly compete with each other for the initiative on the battlefield.

He gritted his teeth silently.

Bei Gong Mu felt that the blood in his body was swelling, and the "Water of Return to Ruins" began to go on a completely crazy rampage.

The internal organs in the body were severely damaged, and there were already signs of internal bleeding.

He accidentally coughed up a mouthful of blood in his throat, but he didn't dare to say anything at all and could only swallow it silently.

The two sides were in a stalemate, facing each other tit for tat in mid-air.

The storm and lingering clouds made the entire city panic.

Everyone held their breath, nervously paying attention to the battle situation in the sky, and silently praying for the Longdu War God.

"This can't go on like this..."

In the ruined wilderness.

Xue Yun looked up at Beigong Mu who was struggling to support himself in the sky, feeling anxious in his heart.

The two sides in the sky are still in a stalemate.

This kind of energy-consuming tug-of-war can be said to be very detrimental to Bei Gong Mu.

If it continues like this.

Maybe before it's too late to kill Hasen, Longdu War God will be the first to lose his hold and blood will be splattered on the spot!

"t800, take me into the city quickly... t800?!"

I called out, but there was no movement.

Unable to help but frown, Xue Yun looked at the robot beside him with a puzzled face.

I saw T800 looking up at the huge humanoid monster in the sky.

The eyes of the mechanical light bulb flickered back and forth, and his face was filled with inexplicable hesitation.

"What's wrong with you? What's going on?" Xue Yun asked.


The sturdy robot looked confused and said absentmindedly: "General... the giant I often see in my dreams seems to be exactly the same..."

Stunned on the spot, Xue Yun's mind went blank.

As an artificial mechanical life form, T800 certainly does not need to sleep.

But this does not mean that it is always fully loaded. When there is nothing to do, this product will temporarily shut down most of its functions and enter a standby state.

This is what the t800 considers "sleeping"...

In the past, T800 often claimed that he would dream of a towering giant when in standby mode.

Xue Yun only thought that this guy was a hallucination caused by watching too many soap operas.

But at this juncture, this guy decided that the giant in the dream was the "Chosen One" in front of him!

In a trance.

Xue Yun suddenly remembered the black USB disk that recorded the experimental records.

The reason why t800 has self-awareness is entirely because it was injected with some strange substance by the original researchers.

That substance was clearly extracted from the head of the "Chosen One"!

in other words--

Maybe t800, like Yao Qin, is also the carrier of the consciousness fragments of the "Chosen One"!


Why the hell did I just react now!?

I couldn't help but feel my scalp tingling for a while.

Xue Yun broke out in cold sweat, and most of his clothes were soaked in an instant.

If Hazen in the sky realizes this, he will definitely spare no effort to capture the T800.

After all the fragments of consciousness are complete, the strength of the "Chosen One" will return to its peak state!

In Bei Gong Mu's current state, even if he sacrifices his life, he probably won't be able to contain this ferocious super freak.

By that time, Dragon City will definitely be in danger...

"Stop looking, this is all an illusion!"

He quickly stopped in front of the robot.

Xue Yun narrowed his eyes and commanded in a deep voice: "Transform back into sports car form, let's enter the city, immediately, immediately!"

"Ming... understand."

Slightly startled, t800 reluctantly looked away.

It turned over and transformed back into a cool silver sports car. The magnetic levitation engine started on the spot, stirring up dust all over the sky with a dull buzzing sound.

After sitting back in the driver's seat, the T800 flew all the way towards the tower.

Xue Yun took a long breath, still feeling a little frightened.

Looking at the nearby city tower, his target was the temporary command post located in the east of the city.

Xue Yun knew it in his heart.

The only man who currently has a chance to find out where Yao Qin is is none other than that wise guy - Zhao Tianyi!

This chapter has been completed!
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